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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/11/2020 in all areas

  1. World Health Organization just declared the coronavirus as a Global Pandemic 10 minutes ago. Surprised they didn’t consult with #TheBrand with his biotech background and what not. Update on State at CompoundIndy. Dana White will be there scouting to land contracts for the new 6th grade UFC division beginning next year.
    6 points
  2. Considering 264M people more live in the USA, you are comparing apples to oranges. Also considering Italy’s population is 12% older than the USA, and the Covid-19 affects the elderly, again, can’t compare the two. The media is driving this circus. And it’s unfortunate. If we want to compare, we need to adjust for different cohorts and look at it retrospectively. And adjust for the variation. More importantly, let’s ban all Walmart’s. Considering the avg Walmart sees 4K customers a week and many many more over 10k, you are way more likely to encounter COVID-19 at Walmart than at a wrestling meet. But then again what do I know. Guess my Biotech background excludes me from knowledge. Considering everyone is an expert on the internet.
    6 points
  3. I know every Karen, Bob, and Steve is suddenly a google/social media medical expert but check out what's going on in Italy. 10k plus infected, over 400 people have died since Monday. I know this doesn't sit well w/ the conspiracy theorists and tough guys.......but let's try to not let that happen here.
    4 points
  4. 9th - 13 NCAA qualifiers ranks tied for ninth most by state with Iowa. Pennsylvania leads the pack with 48, followed by Ohio (31), Illinois (28), NJ (23), California (19), NY (17), Michigan (17) and Minnesota (16). 6th - Using the Flo rankings you can also come up with a projected number of points scored by state (assuming no bonus points). Here Indiana moves up to 6th with 91.5. Penn still leads the pack at 254 followed by Ohio (152), Illinois (139), NJ (104.5) and Minn (95.5). 3rd - But things get real interesting when you calculate projected points per wrestler. Now Indiana moves up to third on the list at 7.04. Indiana only trails West Virginia (13.5) and Arizona (9.8), but those two states have only 2 and 3 wrestlers qualified, respectively. 1st - If you limit the list to the 11 states with double digit wrestlers qualified Indiana leads by a decent margin:
    3 points
  5. This isn't the flu, there is no vaccine for this virus. This is a new virus that spread to humans in December and has now spread across the world and has a very high mortality rate. When the people who study these things are saying to be careful you probably should listen. The worst thing that can happen is people not taking this seriously and millions get infected and overload our already busy hospitals.
    3 points
  6. The facility is really nice and well built. I am sure this is their first wrestling tournament there. Maybe Y2 and I will have an emergency gorilla radio so you guys know the proper etiquette for the region.
    3 points
  7. Thanks for the wishes Kenny .
    3 points
  8. Mortality rate in 2009 was .01% to .08%. This one is 12-100x more likely to kill you. It’s not the wrestling community, it’s the school. And the world we live in today. Stay safe.
    3 points
  9. I just need my school out next Wed and Thurs so I can drive to Minneapolis. I'm also set to lose potentially Thousands on my Wrestlemania trip It sucks but I'll take it to help eradicate this stuff. Since when did we devalue the lives of senior citizens? Like do you all drag your parents and grandparents out back and put one in the skull once they hit 65?
    3 points
  10. Avid conspiracy theorist here..not so much a tough guy depending upon whom you ask.and definitely not a biotech expert (Ball U, baby!! Education redefined!) .but if I'm gonna get it, please let it be Sunday so I can self quarantine for 2 weeks of MarchMadness/MarchMatness! I'm down for laying around sick, watching 12 hours of hoops and wrasslin' all day (albeit possibly in misery) and having people stay away from me (UncleJimmy not a people person, shocking..I know!). Hopefully I survive it, but if I don't I'll go out happy I reckon. To stay on topic, I think the Triple Crown FK/FS/GR idea is a good one. Take care out there people! How have we not marketed IndianaMat 800# Gorilla medical masks yet? Who's on marketing for this place?
    3 points
  11. Asking a school or big facility to not host any events because they are a backup to the original host is virtually impossible. This is an event that needs 20+ mats, which there are maybe a handful in the state that have the capabilities of hosting. On top of that the facilities that can host have events already planned because they want to make money. The ISWA is in a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. No one wants to cancel or move the event.
    3 points
  12. Mankind vs The Undertaker June 28, 1998 King Of the Ring i win.
    3 points
  13. I’m trying to recall how much media coverage was giving to influenza last year. It’s hard to remember. I know 40 million Americans got the flu and 40,000 people died from it. But I just can’t seem to recall it being on the news every second of every day of every night. Maybe I’m mistaken.
    2 points
  14. I just start on with my qualifications. Im an expert because I have "Scholar" in my avatar name and I read a lot of stuff on the internet. I also took a biology course in college and played high school football. Maybe the problem is worse because we have 264MM more people in the US. If the death rate is 2-3% which is likely overstated but, keep in mind that's still 200% to 300% more deadly than the flu. And that's a lot more people that can get infected and die in the US. Compound this with this with the fact that we have so many more people who are uninsured and underinsured, which is going to result with a lot of people not going to the doctor when they should because of the fear the cost. Also, the US does has a shortage of ICU beds. Compound that with the incompetent way our govt has responded to the pandemic already. Also, it bothers me when were saying its the media's fault. I respectfully disagree on that comment, maybe its better for the media to be giving us too much information. As compared to our govt not being transparent and lying to us that we have under control so you can stop pulling money out of the stock market. Postponing/cancelling ISWA state this weekend is unfortunate. I did hear they're looking for alternate sites. I think were reacting too early in this case, because its barely here and in my opinion the risk is low at this point. I was thinking of Warren Central's motives: Was it fear of a lawsuit if somebody came down with the Corona Virus, or are they worried about thousands of people running around their school spreading germs for the kids when they came back, or maybe they were worried about the potential criticism of being the school that brought a large group of people together. Im really concerned the NCAA nationals next weekend in Minneapolis. This is potentially could be cancelled or at least for the fans. It will be driven by the NCAA's choice to run basketball games for March Madness. What ever the NCAA decides for basketball, the NCAA will follow. That's a lot of cash for the NCAA to lose. Concerned.
    2 points
  15. No mention of Cael McCormick? Four-time placer and two-time DI NCAA qualifier? Or another Army wrestler Ben Harvey who has had a solid NCAA career.
    2 points
  16. Gotta love those peeps with mult accounts on a website lol. Anyways. I was looking at how the wrestling community handled the last global pandemic, you know the one in 2009 for H1N1.? I can’t find any findings. Maybe you can enlighten us on how it was handled back then. And I’m in a plane for the 10th time in 12 weeks as we speak. Maybe I should just play the lottery when I get back home. Anyways, you have been enough entertainment during my flight. Enjoy the rest of your day.
    2 points
  17. I know middle school is wrapping up in Indiana, but thought I would mention that I have a lot of interest from kids from Edwardsburg, MI in the 90lb to 105lb range who plan to come to Jimtown and Mishawaka this spring. We have larger/older kids also but there are plenty of those in the room already. If you are looking for different partners for that size, we should have them.
    2 points
  18. Looks like both 2009 and 2010. Andrew Howe and Angel Escobedo won Big 10s both years.
    2 points
  19. I’d call that a MattyM idea from 4 hours earlier. But go with it either way.
    2 points
  20. Here another great MattyB idea... having it in one place would be impossible. With that said.. have the different age groups at different schools. Have Southport host Pee Wee and Bantam. Have Perry take Intermediate and Novice. Beech Grove gets School Boys and Cadets. Big boys go to Center Grove. All on south side of Indy. I know it is not ideal. Some families will have to split up. It will not be close to what we usually get.... but... it will get done.
    2 points
  21. Well if they have to postpone.... Make freestyle/Greco an Ironman. Get your triple crown in one weekend.
    2 points
  22. I think I counted 23* DI qualifiers that wrestled at IHPO.
    2 points
  23. Y2CJ41


    1 point
  24. Weight NAME SCHOOL RECORD CONFERENCE 125 Drew Hildebrandt Central Michigan 31-3 MAC 141 Chad Red Nebraska 19-7 Big Ten 141 Nick Lee Penn State 20-1 Big Ten 149 Brayton Lee Minnesota 25-8 Big Ten 149 Graham Rooks Indiana 16-10 Big Ten 157 Jake Tucker Michigan State 27-9 Big Ten 165 Cael McCormick Army West Point 21-7 EIWA 165 Drew Hughes Michigan State 18-11 Big Ten 174 Ben Harvey Army West Point 23-9 EIWA 174 Dylan Lydy Purdue 31-2 Big Ten 197 Lucas Davison Northwestern 17-8 Big Ten 285 Mason Parris Michigan 28-1 Big Ten 285 Thomas Penola Purdue 21-14 Big Ten Hopefully I didn't miss anyone
    1 point
  25. With No fans allowed at the NCAA basketball tournament, its almost a certainty they wont allow fans in Minnesota next week. I hope they don't cancel the whole tournament. Its possible.
    1 point
  26. Per ISWA it will be postponed and they are looking to still have it, but need to wait for the news of the COVID-19 virus.
    1 point
  27. I’m pretty sure Uncle Jimmy will find a way to get Corona so he can self quarantine himself at his lake house sipping on Coronas! You can’t fool anyone. If school gets closed I will come join you.
    1 point
  28. This Corona virus has doing a number on our sport. Looks like the posse and I won't be heading to Minny for da big show. Believe me dat virus could not survive in our environment. Da old rat has had da corona virus a few times - self inflicted. Da facility is Purdy nice - little Tommy nocked a mall down for a hoop dome. Good luck , have fun , and enjoy our little slice of heaven.
    1 point
  29. Better than no tournament at all. I would also like to get an expert opinion from @regionrat1 about the affect of the wonderful smelling regional air would have on the Coronavirus.
    1 point
  30. I give credit where credit is due....mad props to Ryan Parrish for getting this pulled off and everyone who helped him. These are the type of positive announcements we need. I have been a critic of the ISWA, but they definitely pulled this off and worked countless hours to make this happen. Now everyone just bring lots of hand sanitizer and fist bumps.
    1 point
  31. Not mad at ISWA but....... ugh
    1 point
  32. Multiple accounts? Too Funny! Some folk. Best Wishes to our multiple accounters. lols Kenny Harden #1Account
    1 point
  33. Chandler Carroll Yorktown 4x placer 3rd- loss to Campbell of New Castle 5th loss to Ayersman 4th loss to Forte then Hupp 5th loss to Schurg Sage Coy Southside/Delta believe was a Fargo AA before in Greco missed post season first two years of hs takes 3rd losing only to nick lee then places again battling some injuries. One of the most explosive kids I’ve ever wrestled. Austin Bethel Mt. Vernon 4x qualifier with wins over brayton and joe lee 3rd in d3 for Wabash freshman year and pinned #15 in country in d1 sophomore year but has battled a lot of injuries. Kyle Hatch was a 3 time placer I believe currently ranked 1st in d3 for Wabash. kid can put anyone in the country to their back
    1 point
  34. I wonder if the lack of a state tournament would qualify for a waiver for Nationals??
    1 point
  35. I heard he is really looking for the 60-90 lbers.
    1 point
  36. 160 - Isiah Levitz, Prairie Heights has accepted his offer to be on Team Indiana.
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. I think both of you need to reassess Chad Reds wrestling psychology, when it comes to what the importance difference is ,of his matches during the year. Chad will AA again this year. And say what you want but his earlier loss to Lee really means little in the scheme of things right now. You all saw him step it up for the BIGS. I look for him to continue through National’s. Hope he stays healthy. And when it counts more, I can envision Red beating Lee .
    1 point
  39. Awe man... I legit didn’t see that. But... yes great idea MattyM!
    1 point
  40. Would be near the top of my list. Watching that dude, I still can't believe he never won a title.
    1 point
  41. RTC is not cancelled. The precautions for 60 wrestlers is quite different than the requirements of FS state. Thanks for checking.
    1 point
  42. I heard that comment on FRL today too. The funniest part about that is they start by touting Nomad's bona fides on NCAA seeding. Brag about how he knows the seeding criteria better than anyone else in the media. Than they completely ignore the criteria that Nomad had just written up in an article that morning to say Red will probably be the 3 seed because that is where he is in their rankings. By the criteria I think he is 6th, but there is a secondary process, that I am not at all clear on, that can lead to variation around the criteria. Piecing things together from different sources, it sounds like after the criteria seeding they then review for things that dont pass the sniff test. It also sounds like there is a max number of slots that a wrestler can be moved up or down from the initial criteria. A lot of words to say, I dont really know anything.
    1 point
  43. Word is State is gonna be moved to TheCompoundIndy. Joe Rogan will be commentating. It will be on FX. And they are bringing in a team of hammers straight from Wuhan, China. It’s gonna be a doosey, folks.
    1 point
  44. regarding the shutdowns and the present state of society I am like: They had chickenpox parties 30 years ago to get viruses over with. Now we will shut down our society and cause widespread economic hardship for all to be “comforted”.
    1 point
  45. Its growing. Probably, one the best Girls State Championships in the nation. With Girls wrestling on the rise nationwide, we have taken a huge step forward. I can see more and more girls getting college money to wrestle. For these reasons, I see this as a significant event. I'm sure that the girls and the families of the girls that participate in this event, do not share your opinion. Due to the impact that it has on the growth of girls wrestling and the impact on the participants, it makes my list.
    1 point
  46. Wrestlers are too tough for the Corona virus!! Plus, the Corona virus is susceptible to the headlock and gets "caught" all the time. It prays on weaker sports like basketball!!
    1 point
  47. There is only one FOUR-TIME NCAA champion from Indiana.... on top of that he's like 5th on the World Team ladder currently.
    1 point
  48. Watts loses to Jordan Decatur in the finals. They dueled penn state last night and came and won this today. Carson beats a solid Russian in the finals 14-3 to win his 4th open of the season. Had a runner up finish this year also. Putting together a very solid redshirt campaign. #ProudDad
    1 point
  49. Actually was just talking to Jimmy about this. I corralled his team stats while at Perry Meridian - he was 440-38. He also shared with me the following information (to the best of his knowledge): Connersville: 32-21 Tri-West: 15-18 Perry Meridian: 440-38 Warren Central: Around 70 wins Franklin: to be continued... I know that Joe will want cold hard evidence, but without WC and Franklin the man is 487-77. He isn't too bad at this coaching thing.
    1 point
  50. Good Rumph article https://wcfcourier.com/sports/blogs/half_nelson_half_fiction/college-wrestling-wartburg-s-rumph-just-scratching-the-surface/article_3712d3ee-bafd-537f-98f3-f9ec758eac74.html
    1 point
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