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2024 Results

Results from the 2023-2024 season

5874 individual results in this category

  1. Bryce Doss Decision Gabe Rose 12-6
  2. Cory Fuller Decision Emilio Tirado 7-1
  3. Caleb Evans Decision Colin Whetsel 7-3
  4. Eddie Goss Major Decision Dylan Fernandez 9-0
  5. Isaac Kuhn Major Decision Dylan Fernandez 12-1

  • Individual Results Tally

    Name Number
    Y2CJ41 1214
    littlevito 858
    Unknown Caller 350
    Coplen187 85
    Diep 83
    Mccurdyj 76
    Bigtoe19 61
    NH-Coach 59
    Coach Coop 51
    Beavman10 49
    NORSEMEN Coach 49
    XCard 46
    rookie78 44
    jetwrestling 37
    jheaston 32
    Thor 32
    dwise 28
    pdub81 27
    wrestlingcoach1 24
    gogoplata89 24
    Alex Johns 23
    CoachAven 22
    ALittle 22
    Starz1994 21
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