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  1. Leftenant Luers

    Leftenant Luers


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  3. Y2CJ41



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  4. MattM



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/21/2019 in Posts

  1. I think all we as Indiana wrestling fans can ask is that Nick Lee and Chad Red both place top eight as All Americans.
    4 points
  2. Once the records of the wrestlers have been posted on Track I will update the spreadsheet. When new rankings are posted it will be updated as well. After Sectional, Regional and Semi-state I will update the list to reflect who is still alive. Currently I only have 2 weights done but it will be completed before Thursday. 2019 Wrestling Rankings.xlsx
    3 points
  3. 3 points
  4. It's comical that you are telling me to take it easy it's only a board, when it was your panties that got in a bunch in the first place. You told me to study and learn, when nothing I stated had anything to do with a lack of knowledge. You didn't give your opinion, you questioned others knowledge and whether they were an elite wrestler and you didn't like someone's use of the word flaw because you don't "prescribe" to it in reference to wrestling. You got in my craw because you made invalid criticisms and came off like you knew more than everyone else, not only to me. I can live with what I post here. I know the limits of my knowledge and know when it is appropriate to ask questions. And I do recognize awesomeness. I just haven't seen any of it in your posts. Have a great day. It's just a message board, right Luke?
    3 points
  5. Y2CJ41

    Sectional Brackets

    Fitts was a state qualifier last year at 145lbs
    2 points
  6. I've been thrown out of better establishments than this! Your opinion means nothing and by kind I mean Hater. Like yourself. Hating on a kid. I didn't know he needed his uncle jimmy to speak for him. I'm in Iowa preparing my sons for state this weekend. I could give two future flarn filths about who you are. Luke is Luke Skywalker. The Huckleberry is Doc Holiday. I'm not going to give you the secrets to my Ebonics. Google it.
    2 points
  7. Congrats! I think you've been banned that many times on this one...well on the way to another. And you started out so well this time too before getting all up in your feelings. Who is Luke and Huckleberry? Is it an urban/suburban thing I don't understand, like "be easy"? Who is SWIN's "kind"? For the record, I'm Sargent Shultz...I KNOW NOTHING!!! So you don't have to ask.
    2 points
  8. I didn't say take it easy. I said be easy. If you were from an urban area or associated with those who do you would know there is a difference. I want all the smoke. Being awesome is for you millenials. I'm magnanimous. I don't have to brag about message board prowess. I've been nominated to two states forums hall of fame. Look let me point this out to you. I like to disliked by your kind. It amuses me. And thanks for admitting I got up in your craw. So by typing what did I say I knew more? I asked what did you know and you got all Scrubby on me. It's MLK day so I'm going to celebrate being able to vote, achieve, and exist freely because of his sacrifices. Any time you'd like: I'll be your Huckleberry.
    2 points
  9. That's what I wanted. Reveal your true feelings Luke. I don't prescribe to the word flaw in reference to wrestling. I use tendency. CJ has developed some tendencies he needs to eliminate. That is all. Stop with that I think I know more than everyone narrative. I gave my opinion just like you. I just got all up in your craw. I found that little part in your Id that makes you feel like lashing out. This ain't that. Many have tried many have failed to frame me as some megalomaniac. I just know what I know. And I have 35 years of experience to back it up. Be easy bruh. It's just a message board.
    2 points
  10. No excuses...I have FlowGold so I've seen all of his matches. I believe he was hurt earlier in the year. How do you know what his expectations are? I believe he is an All-American. I don't think the season is over. He isn't being dominated. He lost some close matches that he probably should have won but haven't we all? I don't have time to debate you on the word flaw. He needs to be more assertive is what I'll offer. Nothing more. Since you aren't or never were an elite wrestler, you are probably looking at these loses through Scrub Lenses. Study more. Learn the sport. Appreciate greatness when you see it. Holiday Inn is for Lames.
    2 points
  11. Just curious as to what you see as Chad's flaws? He is 6-7 against D1 competition this year. Is that what you expect? Is that meeting Chad's expectations? I have nothing against Chad at all, but facts are facts and this has not been a stellar year for him and he is not trending in a Championship direction. And no, I didn't wrestle at that level nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
    2 points
  12. Hey relax! I also give advice on NFL games, cooking shows, and wheel of fortune Doesn't mean I'm right or that I've done all of these, but it's ok on a message board to have an opinion So Leftenant - you think they should spot them the R,S,T,L,N,E on the final puzzle??
    2 points
  13. Jimtown wont have enough depth to win it but could rack up points with three guys who have the potential to make the finals.
    2 points
  14. Although it came out in Nick Lee's favor, honestly I thought that Red wrestled the better of the two. Yes, Lee got the first takedown. Red got that takedown on the scramble in the second period to match it, and I thought that Red was the better top rider of the two. I'm a fan of both of these wrestlers - I'd like to see them both put their best match forward and then whoever wins it wins it. I think in Chad's case, he *has* to open up on offense. I am confused why he isn't - he is lightning quick and he should be able to take shot attempts and recover if necessary. Maybe he would rather wrestle a counter-attack style but I think he could effectively go on the attack and in the worst case put it into a scramble situation Hoping for a rematch in Big10 tourney
    2 points
  15. Has a 1A team ever won state?
    2 points
  16. Did I miss something or did my DeLorean drop me off in 2016? Their HS match was dissected and critiques ad nauseum back then. Not sure anything new can be added to that discussion or should be at this point Guys in 2019 and these guys have been in college a few years. Let’s live this in the present and what is happening now. I’m guessing we will see these two cross paths a few more time.
    2 points
  17. It's your homeboy so you do. I bet you cried foul the 4 times CJ danced at Banker's Life. Good regular season win. The dad and Lee just let me know how they really are though. They shall meet again. Many on this board had Lee destroying CJ. Didn't happen. I'll contend CJ's trajectory is still higher. He got hot last year he'll do it again. His dad I know to be a great person. He'll get in his ear. Back to you hook and a half. Just know when CJ get's some getback at Big Ten's you keep that same energy B. Because I will if he win's or loses.
    2 points
  18. IU opened their new wrestling facility with a great speech from a great young man. Enjoy!
    1 point
  19. 1prouddad

    Sectional Brackets

    I stand corrected. You’re so smart. Lol
    1 point
  20. SWINfan

    Sectional Brackets

    Damn, you beat me by seconds! Also, Jacob Pierson, not Dakx Lannert in at 182 for MD.
    1 point
  21. MattM

    Sectional Brackets

    From what I can see common opponent Reynolds may have been the deciding factor. Burdon is listed as losing to him while Ison won. Would seem like they could have had have other commons opponents though but who know. In some cases though it’s a moot point to argue the seed to far if you as a coach believe your wrestler will make it to the semi-finals, so they can wrestle it out head to head.
    1 point
  22. You haven't heard me say it is bad. I even conceded that many successful wrestlers have & do employ this strategy. But if a wrestler allows this to become the predominate method from which he scores then it can be problematic when trailing late in a match. This is what I believe I have witnessed from Chad. I will freely admit that I am a Nick Lee fan because he hails not only from Indiana but also from my home town. But I am not a Chad Red hater. I simply posted an opinion regarding what I believe I have observed from a handful of his matches. I actually believe that Chad would benefit from opening up his offense & taking more chances attacking his opponents. He has proven he is a good scrambler so I am a little baffled as to why he isn't more aggressive from his feet.
    1 point
  23. Leftenant, why are you hating on Chad? You really think his expectations are to have a losing season against D1 comp the year after he AA'd? You think he expected to be sent to the Doane Open with the Nebraska scrubs to wrestle a kid from Northwest Kansas Technical College half a season after taking 7th? You must not think much of Chad if you think he expected this. Quit being so hard on the kid.
    1 point
  24. Right next to Assembly Hall
    1 point
  25. Still waiting for anyone to provide one instance where I was "hating" on Chad Red. Again, your inability to understand the difference between asking questions and providing potential answers vs. making accusations or "hating" is comical. As for the rest, I believe it speaks for itself.....
    1 point
  26. I've heard people say that waiting or countering is bad. Tell that to Tsirtsis. He somehow won a national title with the same approach. To gain something you give something up. I like his approach. He just needs to be more assertive and keep constant pressure if he keeps that approach.
    1 point
  27. MD is 1A and has won 12
    1 point
  28. AJ

    Seed meetings

    1 point
  29. Finally got around to watching the video. Moran is a very well spoken young man.
    1 point
  30. I don't. I'm asking. You seem to present yourself as knowing more than everyone else. I am not looking through any "lenses" but am simply asking questions that are fair and reasonable to anyone that knows anything about the sport, whether they wrestled at the collegiate level or not. I've you've read this thread and the other college thread and paid attention, you would have read that I thought Chad would win the match. You would have also read discussions on what could have been holding Chad back this year and at NO point did I ever act as if I knew the answer. I simply asked questions and posed possibilities (injury, health, weight management, etc. for example). At some point, people must understand the difference between asking a question or posing a possibility to making an accusation. Perhaps you can do that while teaching me the definition of the word flaw? I'd welcome that discussion. Lastly, if you have seen me make any remarks about Chad that were disrespectful, please point them out to me. Chad was one helluva a HS wrestler. He was an NCAA All-American as a redshirt freshman. His sophomore year, to this point has not held up to that level. Yet there is time. It can still happen. But the fact is he is 6-7 against D1 competition. It doesn't take an NCAA All-American to know that is not what most would expect from an All-American. Again, to clarify, the criticism is about his performance, not him. There IS a difference. Enjoy your day on your high horse.
    1 point
  31. 1. Forgetting about Warren Central 2. The Top 2 teams of each coming out of Evansville, New Castle SS will be highly favored to win . My picks all have multiple Top 5 ranked wrestlers and #1’s. all have ran the gauntlet on there schedule. Throw in some teams like Roncalli, Doah, EMD, Center Grove in the brackets and they going weed out some brackets with SS Champions themselves. (alphabetical order) New Castle SS - Cathedral, Warren Central Evansville SS - Avon, Columbus East
    1 point
  32. Looks like they had 3-2nd placers, 2-4th and 1-6th
    1 point
  33. The Major General Heavy Handz Aka Leftenant Luers is always calm...I just call em like I see 'em. And no I don't think they should spot them the R,S,T,L,N,E.
    1 point
  34. There is a reason why a wrestler in top position gets a 5 count & must move up above the waist before the count is finished or they get a stall call. It is because simply clinging to a leg is not controlling an opponent. Red did a nice job of riding Lee in the second period but it was at the expense of stalling twice by clinging to a leg. I have nothing against Red. I love seeing all Indiana boys doing well nationally & at the collegiate level. CJ has not performed to the best of his ability thus far this season, but I have faith that he can & will turn things around by tournament time (both Big10's & NCAA's). I see Red's biggest flaw at the collegiate level (i.e. against upper level talent) being his lack of offense on his feet. He doesn't seem to have a go to shot other than countering his opponent's shot. And when you need to score at the end of a match, this is a major flaw.
    1 point
  35. Here is the information for Middle School State this week. Remember it is now at Center Grove NEW IHSWCA MS State Flyer.pdf
    1 point
  36. TeamGarcia

    County Stats

    Chris Gonzales and his Dad Coached my Sons and others mentioned at Pal Club during our days there . The Notorious
    1 point
  37. artesianwrestling

    County Stats

    2 for Morgan County. Martinsville Briar Runyan 2009 Monrovia Eli Stock 2017
    1 point
  38. Never say never after a 5-4 match. Look, you are either clairvoyant or lack discernment completely.....I'm guessing the later. If he majored him I might play your game. He did not. What I saw was a close match. Penalty points decided that match. Even a person who makes arbitrary statements like you I would think could see that. But then I saw where you are from.....now I digress.
    1 point
  39. This has got to be a joke. He had him beat today. He didn’t get a stall call in the neutral position. He got them while he was on TOP CONTROLLING LEE. I seriously do not understand what you all have against CJ. The fact that he does a little dance to celebrate after big wins? Reece Humphrey literally break dances after matches and it’s all fun. CJ does a dance in good spirit after people doubt him and it’s, “Have some class, act like you’ve been there before.” The hypocrisy when it comes to this kid is ridiculous and it’s a shame you all hate to see him succeed.
    1 point
  40. You’re seriously going to try and compare a win at a dual meet in Rec Hall to a win that capped off an undefeated career and fourth state championship in front of a hostile Bankers Life crowd that was 90% against him? Get real. The C. Red hate is real and I don’t understand it.
    1 point
  41. that bothered me on the penalty points...each had a takedown...clearly Red is great at countering. Lee is better at hitting offense. Red is better on top. Red needs to turn up the pace a bit...if anything Red gets his mind right and turns the corner to go get another AA
    1 point
  42. Hey, guys, we want to release Genius ratings in a few days, but we'd love to include as many results as possible from the season so you can see where you stack up statewide. Get those tournament and duals scores entered today and tomorrow!!
    1 point
  43. Also add Hockaday, Schaefer and Dillion Graham to the list at 85/90. Next year will welcome some serious threats who are in 5th grade now also
    1 point
  44. Acuna at 85 took Foster to overtime and is a 6th grader so he will be a tough match up, Gavin Jendreas at either 75-80 is solid everywhere and Rianne Murphy at 85/90. I’m not sure of all the weights but believe you have some lighter than they will go
    1 point
  45. I know I missed kids in this post ^^^ Feel free to add/edit if you want. I just wanted to show that there's potential for some really interesting matchups.
    1 point
  46. Many will wait until the final hours to sign up. Tough to make predictions in any year. But especially this year. Don’t know what weight everyone will be going and most weight classes will have tough matchups. Plus, there will be surprises on how far down some of these kids will go. 75- Syra/Demarco/Landen Haines 80- Preston Haines/Billerman/Syra 85- Seng/Foster/Billerman 90- Ison/Hammack/Courtney 95- Lowery/Ison/Leavall 102- Schoeff/Goin/Frazier 110- Lemley/Goin/Gilbert 117- Lemley/May/McConnell 125- May/McConnell 132- Goodwin/Mills/Henry 140- Barr/Goodwin/Myers/Cruz 150- Barr/Goodwin/Myers 160- Carroll/Steinbeke/Willems 175- Jones/??? 220- ??? 275- ???
    1 point
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