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Quick survey for all: Freshman weight, senior weight, grad year


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I'm interested in a couple of issues related to the weight class movement of high school kids in their 4 years.  Partly, I'm curious of the effects of the weight management program over time, and secondly I'm interested in how things have evolved over the years.  If you are graduating this year (2010) or graduated before now, I want you.  Please respond like this:


1. Your year-end freshman season weight class (not actual weight unless lowest weight class--98/100/103)

2. Your year-end senior season weight class (not actual weight)

3. Your graduation year


If your answer to number 1 or number 2 is "Heavyweight", please don't respond to the survey.  I like you; I just don't need you for this activity.

If your answer to number 1 or number 2 is the lowest weight class that was available at that time (i.e. 98/100/103) and you naturally weighed at least a pound below the weight class, please put your typical ACTUAL weight for that year in addition to the weight class. Example: 103 (actual 99).


I'll go first:


1. 119

2. 135

3. 1996



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