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Fabio Jr.

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Fabio Jr. last won the day on June 27

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About Fabio Jr.

  • Birthday 08/10/1988

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    Hard work pays off, dreams come true. Bad times don’t last, but BAD GUYS do.
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    I love the General

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  1. The New G-UNIT Sauna Suits will fill all your needs of rule breaking and repping the hood. Get yours today!!! https://www.gunitbrands.com/products/sauna-suits DISCLAIMER: This is a parody post, Neither I nor IndianaMat promote unsafe weight loss techniques. Hopefully the $70 price tag is enough to deter you from them just found them a weird funny random piece of Band Merch.
  2. I have Jim Wiesjahn Blood in me Joe you know I cant abide by cubs fandom
  3. You're allowed to be Wrong AJ its America after all
  4. THEY ARE TRAITORS DO NOT LAUD THEM! (clearly a joke Indiana doin it out here) How many Indiana Natives have medaled at the Olympics, I know Sarah has once and i dunno if we can take credit for gable.Im sure Im missing some older guys cause im not even 1% of TAE so i wont know
  5. In terms of greatest of all time yeah you gotta win, team sports arnt even that far off...I dont see alot of people saying Barry Sanders or Dan Marino are goats but those guys are arguably the best at their positions....the inablity to quantify success means that to make an objective statement you have to take number of top titles won in to consideration
  6. I wrestled a total of like 8 min and saw the pearly gates
  7. I dunno Angel getting Neck Wrenched was pretty loud
  8. Ill never understand why the administration wont throw them a bone.....for their size its ridiculous. Harp makes it work tho. (Coach Freeman.......hook em up!)
  9. Donnie from the Great Beyond dropping hilarity bombs on us all
  10. I hear Fabio Jr. might have a girlfriend.....these are unconfirmed rumors....
  11. South Bend has some nice areas but its very dependent on what Notre Dame deems worthy of being fixed up they run that town like a Mafiaoso. That coming from a ND fan.
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