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piscis1956 last won the day on April 8 2023

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About piscis1956

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  1. Can’t figure out what is going on in your video.
  2. Will they be allowed to practice with the boys? Otherwise, that would cause bad logistic problems.
  3. Are the girls still allowed to participate in with “boys” now still or will they no longer be allowed to since they now have an “equivalent” sport … like basketball, etc.?
  4. Why not 15 point takedowns.
  5. Ft.Wayne native and Indiana St. alum David Eric Doster played baseball at New Haven High School and Indiana State University before playing 13 seasons of professional baseball. He mostly played at the AAA level but also parts of two seasons at the major league level as well as playing some in the Japanese and Mexican leagues. May be a stretch to list him above Larry Bird, Bruce Baumgartner, and Kurt Thomas though.
  6. I think he is off topic just a bit, but bravo to you for a mention to former Major League Baseball player Dave Doster. He’s not quite as famous as Larry Bird or Bruce Baumgartner … or even Kurt Thomas … but he did ISU proud.
  7. Other thread says Mooresville this year.
  8. When I was young that was the way it was … except without semi-states. It took a bit more than 3 weekends though, because sectionals were large and took some week nights, too.
  9. Oh, yes, now I remember who Perseverance was. Good choice!
  10. Perseverance? I didn’t see that name nominated. So I assume that name was included by special acclaim by IndianaMat management, especially since I am seeing 6 names instead of just 5.
  11. It’s generally easier to make varsity at a small school I suppose. You can participate in other sports and still make the wrestling team. Not arguing your point, just offering a possible answer your last question.
  12. At some small schools, the best athletes often participate in 3 or even 4 sports … or even 5 sports. At my grandkids school, one girl was on the volleyball team, but ran cross-country on off-days. I don’t remember now if she wax a basketball player or swimmer in the winter season. However, in spring, she plays softball and then runs track on her off-days. A boy in the same school is a running back in the fall, wrestler in winter, and baseball and track in spring. Yep, it is a different game.
  13. Not sure how wrestlebacks would make it less exciting. Even with wrestlebacks, there would be a “ticket round”. That said, I agree that life surely isn’t fair.
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