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    In search of creating the best highschool wrestling dynasty team to ever live. My inbox is open for Job offers.
    *Job must pay well
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    I love the General

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Infant Gorilla

Infant Gorilla (1/15)



  1. I got money on the scrappy 106’s
  2. That’s not a bad idea we could have the superstate finalist wrestle in a ring of fire too for dramatic effect.
  3. As a wrestler who posted pretty good stats back in the day.... 4 time sectional champion I was never able to punch the ticket, just a little curious what other scrappers out there felt short of being able to cash their tickets out at the bank.
  4. Thank you for that my dear friend. Viva La Resistance
  5. There should be only one state champ in a weight class, there has been many schools and wrestlers that are still able to compete at a high level from small schools, wrestlings a rare sport that relies on work ethic rather than numbers of bodies at school or athleticism. If you look at the kids doing successful in Indiana it’s not because they’re at a big school it’s because they work their tail off in the off-season as well as during season. Also labeling multiple kids state champs devalues that label as there would always be talk on who was the actual best wrestler in each weight class. If you have a champion mindset every person should be striving to be the best in the state not the best kid in schools population under 200 kids.
  6. Man if there was still a banana gambling feature I’d put all my Nanas on DA SWAMP I’d be rich
  7. Yeah can’t discredit that kids on fire right now! We’ll get a friendly wager going down I got 1000 bananas on Hinton.
  8. Asking for donations from Indiana Mat users to claim back the banana wealth from the #thecounty users. North, South and Central Indiana we must rebel against #thecounty and equal out the wealth for us prospering gorillas. #SpreadtheWealth #RebelAgainstTheWealthy #PlanetOfTheGorrillas
  9. A bad dude I would not mess with. Such a great interview
  10. Always a wonderful sight to see the sport grow. Congratulations to these females athletes on their wins and their impact on girls wrestling in Indiana
  11. Impressive results coach. Congrats to you for guiding such a great group of kids to such a controlling state title.
  12. I got bananas on the freshman. My assumptions is that he will be throwing to many tools from his tool box for Taylor to handle. Good luck to both wrestlers this will be a must watch for sure
  13. Couldn’t have said it better myself solid calls @Wrestlingfan937
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