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brickfor6 last won the day on August 26

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About brickfor6

  • Birthday 04/13/1993

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  1. Hobart is looking for a dual. If you have an opening please contact me. We are willing to do home or away if the schedule aligns. Thank you! Zack Johansen 219-614-0447 Zjohansenclass@hobart.k12.in.us
  2. You can see our state champ paintings in the background here
  3. Hobart aligns Girls and Boys sports. 4 Coaches for boys, 4 coaches for girls. We had about 30 Girls last year. School size around 1300
  4. Kris Rumph. I didn't coach him, but coached against him, and he was super athletic.
  5. Team Indiana is in need of a couple weights for Junior Duals in Tulsa Oklahoma. Dates are June 17th-22nd. Information can be found here: https://www.iswa.com/juniorduals Freestyle/Greco: Weights needed: 144, 190 We have a really good team formed already. If interested please reach out! Zack Johansen ISWA Team Leader Junior Duals 219-614-0447
  6. Rumor is that Roger Goodell wants to move the super bowl to presidents day weekend. This has been the same weekend as the state finals. Dear Indianapolis, DO NOT HOST THE SUPERBOWL. Also this makes for a very eventful weekend. Thoughts?
  7. NO HOBART RTC THIS WEEK! Spring break
  8. 125: Noto (12) 133: Crookham(2) 141: Lemley (8) 149: Gomez (6) 157: Andonian (12) 165:Ramirez (3) 174: Starocci (9) Wildcard 184: Pinto (5) 197:Brooks (1) 285: Hendrickson (3)
  9. Kasper McIntosh back leading the RTC tonight! Back at it next week!
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