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All Middle School Coaches


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Middle school wrestling in Indiana is a great sport, yet we have many problems: different season times, different weight classes, different procedures, and no list of who is coaching where.  If we can network amongst each other, maybe we can start to improve this great sport, or atleast exchange ideas that will help the sport grow. I would like to start a list of the middle school, the high school it feeds into, and the coaches name.  I think this could open our dialogue to people outside of our region.


Alan (AJ) Bradley

Wilson Middle School

Muncie Southside High School

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I spent over two years in Portage trying to do exactly this and here's some of the roadblocks that we ran into. 


Most middle schools athletics are run by the assistant principal.  It would take a lot to get a school to change when the season is.  A lot of The Region has their middle school season from late Oct. through Dec.  It would involve a lot of gym space usage changes.  We had a pretty supportive principal at Portage for a while and he just couldn't do it because all the other activities are set.  Moving wrestling season would have interfered with the floor hockey league they had in the spring (I know...floor hockey.  Let's all roll our eyes at the same time).  Once a principal has a year set, it's not that hard to do the same schedule for the next year.  Changing a season would involve a lot of schools (everyone on their schedule) to do the same. 


There is a ton of middle school coaching turnover.  Not many stay at this level for a long time and a good percentage that do, don't want to change.


I love the idea of getting everyone in the state on the same page.  I think we'd need a middle school organization that the schools would recognize.  That is a tough job because of the extra work it would take for a principal.  I think for that to happen, we'd need a MS baskball association to join the fight with us.

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Iwould just like to start be creating a network of the MS coaches.  If we know who each other are, then we can talk and then try and move from there.  I would also at the very least, try to come up with some universal weight classes at some point.

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Here is what I know and can add!



South Bend Middle Schools (Open enrollment, I will list where most tend to go in that order)


LaSalle Academy: Tony McWilliams   

  (Adams, Riley, and Clay)


Brown Intermediate: Andy Maez and David Lichtenberger

  (Clay and Washington)


Edison Intermediate: Aaron Patterson and Andre Scruggs



Jackson Intermediate: Ronnie and Joel Ginter



Greene Intermediate: Brian Farrell

  (Washington and Riley)


Clay Intermediate: Rod Schmitt



Jefferson Intermediate: Brian Cox

  (Adams and Riley)


Dickinson Intermediate: ?

  (Clay and Washington)


Marshall Intermediate: ?



Navarre Intermediate: ?





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