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Wrestling Bill Walton

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Posts posted by Wrestling Bill Walton

  1. Bill Waltons list of best wrestling events in Indiana:

    IHSAA State Tournament- Greatest wrestling tournament in the history of western civilization.

    ISWA Folkstyle State- Best Wrestling you will ever see on the planet.

    IHSWCA Team State- Better than a grateful dead concert with Jerry at his peak.  Its a big wrestling party,  the pinnacle of wrestling in this country.

    IHPO  There is no better wrestling anywhere,  this is the final frontier  of wrestling.  As Jim Morrison told me once you cant get much higher than this.

    AL Smith- The Grand Canyon of wrestling events,  the ultimate prize.

    Mater Dei Classic-  Nothing emphasizes the hope, peace  and love of wrestling more than this. Only the luckiest wrestling fans get to see this cosmic event.

    ISWA Freestyle The best spectacle of wrestling ever in the Hoosier state.

    IHSAA Semi-State The Mecca of wrestling, you have to take this journey to see the best wrestling and become a true aware wrestling fan.


  2. 10 hours ago, 3xStateChamp said:

    Click, Spin, Click, Spin, Click, Spin 


    Wooooooo...... Bang ! Bang ! Bang ! 

    It’s the Thread Show Stopper, Faster  Trigger Finger East or West of the Mississippi... Spit !
    Pistol Pete  


    Pistol just make this simple & clear as Pistol looking at Pistols shotguns in the mirror, Click, Click... getting ready to cheer on Pistols Oklahoma State Cowboys Wrestlers for the Big 12 Conference Championships . 

    @DrunkJoeNamath bring out fake guns, Pistol recommends the real deal Holyfield of Guns pointing . football power GIF

    You see .... Pistol ain’t scurd to pull the trigger ! Anywhere, Anytime .  That’s how Pistol would give a quick summary of what’s going on here . 

    Woooooooo..... Bang ! Bang ! Bang ! 

    Pistol Pete 


    The greatest sports program of all time, the Oklahoma State Cowboys wrestling program.  No program can top their history.   Dickie V would say national Championship city.   They're the Grateful Dead of wrestling.  Jerry Garcia was an OSU and he had a big OSU hat.    There program is almost as good as the UCLA Bruins basketball program,  the  best program in the history of Western Civilization. 


    Anyway speaking of guns,  Bill sometimes deviates from his grateful dead peace loving ways, and goes big on guns.   I like shooting my Old Painless.

    Old Painless.jpg

  3. 1 hour ago, SIACfan said:


    So then are your numbers not completely accurate?


    Just because MD chooses to participate in the large school class in wrestling doesn't mean you should put their wrestlers in the large school class when what we are trying to establish how the percentages of qualifiers vs enrollment fall out. This is another example of skewing the numbers to fit your narrative.

    Yes,   before my stellar basketball, career, I was the man at wrestling.  Had the best atomic knee drop ever.   I decided to attend one of aforementioned parochial schools my freshman year.   The had it going on and were doing things on the mat that hadn't been done on this planet.  It was fun to be a top the pinnacle of the mountain of high school wrestling.  Total domination,  nobody could touch us.   We could have been ranked nationally. 


    Unfortunately,  I got booteed out of the school.   It wasn't my fault.   One of the nuns got affected by a Kavorka curse.  Kavorka the Latvian Orthodox word meaning "Lure of the Animal".    She uncontrollably couldn't resist me,  and before she broke her vow, the diocese evicted and expelled me from the school.   I could never step on site again. Banned forever. Im not sure how long the Kavorka lasts.     So in rejection,  I started playing basketball.  I owe that school everything. 

  4. On ‎2‎/‎29‎/‎2020 at 11:15 AM, SIACfan said:


    Now this is an example of participation trophy distribution.


    Kansas has a population of 2.9 Mil which is less than half of Indiana (6.7 Mil). Thus it is the equivalent of Indiana going to 8 classes.

    Kansas has 8 classes? That's more watered down then the waves on venice  beach on a rainy day.   Coach Wooden used to say "play the best to be the best and if you aint 1st, then youre last". Thats we played the best competition on the planet.   There was no classes in college basketball.  We played  the best, then we ate the best.  Because we went to the greatest taco restraunt in the history of Mexican civilization after games.  We didn't go to watered down Taco Bell. 


    Class wrestling reminds me of Marv Alberts, wig.  It looks the best piece of hair any man has ever had in the history planet from a distance,  but when you get close you see its not real, like a fake participation trophy.



  5. 9 hours ago, MikeTython said:

    i'm all for clath sythem in regards to da team serieth...no more den 2 if we talking individualth.  I don't no much about scolarships as sumone mentioned above, but dat souns like a great ting for kids

    I really love the edifying wisdom and thoughtful contributions from Iron Mike Tython.   He did things in the ring better than anybody from any planet.  No one was better.  He was almost as in the same league  as Ali and Joe Louis. 

  6. 14 hours ago, TeamGarcia said:

    @Wrestling Bill Walton I’m going to walk you through the process (picture me holding Bill foot long appendages called finger you have for rebounds) of tagging on Indianamat. Come with me Bill . 😊

    Step 1. Find the @   button 
    Step 2. Then proceed to type in the poster name like you see on the screen . Joe has graciously hooked us up with a scroll of posters that’s similar to whoever poster you like . I use mine as example for you . 

               @TeamGarcia it’s genius ! 

    Notorious has giving back to the Indianamat Community on this day . stone cold steve austin beer GIF 
    cheers ! 


    Back to the topic at hand


    Please Note : This is TeamGarcia opinion only

    I don’t care for Class Wrestling nor does anybody in #TheCounty . Vote No 


    Paid for by (1) my Tens of Thousands Bananas I have . (1) 🍌 

    @TeamGarciaYou're clear and concise instructions were tremendously successful.  Bill Wallton is a busy man and is grateful for your time savers. You'd figure all these years of announcing,  I would be a technological wiz.  But @TeamGarcia is the tech Juggernaut of Indianamat.  


    Speaking of Grateful, that reminds me of the 33rd Grateful Dead Concert I went to.  The best concert ever.  Jerry Garcia recognized me in the stands, and invited me back during the half time show.    We were chilling and he gave me clear and concise directions on rolling a >>>>>:ph34r:, then I said you're the best Garcia ever.   Wayyyyyyyyy, speaking of Awsome Garcia's is @Jerry Garcia related to @TeamGarcia.  Holy Moly,  This is like when Jim Morrison met Van Morrison and said we have be related.  Having the greatest rock star ever  as an uncle, that's better than announcing the NBA All Star game.

  7. 9 minutes ago, TeamGarcia said:

    I’m just here waiting calmly on my buddy @MikeTython take on Class Wrestling in Indiana. I’ll probably give him two thumbs up . joaquin phoenix thumbs up GIF

    Again,  the comeback was electrifying.  @ Team Garcia shooting quasars to the top of the mountain of the promised land of meme usage.  The Michelango of IndianaMat with his Beethovenesque symphony of funniess. Yesss

  8. 42 minutes ago, TeamGarcia said:

    I’d would say it’s my 1,000 funniest post of my 1,348 post . Only 348 of them I was so ..... serious. You got a lot of work ahead of you to even get on my level . 
    There is Notorious and @UncleJimmy, I’m #1 of course and he’s a distance #2 



    Nothing  is more funnier than @Team Garcia posts.  The funniest poster of all time.    The only thing funnier ive ever seen was the Eddie Murphy Delirius concert I got complimentary tickets back in 1983.   Funniest concert ever in history  of  stand  up comedians.

    very funny.jpg

  9. 54 minutes ago, CFleshman said:

    Silas is definitely special. He has accomplished more than most will ever dream of. Has there ever been a small school wrestler with his accomplishments before? I personally can't remember anyone close to him. 

    Silas is the best wrestler in the  History of Indiana Wrestling.   But I wouldn't put him above Escobedo, Tsirtsis, and Howe.   Those guys were the greatest.   Im saying Mount Rushmore brothers,  Rock N Roll hall of fame level.   Mason Paris, he also is the Indiana greatest wrestler all time.     Oh yea,  whats this got to do with Class wrestling?


    Class wrestling has its problems,  Yea,  I love giving a lot  awards out for effort.   But you got to look at the big picture, the whole thing is better when its all one family.   Compare it to the Grateful Dead,   some of the members were bigger than others and maybe in a different class.   Jerry Garcia was big, and a huge musician like 4A, but the other members were 1A and 2a.  But you put the band together,  they all contributed and were bigger than the whole, and best of all time.  Yea,  take Ohio,   its parts are better than all the Indiana parts.   But  when you divide them up,  its not as good as Indiana. Ohio is like Creedence Clearwater, the greatest band in history of Western Civilization.  Then John Fogarty leaves,  they're still good,  but not great.  Its  like classed Ohio wrestling.    

  10. 1 hour ago, Perseverance said:

    Actually.....kind of, yes.  But not in that articulated way.  You simply help them develop a mindset that breaks the “small town mentality” of “It can never happen to me”.  You encourage them to set their goals ridiculously high....then spill their guts every day to accomplish them.  Urge them to never make excuses, work as hard in life & the classroom as they do in the sport.  Teach them that wins & losses don’t define them....their response does.  Build them up in the reality that they can accomplish anything.


    And at the end of the day......when/if they fall short of those goals, reiterate to them they haven’t failed.  Encourage them to look around.....because they still will have accomplished more that 98% of everyone else.  And 100% of those who fear failure.

    That's outstanding brother.   That's like the 18th best post ever on Indianamat.  That reminds we when John Wooden,  the greatest coach in western  civilization,  and only 2nd to coaches like Dan Gable and Cael Sanderson said to me.  "Things turn out best for the people  who make the best the way things turn out".

  11. Indiana is the best wrestling state in American History.   Its almost as good as Ohio and Pennsylvania which are the greatest of all time.     There is nothing better than the Indiana State Wrestling tournament,  I went this year and it was just as good as the 38th Grateful Dead concert I went to.    But no state has IndianaMat, its a True Marvel.  Its the best site in Western Civilization.  Its almost a good as the Grateful Dead tribute site.


    My buddy Dick Vitale, the greatest sports broadcaster loves Indiana Wrestling,  he's a secret fan.   He was telling me about all the Indiana Diaper Dandies,  and we wasn't talking basketball.  He said Wrestling Baby!!!!!!

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