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Everything posted by donniebaker

  1. Not really any unknowns only who is getting second... kinda like when I took Monica Flanders from Yorkshire High to prom. She made it better because she was there and wasn’t anyone touching her
  2. Guaranteed 8 more years with a Douglas at 106.
  3. That is incorrect, not a dwarf.
  4. 17 years ago.... Where was in 2000. Oh yea I was in Sydney working as a kangaroo boxing agent. Got picked up by some dudes in a van, I think they were from that Lord of the Rings movie. They all had these weird haircuts and these jackets with rings on them. I finally jumped out they kept wanting me to run next to the van, Man these golden locks dont sweat, business in the front party in the back , I swear to God they dont". So I jumped out. Lets see man 17 years ago.....Oh yea thats when I was living in Florida, delivering these big machines. They told us we were hauling the future of America, I dint care what the future held. Dang Randy dropped one down around Miami and bent it up we fixed up and sent her on its way. Some guy named Chad kept calling and wanting a refund, I said, "should have checked the stuff before we unloaded it. once it hits the ground its your, state law. Three weeks later gotta call from some dude telling me I got drawn to look at some stupid cards. I didnt look at any of them just threw them in a box. One said GW the AG. Ginger Wilson and Angel Garcia. Ginger won I think I took one look and knew what they wanted, all my cards went to Ginger. No one liked Angel she talked too much and annoyed everyone, Swear to God she did!!" ME and ol BBB met up a few years later I was a few rooms down, his room was plush man all the walls were padded. He showed me the inner-web and well here we are, been here ever since. Thats why we have prob the same IP from work yea yea. I got it wink wink. HAHA, #dirtysouthboyz, TeamGarcia indicating there is more than one of you. Everybody like BBB and DB or Shemedium and XXXL. LMAO....LOL.....OMG....No one says that about you, and anyone else......., "swear to god they dont!!!"
  5. Hey, BBB Just think if the officials could rate the coaches on their chance to advance....... You would have never made it out of sectionals, "Swear to God you Wouldnt!!!"
  6. Man I gotta say hats off to Lee. He could have stayed at 38 and walked, but OH BABY!! He said I want the best!! Hats off to Red doing what only select few have working for 4 I said 4 titles. Oh yea and being unbeatable. After its all over whoever "doesn't win" because neither is a loser, is still one of the greats. For some this is the pinnacle of their wrestling careers, these two have another step wether it's a NCAA title or world's. I have said some funny stuff and rode those that need to be rode, but if you don't know the weight this match carries, please go to the bathroom stick your head in the toilet reach up and flush. " I sware to god you should". There will be 10, 10 and under wrestlers watching this match on TV with me, the cops said it was ok. Only because they are there too. I want them to see what Indiana wrestling should be. These two are great no questions the winner gets another title the guy who is not the winner well I'm sure we will here their name see their hand raised again. I have been waiting for this since I heard about Lee being seeded at Sectionals. We are about two hours from Ali /Frasier, Rousey/ Holmes, Rocky/ Drago,& well Swain/Shute. Pull your pants up put the wife to bed and let the kids stay up late. Man I gotta Go I got ice waiting for some new friends. Good luck boys, who cares who wins!!
  7. Well now the intellect comment I have seen in years..Sware to God it Is!!! BBB we should get the play by play gig next year a real honest good time any ideas for a name yet??? Maybe... 1. DB&BBB or for his small fan base BBB&DB 2. Pardon the Disruption 3. My fav Shmedium and XXL Let me clearify I am XXL
  8. So apparently you all are worried about Champs guess what they don't win the Championship the third and forths do. "swae to god they do". As for the debate for worst Regional Jeff was 100% the worst with Southrige coming to town. Now Bloomington is blessed with that stack house. Now that JC comes to town it is an upgrade like from Porky to Miss Piggy!! Now she's a hottie!!! I think it's a 2 team race JC CE and FC. No one walks away. Triple Bubble Butt the celebrity entrance is in the back you know you can follow me in as I am the most loved in the place. Always looking for a side kick. Man I Gotta go Southridge sectional is calling and wants some answers!!!
  9. Yes it was. There needs to be an officials clinic tomorrow.
  10. Agreed. Top 5 at MD classic is disappointing.
  11. I'm sure we will all be disappointed tomo. Someone won't make weight and the concession stand will run out of pork... swear to god they will. Seeding crilteria should be like the FBS. Strength of schedule should be involved. Many one seeds not gunna be champs or make the finals. That's a lock
  12. Sellm'are too slick. TD clinic. NA strong front runner, butt thurds win titles. Coach B is due.
  13. Tech that's great!! Lee pinned in the first period!!
  14. Not to get too far off topic, but he was almost a victim. Friday night he was tossed to his back and won by a point. Them went on to win his forth. I know almost is horse shoes and hand grenades, but it was close. The story I heard is that time ran out as he fought off the fall. It can happen to the greatest at anytime. That's why this sport is the greatest.
  15. I hope he wears another sweater vest!!! BBB I will be over and we can tag team that computer video thing!!! Can't wait what happens in Madison stays in Madison!!! Wheeeeeew Heeeweww!!! Madi-Vegas Baby.
  16. I suppose you had a wife beater on under that fancy suit. Cause that's what I style. You give a new meanin to Big Pimpin'. That's why everybody smiles at you cause of your style and good looks. I Sware to God they do!!!!!
  17. Hey just win, or for some don't lose. I hate that we are in a time where everybody "is a winner". No no no your not there are winners and losers. Sometimes you need to realize your not as good and need to get better. The Regional draw is not a secret so you know what you are in for. Quit making a case for "more" chances to move on. It's 29-0 are the Broncos better than what they are playing, yes, but they only get one chance!!!
  18. I call a dance off between Triple Bubble Butt and IR. Dont worry BBB its all in the hips " I swar to God it is!!!!"
  19. Worth the price of admission. Great finish and Floyd came away champs. The Franklin twins win titles not sure the last time brothers won titles here. What's in the water in C-Town that 220 is a man child he kinda of reminded me of well......... me I swar to God he does!!!Ward must have been with the traveling circus cause his balance is ridiculous cause he WHIPPED all his competitors. I mean that is also like me. Bailey looked bored out there I hope the Wrestling Gods let him see red at BL cause it will epic!! The HHC rematches next weekend will be great be nice to see if third time is a charm or if ticket matches get sweeter or just that a ticket to a seat with Dip and Dots. The entourage of 25 wrestlers 8 coaches a camera man trainer and trailor for all those suits was a bit excessive. Find some seats please for the love of God!!!! Be good to hear the pics for the HHC Regional. Man I Gotta Go!!!
  20. Borin'. For about 5:45 nothing happened but an extended hand to the face and a lot of "runnin' hard to score when you can't get your hands on someone. Smart choice to jump up to 138, 132 is stacked and a third place at Regional will be the end of a season at 38 he has a chance to be second or even a champ at 38. That makes a better end result.
  21. Most everyone close to this post knows the truth behind this here post. The best two are at the bottom the one seed doesn't deserve it and truth be known wont win his first match. When this happens it strips the deserving wrestlers from their opportunity to place/ make the finals etc. it changes the team race and its just BAD. At some point and time the coaches need to say we are not the best or second best and let the better wrestler take that seed. I guess what I'm saying is that there needs to be a common sense criteria. It's almost like stealing and comes to my attention more and more that its the same folks. The link to the Kiefer thread is a tough one, but this one is not even close shouldn't even been brought up. But in the end the better wrestlers always get to climb to the top of the podium regardless of their seed at the beginning.
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