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Early State Predictions


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2 minutes ago, blueandgold said:

I don’t know what’s so funny my guy @gonzoron

I think the issue was just the wording on your Previous post... Saying he didn't beat him "straight up" makes it sound like the opponent cheated or something, rather than capitalizing on a mistake... 

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12 minutes ago, blueandgold said:

Had to watch on Flo as I was unable to make it to Evansville. From the first takedown to the second Flo cut out, Johnson controlled the match, and then as I saw the part I missed due to Flo’s technical issues on our film, it didn’t look like Ralph straight up beat him to me. Now, I’ve coached the kid for the last three years, so admittedly some of my bias is probably showing. I know what that kid is capable of and how much better he’s gotten and his mat strategy.

I know Johnson had the first takedown but I don't know that I would say he was "in control" of the match. He had a lead and Ralph didn't seem to be able to break through offensively but with the takedown and nearfall and then the blast double out of bounds I would say Ralph took control of the match. I would like to have seen James stay more offensive in the third but he did what he had to do to win the match. James has improved tremendously over last year. However, I wouldn't say that he's now a clear favorite over Johnson. I think their matches will continue to be very competitive and I do expect them to see each other again. Maybe more than once. 

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55 minutes ago, 812wrestler said:

In all fairness I watched the entire finals and this match was the best finals match. Sollars and Little match got best match of the tourney but most coaches had already turned in there best match and outstanding wrestler votes. And this match was the last match of the tourney. I watched Johnson all weekend and this dude was a pit bull! Super athletic and arguably the fastest HWT in the state on his feet inside the circle! After Ralph got taken down he seemed to flip the switch. Everyone knew Johnson was the favorite besides Ralph I guess… He wrestled with a chip on his shoulder and right before the near fall points the entire gym was chanting his name. I remember when no one wanted to watch 220 & 285! Not anymore man these big dudes are super athletic and fun to watch! It’s great for the sport and anyone who left before that match missed out! Awesome match from both those studs! Chances are we will see it again!

I was impressed with Johnson’s pace. He was moving around like an 82 pounder at HWT. He will definitely be a force to have an eye on in February!

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