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what would happen?


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Back in the day before team regionals, the sectional would be the following Tuesday.  This actually happened to the Valparaiso sectional back in 1985 because of snow.  Ironically, it was the same year that the state finals weren't held at Market Square Arena because of a bad week of snow and a 7-day postponement, but rather New Castle if memory serves.


This would work OK for sectionals with 8 teams.  For those tournaments with >8, I would imagine the tournament would have to start right after school.


With the advent of the team regional, it's anybody's guess.  Perhaps a host school for a sectional could shed some light on this for us?

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I would believe that given the storm hit this early in the week that all sectionals are still a go for Saturday.  From past experience if most roads are passable, the sectionals will go on as scheduled.


If memory serves me well I recall several years ago that there was a school in southern Indiana that had to miss the sectional due to the fact that the school system would not permit any busses to run a day after receiving several inches of snow even though the sectional had not been postponed.


Let's just keep a good thought that the snow is cleared, the sectionals can go on as scheduled and everyone gets the opportunity to participate.


Coach Vic

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