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Everything posted by Bosseallstar812

  1. I would also be the best at grammar if I could figure out how to use there and their.
  2. Central had the opportunity to bump Willis to 26. And completely avoid ferguson. But since there is no reason to not allow 2 talented kids to wrestle they told Willis to get out there and compete
  3. The best interest of the wrestlers is to have them do what they signed up for. Kelley might be ranked number 1 in the state. But if you are a competitor then you live for those moments. It makes you a coward to forfeit to the good kids. It's time to grow up Peter Pan. If you aren't the best then take your beating and use it at motivation to be the best
  4. It is the first time I have noticed it this year, especially in a winnable duel. I will apologize for my post when another team does it. Or when central forfeits to a kid when they have a kid to wrestle. Experience is experience. Almost every wrestler gets beat and a couple times in their career. It makes them tougher and motivates them to be better. At least that's what happened to me. Getting beat it the best motivation.
  5. It's Busch league. They come to wrestle. Not take forfeits. How is mt. Vernon ever going to be mentally tough if they don't learn how to take a loss every once in awhile. Plus who knows if they both get pinned. That's a slap in the face to your kids
  6. Does anyone know why mt. Vernon forfeits to Kelley and kemper every time? Really takes away a chance for their kids to get matches and gives central a guaranteed 12 points. Sounds silly and the fans aren't loving it either
  7. Jesse Hohl-285-Evansville Central- 5 second pin at Louisville Male tournament
  8. Anyone that has taken anytime to watch Central wrestle this year could have predicted the Champions. Too bad the paper focused more on the kids that lost than the kids that stepped up and won.
  9. If Reitz is anywhere close to making this duel exciting ill be blown away
  10. If girls can join the boys wrestling team. Why can't boys join the girls volleyball team?
  11. i think Boston would beat phillips. He looked unreal in the finals. I don't know what he weighs but he looks small compared to some of the other 103s and still won with waht seemed to be no competition
  12. Welch was making sims look like an average wrestler. The his hip started hurting again..
  13. Evansville 103-Boomsma 1 112-Goebel 3 119- Wedding 3 125- Henderson 2 130-Hoehn 3 135-Dowdy 2 140-Boyd 2 145-Chamberlain 2 152- Juliano 3 160- Sims 4 171-Parrish 3 189-Sandwith 2 215-Bass 2 285-Phillips 2 34
  14. Kelley was up big and hoehn got some back points in 3rd period. Im not positive on the score through out the entire match but around the end Hoehn started getting some back points and kelley would answer back with reversals escapes and takedowns
  15. Upset of the day.. Kelley over Molloy 135 Also Rueger wins. He is on another level
  16. Regionals are baseed on how you did at sectionals idiot
  17. 103: Kuhn 112:Goebel 119:welch 125:Moody (Henderson if he wrestles like he did at sectionals) 130:Hoehn 135:Konrath 140:Reuger 145:Chamberlain 152:Welch 160:Welch 171:Stein 189:Boots 215:Wright 285:Vanwinkle
  18. I agree with laserbeam. Braye is lucky turi got hurt. Or his season would more than likley be over saturday.
  19. I think moody is a better wrestler and that if it was not for the Penalty point he would have won SIACs. I think it will be a 1 point match. But Moody is great at winning by small margins. And i did not realize kelley would be in the same side of the bracket as hoehn. But I do think they are the top to wrestlers at 130
  20. 103-Kuhn, Seng 112-Goebel, Johns 119-Wedding, Vanhook 125-Moody, Henderson 130-Hoehn, Kelley 135-Konrath, Dowdy 140-Rueger, Lannert 145-Chamberlain, Whetstine 152-Marshall, Presek 160-Simms, Garnett 171-Brandenstein, King 189-Boots, Sandwith 215-Wright, Pace 285-Vanwinkle, Hohl
  21. It'll look alot like the SIAC. With the exception of moody winning Stein and Konrath
  22. If he didn't make any mistakes for chamberlain to answer off of..
  23. Chamberlains win was still a win. and I wouldn't go as far as he was being "dominated" He was takin down to his butt. 2-0 hes still in the match
  24. Not saying central will win the meet. But do not be surprised if it is closer than you think
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