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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/02/2024 in all areas

  1. The biggest potential issue I see is if the girls are limited with events like the boys. Currently there are 18 points allowed with a minimum 6 duals and a maximum of 6 tournaments(3 or more teams). Currently most teams don't have enough girls for a dual meet and the girls are better off going to "tournaments" in which there are 5+ teams there so everyone can get matches.
    1 point
  2. One small devil's advocate counterpoint to the idea that a tech is now too easy: Making techs and majors easier moves team scoring closer to representing actual difficulty of earning each type of win. Pins have always been rightfully worth more team points than a tech. However, tech falls have always been much better indicators of the superior wrestler. Upsets by tech don't exist. Rematch victories by someone who previously got teched are very, very rare. However, pins can happen in a variety of circumstances and are not always earned by the season-long best wrestler. What we saw in college was that tech falls were way up, but that a rematch could be a good match despite the first match having been a tech. This was not the case before. Related...close duals will now have points more accurately assigned to the deserving team. Before, a team could have 3 dominant wins totalling only 9 or 10 team points, while their opponent had 3 close wins but also got 9 points. Now, those dominant wins can rightfully be 12 or 13 points compared to the 9 for the close wins.
    1 point
  3. Hopefully they let the ones who started in the boys finish.
    1 point
  4. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdHJPDaWAIxhmwTUA0HJ8U0BVvaj14ypmb-D9Qydq3sT7HfqA/viewform?usp=sf_link The link should be open now, but hopefully not to Joe still.
    1 point
  5. Stalling is a judgement call and hard to have interpreted the same across the state or even country. NCAA referees work diligently to keep things as uniform as possible and we still have great variations in the way some call stalling. As much as you want to clamor about rules for stalling they will always leave a lot of room for interpretation from all refs.
    1 point
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