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  1. Y2CJ41



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  2. Sig40



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/29/2019 in all areas

  1. His draw is released on Trackwrestling. He has Egypt first round and is in the top half of the bracket. https://www.trackwrestling.com/tw/opentournaments/VerifyPassword.jsp?tournamentId=278618132 I'll await the experts on finding out information on his opponents, but traditional powers Iran, Azerbaijan, and Japan are all also on his half of the bracket. Just as a reminder if he makes the semi-finals he is guaranteed a top 5 finish. If he loses before the semi-finals he will need the guy that defeated him to advance to the finals. Wrestling will begin at 3:30am EST time on Trackwrestling, better get some extra coffee tonight.
    4 points
  2. Thanks for the breakdown Joe. Definitely hard to find anything on these other countries. Jesse told me yesterday he has never felt better for any tournament. His training and preparation is on point, now he just needs to cash in.
    3 points
  3. Mendez will be the 19th match on Mat B as of now. If I were to guess that would mean he will hit the mat around 5am EST, but that is just a guess.
    1 point
  4. Y2CJ41

    Mendez at Cadet Worlds

    Per USAWrestling Mendez's first opponent was the Cadet African champion this year. Africa isn't exactly known as a powerhouse continent and this guy looks to be Egypt's only freestyle competitor. https://www.teamusa.org/USA-Wrestling/Features/2019/July/29/McGowan-Figueroa-Mendez-Facundo-and-Haas-receive-draws-for-2019-Cadet-World-Championships Other potential opponents. The Iranian was 2nd at the Asian championships to Japan. However, the Japanese guy entered at Worlds is different. Iran and Japan should meet in the other quarter-final. Jesse's likely quarter-final opponent from Azerbaijan is unknown. The guy they entered at Euro's won the bracket, but again he is not entered. Just as a note Cadets are hard to scout as they are so young and thus very little information past a few events and just knowing the power countries.
    1 point
  5. Here is the link to the UWW event page, it's hard to navigate so good luck. https://unitedworldwrestling.org/event/world-championships-35?tab=results Here is their "arena" software link https://arena.unitedworldwrestling.org/sport-event/show/a6604147-b114-11e9-9f0c-080027548b1b If you go to "Live Stream" you can see the match order on each mat tomorrow.
    1 point
  6. Why would you want him at Columbus East or Columbus North? I figured you'd want him in Baugo.
    1 point
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