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This is kind of embarrassing, but...


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I've been wrestling for 8 long years, and I'm going to Purdue in the fall and I don't know if I'm ready to hang up the shoes yet.  I haven't had a very successful career, only Regionals twice.  But I dedicated myself to wrestling, and if I'm up for it, I know I can do it in college.


But I have doubt that my skills are no where near to compete with the rest of them.  I would be a practice dummy.  Should I try and walk on, or spare my myself?

I don't know what to do...I still want to wrestle, but I need to be realistic.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Join the Boiler Elite club.  This will give you a chance to wrestle with Purdue's wrestlers.  That's when you'll know if you want to take that step!  Also talk to the coaches now to get their perspective.

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As much as you may want to wrestle you can do other things that feed that competitive desire.  First, there are boat loads of intramural activities available in college.  I only know from my experience at Findlay, but they have kickball, dodgeball, broomball, basketball, flag football, and many more activities that you can participate in.  I am sure Purdue has an even better intramural activity program.  Another avenue to look into is possibly coaching at a nearby high school or middle school.  You might even get lucky enough to make some money.  And lastly, think about becoming a referee.  This is a great way to make some money while in college and you would be giving back to the sport.  You can also make quite a bit of money doing this as you get better and have more experience. 

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it's your choice and everybody made some valid points, but my only regret in life was not trying. i feel as though I was good enough to make it. you only life once. "life is not a rehersal, you only get one chance, so give it your best shot."


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