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CoachM last won the day on September 21 2018

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    I love the General

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  1. McCutcheon high school is in need of a tournament on 1/18. If you have an opening you can message here or email me at mametzger@tsc.k12.in.us
  2. We would be interested, depending upon the teams also
  3. something either the first few weekends of the season or towards the end of the season. We are at Merrillville on 12/7 next year. Appreciate the offer though!
  4. McCutcheon high school is in need of two tournaments this coming year, one will have to be a one year commitment since we are out of a conference until the 25/26 year. If you have openings please let me know here or you can email me at mametzger@tsc.k12.in.us
  5. If I had a dollar for every time I heard a parent cuss at their kid this weekend, I'd have lunch paid for this whole week. Apples and trees
  6. McCutcheon has never had a State Champion Cole Chicoine State 2nd, 2x qualifier Travis Dale - State 2nd Alex Griffin - State 3rd
  7. Lake Central, Laporte, Merrillville, Crown Point, Portage, Valparaiso, Chesterton Every team but Michigan City got at least one through in the DAC
  8. Harrison got all 14 thru, McCutcheon 12 out of the Lafayette sectional
  9. Walker needed OT to win Friday night and cost MD a state runner up finish. Danny Williams vs Justin Mora was an electric Friday night match up as well.
  10. CoachM


    Aiden Dallinger
  11. CoachM


    Cole Chicoine
  12. CoachM


    Cole Chicoine
  13. I’d say it has to do with both the Ihsaa and their policy of only the champion matters and a large percentage of the population who can’t handle change, even when it’s for the better. People in Indiana love their back when I was growing up start to a conversation
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