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Everything posted by warsawwrestling

  1. Butler might be a choice also. Not sure. Just spit balling.
  2. so you are saying they are not working their hardest now?
  3. But might be what keeps us from falling toward the bottom. Last I heard was that Indiana was in the top 10 states (9th). So, I guess those 30 plus classed states below us better change. This is not a valid argument for classing wrestling. Indiana would have to be toward the bottom for this to be valid.
  4. We finally agree!!!!! I know you don't really agree with your statement, but doesn't it feel good to say........
  5. 1st one ----- love the current system just add wrestle backs either in regionals - state or semi-state - state. 2nd one ----- I personally think they should slowly morph Folkstyle to Freestyle over the next 15-20 years. 3rd one ----- Sounds great I would be happy with a more standardized or all on the same page group (It has been getting much better I feel).
  6. This is why ISWA cares about staying in the Folkstyle High School business. 2015 ISWA Folkstyle state Cadet 466 entries Junior 409 entries 2014 ISWA Folkstyle state Cadet 524 entries Junior 376 entries 2014 ISWA Freestyle State Total 787 entries
  7. This is true.....I have paid my dues over the last 8 years. Only in the last few years has this been able to be done. I have gone to many tournaments to have my son wrestle 1-2 matches. I also have been to some where we are closing the gym (mainly ISWA state), but there have been others. I would probably not go to a tournament now, unless it was within 30 miles without knowing about how many kids were going to be there. We do go to some tournaments, like Hyway State to pay them back and help build there numbers. The main reason is because they let us wrestle at Nationals 3 or 4 years ago even though we couldn't make it to state one year when my son was younger.
  8. You missed Huntington. The North has had plenty of tournaments (ISWA did a good job of boosting up the amount), numbers are just low and by low I mean very low. I personally am not going to send my son to a tournament for 2 matches (unless they are quality ones) when I can get him much more quality matches by getting together with friends for free or going to RTC's. Now if these tournaments were 10 deep per weight class, than we would be talking something different, but with the older groups that has always been a strugle. I think the argument, at least for me is that ISWA is forcing the upper 10% to make a choice (commit 3-4 weeks to ISWA freestyle or compete in national wrestling events or spring school sports). The other thing that is interesting to me is that all the "small school & class supporters" are not throwing a fit about this. These small schools have to use their athletes in all 3 sport seasons. So, to me it ISWA is saying choose wrestling or get out. Either way to me this is stupid, because you are taking away some of the best kids from the state events. I understand their thinking, I just think that they went about it the wrong way. I also believe that it will hurt Freestyle for a little while, if not long term here in Indiana.
  9. Last I saw those were ISWA signs above the clocks on all the mats at Scholastic Duals in Crawfordsville. IMO it doesn't effect my kid at this point. It has been talked about, ISWA is aware of how people feel and they are okay with it. I'm not going to cry over things I am not able to do at this time; like take drives down to have meeting in Indy land every month, make 2 tournaments to qualify or other things that I am conceding because people refuse to change things that are broke. It is not an impossible venture there are several working models out there to go by. Pick one and stay the course. ISWA goes 15 years or so with requiring placement in local tournaments, than change it a few years back stating kids do not need to qualify at local level. Big shock that local tournaments numbers drop. If ISWA wants to make a difference they need to start a ground roots campaign and push wrestling in Indiana or have programs set up to do so. Instead of demanding people do what they want them to do. Warsaw has kids that want to go, but are in odd sizes. When they go they are the only ones there, if they watch 2-3 different tournament to see where they can go no one is at anyone of them. Sure is a lot of money to spend to take kids to tournaments. 15-40 entry, 35 card (has to be bought on one of the weeks), 30 gas, 30-50 meals, spectator fees of 20-30 and other expenses. Or I take my kid to the local Y, community park (soccer or baseball) for a one time fee of 50-100 dollars for several weeks of competition. Both ways probably spend equal amount in gear. I know we charge a small fee each year of 40 for 3 months of 2 days a week practice, mainly to cover insurance and if people cannot pay we let it slide. Lets face it the wrestling communities don't have the wealthiest families, from my experience. I'm not the answer maker, but I do love the sport of wrestling and I feel we are pushing kids out of the sport. Something will have to give soon, High Schools and clubs cannot afford to have tournaments with only 100ish wrestlers. This is about the break even number, if you are efficient in my view and experience. Very Sad!!!!
  10. I think that is an over estimate. They will be lucky if it is 500. In the northeast (Huntington) you have under a 100 kids last weekend. It is sad to me, someone that loves freestyle, that it has dropped so much.
  11. Was a good room last night. Kyle said thanks for the workout, but he is the only Sloth. Kyle states he is going to have to start charging royalties for the use of his name from this time forward! All kidding aside, thanks for having the room available to kids that are still working.
  12. More interesting yet if you take the 2 lb growth away from those old weights.
  13. This is why I leave the math and stats to you guys that are good at it, I can't even subtract 100- 82.5 and come up with the right answer. There are people who get mad if you don't put stats with your statements, that is what I get for trying. So the mean of non-ranked athletes that makes all-american status in D1 is n=17.5. Now what is the standard deviation. Just the fact I know that the terms mean and standard deviation can go together hurts my head!!!!!! Good stats.......gives us people who cheer for the underdog a fighting chance.
  14. A little more than a small chance, if my math is correct. 27.5% chance if you are not in the top 100
  15. You are somewhat correct. I should have looked it up than I could have qualified his watered down statement. Nebraska Wrestling (Howell, where Brester is from is in D1) which is one of the smallest classes. There were only 2 other 2 x state champs at 171 that same year from Nebraska. Largest------Class A Josh Marcum ----------------Class B Joe Janovich 2x State Champ ----------------Class C Taylor May 2x State Champ Smallest-----Class D Craig Brester 2x State Champ High schools in Nebraska are assigned into classes that are determined by the size of the school's enrollment. From largest to smallest, Nebraska high school activity classes are: AA (used only in music) A A1 (unofficial) A2 (unofficial) B C – in certain activities, divided into: C1 C2 D – in certain activities, divided into: D1 D2
  16. Reading about his story about Craig "the walk on" makes him sound like someone that is looking for "those diamond in the rough type of kids".
  17. I'll give you that, it could improve with wrestle backs.
  18. Even IL justifies their class wrestlers. This is big reason why I LOVE Indiana wrestling. No guessing who is best here.
  19. I also agree for the most part the tournament was well ran. Just a few things I noticed........there was no improved or increased check in time on Friday night. That line is a killer and you just watch kids walk by and go to the front (very frustrating). Secondly, although it was nice to get done by noon, I cannot imagine how tired my son was after wrestling 6 matches in a little over 3 hours. I had another Junior that had same amount of kids in their bracket that wrestled 3 times in the same time frame. A 15 min rule might be okay for 1 match, but when the 15 min rule is being used for 3 matches that is a lot of wrestling in a short period of time.
  20. It is a statistical award for us. Although, the person winning it this year gave it to our only senior. We give out about 6-8 plaques for varsity and JV.
  21. I like your thinking. These are points and questions that I keep asking......for some reason people are more focused on fighting and arguing their stance. I personally have been in the process of pushing more freestyle/greco this year. I have found a few coaches that have had past experience in Greco (which is hard to find), that are willing to have a few clinics in north/mid indiana. I also am going to try working with 3-4 surrounding schools to work together to build wrestling in this area, as a group. One of the biggest problems I have ran into is finding coaching staff to help. Hopefully with combining 3-4 local schools we can overcome this issue. It would be nice to get help from people that have experience building programs and running tournaments, but I'm not sure that will happen. I have hinted and posted to suggest this, but have never been taken up on it. Once again quote the whole thing and not just parts that fit your argument. I said at this time we are under 800. I also stated that I thought numbers would be lower, because of a new selection process. You corrected me on this and like you said there was no change. I know I should never doubt the great and powerful Y2.
  22. Just think if Indiana was classed there would have probably 100 more!!!!!!!
  23. That kind of feels like a jab, but I don't have problem with change. I have problem with lack of direction/focus. Which usually some programs have, but it doesn't seem as a whole (indiana) there is one.
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