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Ironbear last won the day on August 7 2023

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  1. Or they come right into practice yelling at the coach when they don’t have a clue as to what is going on.
  2. Indiana High School Girls Wrestling Coaches Association recognizes Region Coaches of the year are East Noble High School Sam Riesen, Southport High School, Nick Skinner, Penn High School Matt Selis and Mooresville High School Dan Mikesell. Indiana High School Girls Wrestling Coaches Association recognizes New Havens High School James Linn as Indiana Coach of the year! Congratulations for all of your hard work and determination. Thank you for supporting girls wrestling.
  3. I guess the quote from A.J Bradley this morning has you baffled! You might want to go back and read it. He heard you tell your girls and I quote “ Girls keep your hats on we don’t bow down to anyone.”
  4. IHSGW Report on January 12th incident at Kokomo Memorial Coliseum.docx IHSGW Report on January 12th incident at Kokomo Memorial Coliseum First, I want to put in writing how the info was put out to the coaches and athletic directors across the state concerning the hats with glitter and feathers attached to them. I obtained a copy of all the coaches and athletic directors emails from the IHSAA. I sent out an official email to all stating that the hats presented a problem to the mats. I had asked permission to borrow the IHSAA mats and they would truck them in and let us borrow them for the event which we were very excited about. The problem lies in the fact that the boys would be using these mats the next month, and I was told to return them undamaged. I made a decision to keep the hats with glitter and feathers attached to them out of the arena. The week before, the hats presented a problem because the glitter was getting ground into the mats through the course of the day. I heard a few complaints about the glitter getting in the eyes of the competitors. Now in my email, I state I just didn’t want the glitter damaging the mats and thought well that should be enough. I should have also included the safety risk but just saying please don’t bring them should have been enough. When I obtained the list and went through it after the tournament it still had New Palestine’s athletic director’s email on it but from his last job. The head coach is new so his wasn’t on there either. With that being said, Mr. Andrew Frey listed as the boys/girls coach was told personally by Randall Hayes, our head official, not to bring the hats and why. This information was given to him the Monday before the state at a boy’s seeding meeting they were both at. The coach told this to Jason Delois during the week. No email would have reached Mr. Delois because he is a volunteer coach but he was told not to bring those hats according to the head coach, Mr. Frey. The reasons Mr. Delois received 2 unsportsman-like calls are as follows: (The whole incident was filed by the referees witnessing the violations as they occurred.) 1. Mr. Delois was told when entering the event that the hats could not be worn into the arena because of the mandate put out by me, Gary Myers. Mr. Delois disregarded that instruction and kept walking with the team. He then gets to the main gym with the hats still on and was told a second time by the host school that the hats could not be worn into the gym and why. Each time he was asked he disregarded the host schools directive. Randal Hayes, head official, Curt Crouch official, Pat Culp Tournament Director and IHSAA Official, Robert Faulkens all told him to get the hats out of the event. They all were disregarded and Mr. Delois said to them this is ridiculous and he continued to defy all directives. 2. At no time after these violations were written up did it say Mr. Delois was banned from the IHSAA. The unsportsmanlike calls are for Mr. Delois’ behavior once he arrived at the event. If you are a coach that reads the rules you know that once these are written up you have to sit the next dual meet or tourney. Now, the girl’s season has concluded so this doesn’t really affect girl’s future duals or tournaments for this season. 3. Debris on the mat is not allowed under any circumstance for the athlete’s safety. Glitter can get into a wrestler’s eyes and cause damage. It is as simple as that. During my conversation with Mr. Delois, I looked at him and said “Do you realize that you have glitter under your eye?” Hence proving my point. 4. Mr. Delois should have apologized and took the hats to his bus and that would have been the end of it. Sadly, that was not the path he chose. Mr. Delois had the option, over the next 30 minutes, to choose his course of action. He did not choose the likely path of sportsmanship and leadership. Mr. Delois chose defiance, disrespect, and the blatant disregard for the rules. This is why actions were taken against his behavior. 5. One other coach was written up the same way Mr. Delois was and they left the floor and building immediately. I just want to personally say that this is unfortunate as we are trying to build women’s wrestling and nobody wants anyone to leave a sporting event. However, when one person decides to disregard the rules there has to be a consequence especially when it affects the safety of others. Gary Myers President IHSGW
  5. Ironbear


    Michael Cain
  6. Ironbear


    Carson Fettig
  7. Ironbear


    Carson Fettig
  8. I just by placement for the most part.
  9. Yes we are filling the brackets with as many as needed. But we will only pull from the 4 regionals in a semi state. Not outside any semi-states.
  10. Brackets are being uploaded now it took me all of last night and since early this morning until just now to get the correct girls in. They will be released sometime tomorrow depending on how fast we can get them in. A lot of girls are going to be excited for an opportunity to get a second shot at the coveted state title.
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