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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/06/2018 in Posts

  1. Coop wins! Earns birth into tomorrow.
    3 points
  2. Cooper Noehre into the finals of today’s “wrestle in” version of the tournament. 1 win away from a birth into the Main Event!!!
    3 points
  3. Y2CJ41

    IndianaMat Website Tutorial

    While the website contains a lot of useful information, you the user can help provide even more information to fill out results, team details, and wrestler details. Remember with great power comes great responsibility, please do not put fictitious or “funny” things in your profiles. They will be deleted and you risk a permanent ban from the website. If there are things you cannot update, but would like to send me a PM and I will update the information. Here are some tutorials on how to update information for your team or wrestler. Team Profiles While most the information on that page is editable from that page the results, roster, and season history are not editable from that page directly. 1. Go to Information->Teams 2. Search for your team either alphabetically or using the search box 3. Click your team 4. Click the “Edit” link in the lower right corner 5. Things you can edit a. Coach(see Coach Profiles later) b. Assistant Coaches c. Conference d. Twitter handle e. Facebook link f. YouTube link g. School colors h. Official Website i. TrackWrestling link(most of these are filled in) 6. Click Save and you are done! If there is a result that needs updating you can simply click the date of the result and then click “Edit” in the lower right corner of that result to update or change items within that result. You also have a direct link to the wrestlers in which you can edit the wrestler in that way. Team records are automagically updated when you add/edit/delete a result. So if your team's record is incorrect either there are double entries or you need to add some results. Tournament Results There are two ways to access the tournament results input area. First go to Results->Add Tournament Results or secondly go to Results->2016 Tournament Results then click the Add Tournament Results button. Both links take you to the same place. 1. Go to the tournament results input area 2. Change the type if needed 3. Input each team and their scores 4. At the bottom check if a team was a Varsity B team 5. Add Details of final matches or brackets 6. Click Save and you are done! Dual Results There are two ways to access the dual results input area. First go to Results->Add Dual Result or secondly go to Results->2016 Dual Results then click the Add Dual Results button. Both links take you to the same place. 1. Go to the dual results input area 2. Input each team and their scores 3. At the bottom check if a team was a Varsity B team 4. Add Details of final matches or brackets 5. Click Save and you are done! Note that we will tweet your results including tagging your team’s twitter IF and only IF you include details in your result. Plus don’t forget our contest for free gear for inputting results WITH match details. Also note if you enter a duplicate entry only administrators can delete those. Please send me a quick message of your duplicate so I can delete it. Coach Profiles There are two purposes for the coach profiles. The first is to provide an easier way to contact coaches as needed. Each profile has an area to update with a coach’s email and phone number. This information is viewable to ONLY coaches. The second purpose is for team history for the coach. If you click on a coach you will be able to view his history as a head coach. Note that is this is currently only for HEAD COACHES, but we are looking into adding assistants. If you are adding a team’s season history you may need to add some past coaches first before you begin. If a coach is not in the list you simply need to add him. Add a coach 1. Go to Information->Coaches and click the Add Coach button 2. Fill in the coach’s name at the very least, the other information is optional 3. Click Save and you are done! Edit a coach 1. Go to information->Coaches and search for the coach using the search box at the top 2. Click the coach’s name and then the “Edit” link at the bottom right 3. Update any needed information 4. Click Save and you are done! Note that the history portion is done in the team history area and will automagically update when you add a season with that coach included. Team History We have many teams who have submitted me their ENTIRE season history and if you have it please feel free to email me the information. If you want to take the bull by the horns and do this yourself here are the steps. Please make sure you aren’t entering duplicate years, but if you do simply contact me and I’ll fix it. Add a new entry 1. Go to Information->Team History and click Add History 2. Fill in the information that is needed, note that the year is the last year of the season. For instance the 1997-98 year will be 1998. 3. Click Save and you are done! Edit an entry 1. Go to Information->Team History and search for your school 2. Click the year that you want to update 3. Update the information that is needed 4. Click Save and you are done! Wrestler Profiles This is one of the coolest parts of our website and sets us apart from any other hack website in this state or even country. When I started this website it was my vision to give the kids the best avenue to promote themselves and I truly believe this is it. This is a great recruiting tool as many college coaches have said they LOVE the profiles of the wrestlers. Note that administrators are the only ones that create profiles and these are of wrestlers on our watch lists for the rankings. If your wrestler is one we are watching he will have a profile. Updating wrestler information 1. Go to the wrestler’s profile by clicking on his name on a rankings page, team page, or by going to Information->Wrestlers and searching for him 2. Click the Edit link at the bottom right hand corner. 3. Fill in the appropriate information for the wrestler a. SAT Score b. ACT Score c. College Major d. GPA e. Freshman-Senior Wins/Losses f. Projected college weight g. TrackWrestling profile link h. Facebook link i. Twitter handle j. Instagram handle 4. Click Save and you are done! If there is a name misspelling, wrong school associated with your athlete, wrong weight, or grade please contact me and I will update it. Lastly, we will setup an email to submit pictures for the profiles in the coming weeks. Please be patient as we want these to be professional pictures and not bathroom selfies. Wrestler Placements You will see placements at national level events in your wrestler’s profile. Here is where you can add these. Note that they must be approved by an administrator in order to be in their profiles. Please be patient if we do not approve them immediately. There is a select list of events in which we allow for addition to this list. Here are the events: IHSAA State, ISWA Folkstyle State, ISWA Freestyle State, ISWA Greco State, Cadet Folkstyle Nationals, Cadet Greco Nationals, Cadet Freestyle Nationals, Junior Folkstyle Nationals, Junior Greco Nationals, Junior Freestyle Nationals, FloNationals, NHSCA Freshman Nationals, NHSCA Sophomore Nationals, NHSCA Junior Nationals, NHSCA Senior Nationals, IndianaMat Hoosier Preseason Open, Middle School State, Super 32, FILA Cadet Freestyle Nationals, FILA Cadet Greco Nationals, FILA Junior Freestyle Nationals, FILA Junior Greco Nationals. Please limit your ISWA credentials to Schoolboy and above age groups. Adding an accomplishment 1. Go to Information->Wrestler Accomplishments and click the Add Record button 2. Fill in the needed information, note that the college is for collegiate accomplishments only. 3. Click save and you are done! Adding a Team If you are entering in results and do NOT see a team in our list you will need to add it. Please double check that the team is not in our database! We have all Indiana teams and many out of state teams that have been entered. Note that the team will need to be approved by a moderator before you see it in the list so you will need to wait sometimes to enter specific results. Adding a team 1. Go to Information->Teams and select the Other category 2. Press the Add Team button 3. The least amount of information that is needed is team name and state. Please add parenthesis around the team’s state abbreviation, such as (OH), (MI), etc. 4. Press save and wait for an admin to approve your new team. Individual Results These are only editable and by admins and our semi-state or state rankers. Please send us information if you have a result that is missing. Frequently Asked Questions Q: My team's record is X-X, but it shows Y-Y fix this for me. A: This has a simple fix, report your results! Every time you put in a new result the website recalculates your team's record. So thus REPORT YOUR RESULTS! Q: Why don't you have individual results from XYZ tournament showing yet? A: There are many potential reasons for this 1. We are busy, it is on our to-do list 2. We just received the results 3. We don't know about the results as no one has posted them. In the end, be patient especially after big weekends.
    1 point
  4. Y2CJ41

    Team Logos Upload

    As we get ready for the season we are making some cosmetic and behind the scenes changes. I have updated our team information pages and working on getting logos for all the teams. Obviously it is a big task, so I have opened it up to users of the site to upload your favorite school's logo...heck you can do your least favorite school also. http://indianamat.com/index.php?/team_listing.html/indiana/ Just click your team and then at the bottom click edit and upload the logo that your school uses. If you are viewing the website on a desktop/laptop you can see one of the many new places these logos will appear. Note: Do not upload improper images...it won't be good for you.
    1 point
  5. Better get this off my chest, but my opinion hands down Zionsville Community High School.
    1 point
  6. Congratulations to Jacob Moran Congratulations to from Portage for signing with Indiana. Projected to wrestle 125. View full signing
    1 point
  7. You surely won't win any hair awards.
    1 point
  8. Take a little gander at our awesome new pages. http://indianamat.com/index.php?/state-brackets/
    1 point
  9. Y2CJ41

    State Finals History Pages

    The brackets are locked down for now.
    1 point
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