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Crown Point, Brownsburg, Center Grove


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Not all schools have coaches that have the time to coach 365 days out of the year. Some academies have to be open 365 of the year because there are bills to pay on the monthly that will not go away. Parent coaches can be 365 days out of the year because they are invested in their wrestler and they can bring others along for the ride but those parents usually graduate with their wrestlers. Many times that is why you see a program spark up for a little while then die back down.  Academies attract the kids and parents that are looking to put in that extra work when every other room is closed or when their isn't enough competition in their own room or a wrestler connects with a certain coach. At it's best an academy is supposed to be a supplement for a wrestler to get better and improve all the while working along side the school system they go to. At it's worst it is used as a recruiting ground to help a high school program. Recruiting happens and will continue to happen, it is what it is. I have an extremely open room policy. I love when high school coaches come and help with the practices. As matter of fact you start getting more kids from that particular school coming because the coach is part of the process. 


To push back a little on money helping I am not sure I buy that. No pun attended. There is way more dynamics that go into other than money. I have offered many many things for free with World level talent and I have had those opportunities passed up many times. It's about motivation, rather that comes from the parents, coaches, or the wrestlers own hunger. But... if you have a whole community dumping money into a program that there is allot of pressure and motivation to make things happen. So... in that sense I may agree.

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