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      Bulldog Breakdown: The Football Player, Part 2

      By Anna Kayser
      If you’re on the outside looking in as Brownsburg wrestling approaches the 2023 State Series, you may not know or see that there is a lot different about Leighton Jones now compared to last season.  
      For one, his bathroom mirror is covered in words written in dry erase marker.
      To explain how Leighton has grown into who he is today, we have to go through what happened in the IHSAA State Championships last year.
      As the No. 1 ranked heavyweight in the state, Leighton was the odds-on favorite to win the championship after losing his ticket round match during his freshman year and placing third at state as a sophomore. However, the viewpoint was a lot sunnier from the outside looking in on a kid who had high prospects for his future and a solid season on the purple Brownsburg mat.
      Internally, he was exhausted.
      Following his official, game day visit to the University of Iowa in which they secured a statement win over Indiana University in early September 2021, nothing slowed down for Leighton. His recruitment was peaking, with multiple football and wrestling programs looking to woo him into a commitment.
      However, the offers weren’t coming from football programs, not yet. Indiana had offered Leighton a full scholarship package to wrestle for the Hoosiers in Bloomington. So, he had options, but there was only one option that he was really looking for.
      “In the back of his mind, he was still wanting football but knew that he was going to have more control over his own destiny with wrestling,” Marshall Jones, Leighton’s dad, said. “So that added much more pressure.”
      Leighton’s quiet, describing himself ‘lead by example’ type of figure until his senior wrestling season when he really strived to fill the ‘senior heavyweight’ shoes and instill accountability in his teammates. So, when the stress started creeping up, it didn’t present itself until the toll became physical.
      “[Leighton] internalizes a lot, doesn’t say too much, so we didn’t really see too much stress until a tournament up in Crown Point [in December],” Marshall said. “He was just so tentative, lost [by one point] and Leighton should have beaten him, probably should have majored him if nothing else. You could tell that he wasn’t wrestling like Chad [Red] had taught him to wrestle.”
      The next weekend, he was beaten again – this time by a takedown with five seconds left in an overtime period.
      “You could see in Leighton’s face, ‘I don’t know if I want to do this,’” Marshall recalled.
      The pressure from both his sports colliding over the winter months was beating down on Leighton. His schedule was packed, moreso than any normal high school junior beginning the college search. It wasn’t just academics he was looking at; he was reaching for a place that would help him grow toward the next level of athletics. A place that would help him reach his goals of the NFL.
      In the back of his mind, Leighton had already found the perfect spot: Iowa City. But without the offer on the table – without many offers on the table at all – he was still an overly active recruit.
      “I would come home from wrestling, and I would eat and get on the phone with four different programs,” Leighton said. “By the time I got off the phone every night, it would be 10:30-11 [at night] and I would have to do the same thing over again the next night.”
      Leighton was actively texting in the Jones family group chat almost every single day – someone called him, wanted to talk to him, or followed him on Twitter. It was constant.
      He was being bombarded from all sides. Schools were calling about both wrestling and football, people around him were continuously reminding him of their expectation for an individual title in February, and his drive diminished with mounting stress placed on his shoulders.
      “I just wasn’t having fun,” Leighton said. “I was kind of in my own head.”
      In seeing all of the stress and anxiety bubble to the surface in a physical way, the Jones family sought help from a sports psychologist, recommended by a friend whose son was in a similar boat.
      For six weeks through the end of the wrestling season, Leighton was taught coping skills to handle all the weight on his shoulders. He was also taught to narrow his focus in on what was right in front of him.
      “Just that six-week period that we sought that professional help was huge,” Laurie said. “Leighton is a big picture kid – he would look at the big picture, he would look at the challenges ahead and he would kind of overwhelm himself. We got him seeing someone who had him focus, step-by-step, on what he needed to accomplish things and have that focus and mental strength to handle the stress.”
      The family also allotted some down time, a window for Leighton to have no responsibility and hopefully avoid burnout. That free time came in the form of Sundays at home.
      “We made sure he had time, especially on the weekends, just to have complete down time because if he didn’t, then he couldn’t have given too much more,” Laurie said. “Just giving him that amount of time that we had on those weekends, we tried not to talk about anything as far as any stress of any sports especially after he was done competing on Saturdays.
      “On Sundays after his workout, he had very little responsibilities because we just wanted him to still be able to manage and be a kid.”
      They also got Leighton back into the Red Cobra wrestling room, bringing him back to his wrestling roots with something Marshall felt like he was missing.
      Leighton had the physical tools he needed to succeed on the mat, but the mentality of wrestling always dominates.
      “It was just more of a mental thing of keeping his mind set and getting him to believe in what he’s capable of doing,” Red said. “Me personally, I thought he was a state champion his sophomore year, I thought he was capable of it his junior year and now we’re in his senior year. That’s our plan, that’s definitely his plan, and hopefully we’ll get that job done coming into February.”
      Meanwhile, the Jones family watched as other recruits around the Midwest began to collect offers and commit to schools, creating their own timeline in their minds.
      They were looking for the shoe to drop, that offer from the University of Iowa that would – finally – solidify Leighton’s future.
      “That’s what [Leighton] really wanted,” Marshall said. “He fell in love with the campus the first time we stepped foot on it. Every place we went, he compared it back to Iowa.”
      Come January, the official offers began to ramp up: Eastern Kentucky, Kent State, Illinois State, Toledo, Miami (Ohio), Western Michigan, Central Michigan, Ball State, Bowling Green and Ohio.
      He already knew where he wanted to go, but he was made to wait for it. Iowa was locked in on him – as was Purdue, which would officially offer him around the same time – but knew he had a state championship run to focus on during the time.
      As the influx of offers came in, so did the high-pressure tournaments designed to award only the best-of-the-best with a bid to Gainbridge Fieldhouse in February.
      For those around him, wrestling season was leading up to a hopeful heavyweight state title – again, he was ranked No. 1 in the state. For Leighton, it was a countdown.
      “I came into state and was like, ‘Alright, I have four matches left.’ And after Friday night, I was like, ‘Alright, three matches left.’ And then it was semifinals, and I was like ‘Alright, two more matches and I’m done.’” Leighton said. “I just wanted to get it over with. I was confident, but I wasn’t having confident feelings just going into the whole thing.”
      Leighton won his first two state matches by three and two-point decisions, respectively. He was then defeated in the semifinals by an 8-5 decision and dropped to the third-place match.
      “I think he, just like all of us, was devastated. We felt like we were the best heavyweight, and it was hard to watch him lose because I know how bad he wants it,” Brownsburg head coach Darrick Snyder said. “Honestly, I just gave him a hug and we didn’t really immediately talk about it. There’s nothing to be said, especially the guys who have trained the right way and they really want to win it.”
      He bounced back from the loss with a shutout of his next opponent for third place, 6-0, adapting his goals to accomplish what ended up being right in front of him.
      With wrestling season in his peripheral mirror, the waves of relief came in a rush for Leighton.
      “The coaches told him they did not want to offer him during wrestling season because they knew it was hard enough, and once Iowa offers an offensive lineman… that recruit just starts to blow up,” Marshall said. “They didn’t want to do that to him while he was still on the hunt for the state championship.”
      On Monday morning, less than 48 hours after his junior wrestling season came to a close, Leighton got the call he had been waiting for from the George Barnett, the Hawkeyes’ offensive line coach, with one message: ‘Don’t forget why you liked Iowa.’
      As promised, the programs started calling. The Jones family even had a visit set up to go visit Notre Dame, Leighton’s favorite school growing up.
      Despite the increased attention and pressure to open his mind to somewhere other than Iowa, the answer didn’t change: Thanks, but Iowa’s the place.
      “He was like, ‘I don’t want to go,’ and we were like ‘You don’t want to go to Notre Dame? You don’t just want to go see?’” Laurie said. His answer was the same, as his mom remembers it: “No, I don’t. I feel like I’m lying to these people pretending that I’m interested. I’m not interested.”
      On Feb. 26, mere days after receiving his call from Iowa and tons other from programs now eyeing him, Leighton announced his commitment with a tweet saying, “Iowa City, I’m coming home.”
      From the beginning, he knew that’s where he wanted to be. On Dec. 21 when he signed his national letter of intent, he officially became a Hawkeye.
      “Every place we visited just never quite checked all the boxes like Iowa did,” Laurie said. “It’s got this feel that makes you want to go back.”
      It goes back to the list of accomplished Iowa football players who wrestled in high school, too. Iowa has a strong resume of building former wrestlers into forces to be reckoned with on the offensive line and seeing the success of Hawkeyes in the NFL was a sticking point for the Brownsburg heavyweight.
      “I’ve always wanted to play in the NFL – that’s always been there,” Leighton said. “And then when I got offered to Iowa, I was like ‘Alright, I can make this happen. If it’s anywhere, it’s here. Right when I committed, I realized I could be something special, and they told me that too.”
      Now, that eight-, nine-year old kid who Chad Red called “NFL” has a real shot at continuing to make his dreams come true – as long as he doesn’t look too far ahead of where his feet lie.
      Although Leighton is now removed from regularly seeing a sports psychologist, he still puts into practice coping mechanisms to keep his stress and anxiety at a low level. The things that stuck with him will also take him through to his first year as a student-athlete at Iowa.
      One of the biggest things he learned is to write all his goals on his bathroom mirror, so he has a visual each day of what is in front of him and can see all that he’s accomplishing each day.
      “Once he started to focus on the small things, it was so much better,” Laurie said. “That’s going to be a tool he’s absolutely going to have to use next year and we see him still using it now. I mean, his bathroom mirror is all covered up and written on with everything he wants to accomplish this year in wrestling.”
      It’s not uncommon for football players to forgo their second semester senior year to join their college programs for spring practice. That wasn’t an option on the table for Leighton, and the Iowa coaches wanted to see him accomplish his goals on the wrestling mat.
      “There are a lot of kids that wouldn’t be wrestling right now – he’s on a full ride to go play football at Iowa,” Snyder said. “It would have been real easy for him to say, ‘I’m going to Iowa,’ but he wants to help us win and wants to try to win a state title.”
      So, that’s where he’s headed. He’s received his meal plan and workout program in the mail from Iowa, but the first step is to tackle what awaits him at sectionals, regionals and then state at Gainbridge Fieldhouse.
      “I can definitely tell I’m embracing it this year, my last season,” Leighton said. “I’ve put in so much work since third grade to get to this point, and I just want to finish it out on the right note.”

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      Bulldog Breakdown: The Football Player, Part 1

      By Anna Kayser
      At the beginning of his recruitment process with the Iowa Hawkeye football program, Leighton Jones was handed a piece of paper.
      “There were about 15 or 16 wrestlers who have made All-Big Ten [on that paper]. All-Big Ten isn’t easy at all to do,” Leighton said. “It wasn’t just all the guys that wrestled, it was all the guys that placed or were state champs.”
      On Wednesday, Dec. 21, the rest became history.
      Leighton’s career has been building toward the opportunity to add his name to the list of Iowa football players with wrestling in their blood. Both sports went hand-in-hand from the very beginning, and together helped his skills grow to the level of a future Division I football player.
      Picture him at four-years-old – something that’s a far cry from the current 6-foot-4, 275-pound offensive lineman who sports a Brownsburg singlet from November to February. That age is really where this story begins, when he was handed a mini jersey and set of waist flags for an upcoming fall season of flag football.
      Even at that age, a competitive nature snuck through his quiet persona. Football season then transitioned into wrestling season – as it would for the next 14 years of his life – and Leighton took his first steps onto a mat as part of Brownsburg’s youth wrestling club.
      “A lot of people were scratching their heads and calling me silly,” Leighton’s dad, Marshall Jones, said. “But you’ve got to start them early, right?”
      Once he started, there was no stopping for Leighton. Four years later at about eight years old – his second-grade year, as he describes it – he was locked into playing football. The same soon followed with his love of wrestling, when he met Chad Red of Red Cobra Wrestling Academy in Avon during his third-grade year.
      “He absolutely loved it from day one, so we knew it was something that was going to take off,” Laurie Jones, Leighton’s mom, said. “I think just being involved in all these activities, they gave him immediate friends from early on and he’s such a social kid. All of these teams – I’ve got pictures where some of the boys he’s with right now, they’ve been wrestling together since Leighton was five or six. That’s how deep it runs.
      “Forming these relationships was easy for him and then all of the sports time, that’s how he identified himself. We knew that he might actually be really good at both of these things.”
      Even from a young age, one could probably guess what role Leighton would play on the Brownsburg high school wrestling team. He was already bigger than a lot of kids his age, especially those in the wrestling room.
      “So, he either had to go against a lot of older guys or he just didn’t have training partners,” Marshall said. “His best friend’s dad and I kind of agreed that we would keep the boys together to play youth football because they didn’t have anyone else to drill against. With wrestling, there was no one else.”
      That’s where the shift to Red Cobra came into play. He would step into the room and immediately be wrestling kids the same size as him, regardless of whether or not they were a few years older.
      The strides he made at the academy level were immeasurable, due to his hard work and dedication to the sport. From the beginning, Red saw something special.
      “I was just continuously seeing him growing, every year he continued to get better from day one coming in,” Red said. “I would always call him NFL just because he was a big kid, but he moved extremely well for his size and again, he had a great work ethic – never complained, always worked… he was always up at the front, one of the leaders of the pack.”
      With his strong foundation set in both football and wrestling, Leighton’s drive and focus was locked completely into his opportunities in sports. 
      “That’s one thing that I’ve seen him do time and time again,” Marshall said. “He’ll go in and kind of assess [the situation], and once he has things [measured up], he locks it and it’s full steam ahead.”
      Thus began a routine of constant travel for opportunities that Leighton couldn’t miss out on as he began to build the foundation for the football player and wrestler he is today. Opportunities that include, most recently, a selection to play at the US Army Bowl at the Dallas Cowboys’ stadium in Texas just last month. 
      “Having your dad as a coach is pretty special,” Leighton said. “He’s always looking out for me, making sure I’m doing the right thing and always [trying] to give me the best chance at every opportunity, whether it’s taking me across the country for wrestling or going to football camps, whatever it was.”
      The turning point of going down the sports-dominated road came with its challenges – challenges that often can extinguish the flame of enjoyment from young athletes early on.
      For Leighton, the key to growing up and continuously having fun in the two sports that dominate his life began at home.
      While Marshall is the designated coach in the household, Laurie is the force of power balancing out the scales to make sure they don’t tip too far into the pressure of being an athlete.
      “My mom looked at my school stuff, my social stuff and made sure I was able to hang out with friends and have a normal childhood on top of going to tournaments every weekend,” Leighton said. “I felt like I was living a high school life in middle school just being on the road traveling non-stop. She’s made sure I was having a good time when I wasn’t in football and wrestling.”
      For Laurie, school was the biggest thing. If Leighton worked as hard at school as he did on the football field or in the wrestling room, his future would be there waiting for him when the time came.
      The social component, that came easy. He had developed relationships with his peers at Brownsburg from the early onset of sports, and they grew up together from the attraction to athletics.
      “He has a natural desire to please and to work hard, so that work ethic he put right into school,” Laurie said. “And the relationships that he was forming spending all of these times with these families, it was just the perfect combination.”
      With the well-rounded approach to Leighton’s development from an early age, it showed the future Division I football player that there was more to life than sports. It took the pressure off that side of his life, allowing him to thrive in it.
      “It really went a long way and at the time I didn’t really notice it,” Leighton said. “I mean, nowadays, kids are cutting weight from like first grade and all of a sudden, they get to high school and want to quit. I feel like it kind of helped me make sure I wasn’t burnt out and just enjoyed the sport for what it was, rather than living and dying through it.”
      The outside support for other aspects of his life helped Leighton’s drive stay strong in both football and wrestling. Working hard and staying focused in every aspect of his life is what sparked Iowa’s interest in him in the first place.
      Following 6 AM workouts at Red Cobra, Leighton would make his way to Brownsburg football’s first-period weightlifting session. One day, that dedication to both sports went noticed and ultimately led to his commitment to the Hawkeyes.
      “Iowa [defensive line] coach Kelvin Bell was there to talk to some other football recruits, just watched him work out and was really impressed with his work ethic,” Marshall said.” That [sentiment] just kept going with the [other] contacts at Iowa.”
      Leighton’s hard work throughout his early high school years paid off, and his recruitment process rocketed with Iowa at the front and center. The interest shown from a number of college coaches who saw the combination of skills from football and wrestling was instrumental in how he would move forward.
      “I honestly thought I was going to wrestle in college all the way until my sophomore year… I started getting recruited a lot more [in football] and that piqued my interest,” Leighton said. “I realized I could be a pretty big football recruit and go somewhere big.”
      At the time, Jones was coming off a tough semifinal loss at the 2021 IHSAA State Tournament but finished strong in third place with a major decision against one of the best heavyweights in the state.
      It wasn’t only his physicality that made Jones stand out, but his strong mentality.
      “What was interesting, almost unilaterally regardless of the school, they almost talked to him more about his wrestling than football,” Marshall said. “I think it was that validation that, here’s a kid that’s competing at the highest levels in wrestling. A lot of the coaches were talking about his resiliency.”
      In June 2021, following his sophomore year at Brownsburg, Leighton and Marshall took another cross-country trip for three total Big Ten camps in the span of a week, unofficially kicking off his recruiting process.
      The trip, which took the Jones family all the way to Lincoln, Neb. for a freestyle camp and back east to Happy Valley for a Penn State football camp, made its first stop in Iowa City for Leighton’s first taste of Iowa football.
      “When he went out to a camp at Iowa for an afternoon and was a defensive lineman, all the other coaches were noticing his footwork and hand skills and were like, ‘He’s a wrestler, right?’” Marshall said. “[Iowa head coach] Kirk Ferentz called him out and spoke to him personally – one out of like 200 linemen campers – and said, ‘You wrestle, right?’ That kind of became the discussion point.”
      At their cores, wrestling and football are very different. Football is entirely a team mentality – as an offensive lineman, specifically, Leighton plays a crucial part in making sure plays develop the way they’re meant to. Wrestling, on the other hand – while there is still somewhat of a team component, moreso in some competitive environments than others – leans hard into an individual drive to succeed.
      When you lose in football, it’s a full team loss. The emotional and mental weight that comes from wrestling is often completely different.
      “I always kind of preferred football because it’s obviously easier,” Leighton said with a laugh. “When you lose, you don’t feel [that immense, individual pressure].”
      Having an individual mentality instilled in him from an early age improved his growth on the football field, one of the ways the two sports go hand-in-hand.
      When it comes to reaching his goals and focusing in on the individual fundamentals that will ultimately help the Iowa football team when he takes to the turf.
      “I always have my goals in mind and where I’m trying to get to,” Leighton said. “That goes along with preparing more and being honest about my weaknesses and strengths, as well as the role I play on the team.”
      Leighton is able to tap into that team mentality too, especially in the leadership role he plays during Brownsburg wrestling practices.
      “I was always kind of a ‘lead by example’ guy, but this year my goal was to be more vocal,” Leighton said. “I mean, the senior heavyweight – most people will listen in the room, and if they don’t then you’ve kind of got to get into them a little. It’s really helped a lot, now they just kind of know [what to expect] every day when they walk into the room and to work hard.”
      Fundamentally, wrestling and being an offensive lineman pair well when developing skills. Leighton is a strong, quick athlete whose abilities on the wrestling mat translate well to the gridiron.
      “Wrestling and football complement each other in such a way that you don’t get burnt out on wrestling because the training is so tough if you train year-round,” Marshall said. “[Leighton] would train year-round in wrestling that was just really complementing his footwork, his hand-fighting and his actual mental game.”
      The Iowa football program is a leader in developing successful wrestlers to become some of the best offensive lineman in the game. Tristian Wirfs of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Tyler Linderbaum of the Baltimore Ravens are two recent, strong examples coming out of Kinnick Stadium.
      When going through his recruiting process, the love of building their offensive line with former wrestlers is what drew him in on the Hawkeye program.
      “Leighton fits the mold of many former Iowa offensive linemen that have come before him here in Iowa City,” Tyler Barnes, Director of Recruiting for Iowa football said via email. “He is a relentless competitor both on the football field and on the wrestling mat. He competes in both sports with a dominant mentality, and we love the chip he has on his shoulder. Leighton is one of those guys who can flip the switch once he starts competing and those are the guys opponents should worry about.”
      Leighton went on an unofficial visit in July of 2021, one month after the camp that got him noticed by Ferentz. In September he visited again, this time taking in the experience he might have running onto the field in Iowa City one day.
      “I went on a gameday visit to their first game in 2021 vs. [Indiana], and it was the most incredible thing I’ve ever been to,” Leighton said. “You don’t get that…anywhere else. I thought it was pretty special.
      “I realized it was different, and that as long as the coaches weren’t going to leave, they were honest, and they wanted what’s best for me and would push me [to reach my goals].”

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      2023 IHSAA State Finals Schedule

      Friday, Feb. 17, 2023
      Session 1
      Gates open at 12:30 pm ET
      Parade of Champions at 1:30 pm ET
      First Round Weight Classes 106 - 145 begin at 2 pm ET 
      First Round Weight Classes 152 - 285 begin at 5:30 pm ET
      Saturday, Feb. 18, 2023
      Session 2
      Gates open at 8 am ET 
      Quarterfinals begin at 9 am ET with Semifinals to follow
      Fieldhouse cleared of all spectators following Semifinals
      Session 3 
      Gates open at 3:30 pm ET
      Consolations at 4:30 pm ET with State Championships to follow at 7:30 pm ET

      1895 1

      Bulldog Breakdown: IHSWCA Championships Winds Into Final Stretch of Season

      By Anna Kayser
      On Saturday in Brownsburg, fans from the top two wrestling teams in 4A – and arguably the entire state of Indiana – took to the Bulldog gym for what is likely a preview of the 2023 IHSAA State Championship race on the horizon.
      After making it’s way through a tough slate of opponents in Indianapolis Cathedral and Center Grove, Brownsburg clawed it’s way back from a deep and early deficit against No. 1 ranked Crown Point but ultimately fell short in the IHSWCA Dual State championships, losing 39-24.
      “Crown Point’s really good, and we knew they were really good,” head coach Darrick Snyder said. “Our guys fought and battled hard, they have a handful of guys paired up with some of our guys that aren’t quite at that level yet, so we knew they’d score bonus in those.”
      Crown Point jumped out to a commanding 20-0 lead after the first four bouts, sweeping Brownsburg’s 170-220 weights in style with two pins and a technical fall.
      Brownsburg then countered in dominant fashion, taking each of the next four and six of the next seven to tighten the deficit to just one point (25-24). After heavyweight Leighton Jones put the purple Bulldogs on the board, Revin Dickman (106) followed with a third-period fall and off they went. Jake Hockaday’s technical fall at 120 and Brady Ison’s major decision at 132 tallied bonus points for the team.
      “I thought our guys did everything they could to win, Crown Point’s just a better team right now,” Snyder said. “I thought we battled well, I was proud of the effort but never happy getting second place. Just have to refocus, we have conference coming up and then the tournament series so we’ll get back to work.”
      Dickman, Hockaday and Ison all went 3-0 for Brownsburg on Saturday, with Parker Reynolds going 2-0 over the final two duals.
      “You know who’s really clicking for us right now is Brady Ison,” Snyder said. “We went up to Ironman and he went 1-2, and I don’t remember the last time he didn’t place at a tournament, he’s been wrestling his whole life. I told the guys that when you start taking those losses, there’s two roads – you’re either going to go down the road to get better and fix things, or you’re just going to be happy losing.
      “[Ison] went up to Brecksville and won it, and he looked lights out today.”
      With a four-point lead entering the final two matches of a long day of wrestling, Crown Point clinched it’s second consecutive IHSWCA Dual State title with a technical fall to put the red Bulldog out of reach in the final bout.
      The tournament kicks off a season-ending stretch of strong Indiana-based competition for the purple Bulldogs, culminating in the IHSAA State Championships at Gainbridge Fieldhouse in February. On Jan. 14, they again take to the Brownsburg gymnasium for the HCC Championships. Two weeks later, the state series begins.
      In December, the focus shifted into getting some wrestlers national recognition by battling some of the toughest competition across state lines. Now, they’re looking for that hard work to pay off with a strong performance in the state series.
      “Take a kid like Preston Haines, who in Ohio lost some really tough, close matches at Brecksville then lost a close one in overtime in the semis,” Snyder said. “He’s been in that situation 10 times this year, and this was the first time he didn’t get down on himself.
      “You see guys breathing heavy and a lot of times it’s just anxiety and nerves because the match isn’t going their way. He was calm and collected the entire time, and we’re starting to see more of our guys do that because they’ve been in all of these tough matches.”


      Bulldog Breakdown: IHSWCA Dual State on Deck for Tough Bulldog Squad

      By Anna Kayser
      After a month of individual focus for the Brownsburg wrestling team with the Walsh Ironman, Carnahan and Brecksville-Broadview Heights Invitationals alongside few one-on-one duals in December, the team focus returns on Saturday as the Bulldogs look for their first IHSWCA Dual State championship since 2019.
      “This weekend isn’t the official IHSAA state champions, but to me whatever team wins dual state any year, that’s the best team,” head coach Darrick Snyder said. “I love it when you go into it and the best kid on your team is just as important as the least talented kid on your team.”
      Over the past month, the Bulldogs have taken strides from top to bottom in individual performance to prepare them for the switch to a team mentality and having a strong lineup through all weight classes.
      At the Ironman Invitational from Dec. 9-10, Revin Dickman (106) and Leighton Jones (HWT) each earned a spot on the podium to in one of the toughest high school tournaments in the country, leading the Bulldogs to place 20th out of 119 teams. One week later, they finished in third place of the Carnahan Invitational at Crown Point with Gunnar Henry (195) winning his bracket and three others reaching the finals.
      To round out December, seven Bulldogs took to the podium on another tough stage, with Brady Ison (132) being crowned as a champion of the Brecksville-Broadview Heights Invitational and Dickman and Jones following in second place of their respective weight classes.
      And in the middle of the gauntlet of tough, nationally ranked competition have been practices mapped around these wrestlers peaking at the right time and keeping their bodies fresh for a run at the postseason. Dual meets have gone by the wayside, with Brownsburg’s last dual coming exactly one month ago on Dec. 6 vs. Avon.
      “Our schedule is so much different with being able to go to Ironman and Brecksville… we’re just doing a lot of individual tournaments,” Snyder said. “Which, I think if we’re trying to get our guys national exposure and knock off some nationally ranked guys, that’s probably the best route.”
      That improvement during the season – and even the strides they make in the summer and in the school months leading up to wrestling season – ultimately strengthens the program to a point where they are in the running for state titles in any arena.
      Now that they’ve faced some of the toughest competition in the country, both the mental and physical aspects of wrestling have been strengthened to set up Brownsburg for a run this weekend and in February.
      “I always tell the guys to get as good as you can and keep improving, and that helps the team,” Snyder said. “Whether it’s in a dual meet or it’s at individual state, if you get to a point where you can compete for [an individual] state title in Indiana, you’re going to help us win an Indiana [team] state title and you’re certainly going to help us in a dual meet. We just focus on them continuing to improve.”
      The team mentality comes into play when looking at the scoreboard and the overall team race in an event like this weekend, and that’s the biggest difference between wrestling for an individual title and taking the mat in a dual meet.
      There’s also the ability to pick each other up following individual losses, scoring bonus points to offset opponents’ points on the scoreboard.
      “I think our guys are very unselfish and that’s something I think we’ve kind of created within our culture,” Snyder said. “Our guys know that if they’re the clear-cut better wrestler, they can’t go out and win 5-4, they’ve got to score bonus points. They don’t always do it, but that’s their goal. And our guys that are kind of getting beat up on and falling behind, they know they have to fight off their back and survive because it’s all about the team.
      “There are some rounds where my best kids walk out and I’m like ‘Get me bonus’ and they’re like, ‘Got you, coach.’”
      The 4A bracket of the IHSWCA State Duals tournament will take place on Brownsburg’s home turf as they look to battle through a bracket of strong competition.
      As the No. 2 seed, the Bulldogs open with No. 7 Indianapolis Cathedral and will have to get through either No. 3 Center Grove – a tough opponent to battle in half of the bracket – or No. 6 Evansville Mater Dei. On the other side of the bracket awaits No. 1 Crown Point, which won the tournament in 2022.
      “I’m excited to compete as a team with everybody right there,” Snyder said. “I know our guys are too, we’ve had a great week of practice. We don’t need to say anything, do anything – we talk about winning dual state and IHSAA state, and they were locked in on Monday. They’re ready to roll.”

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      2023 IHSWCA Team State Information

      Date: January 7th, 2023
      Qualification Procedures
      Click here to see the qualification procedures for teams participating
      Qualification Leaderboard
      Click here to see the leaderboard throughout the state series
      Team State Pick'ems
      Click here to access the pick'ems
      1A and 3A- Franklin Community High School
      2A- Jay County High School
      4A- Brownsburg High School
      Weigh-ins 7:30am
      Doors open 8:00am
      Wrestling beings at 9:00am
      $15- Adults and Students
      Preschool and IHSWCA members FREE
      1A Event Link
      Adams Central, Bluffton, Cascade, Cowan, North Posey, Prairie Heights, Rochester, Southmont, Tell City, West Central, Winamac 
      Vote-In: South Adams
      2A Event Link
      Bellmont, Delta, Garrett, Hamilton Heights, Heritage Hills, Jay County, New Prairie, Norwell, Rensselaer Central, Wawasee, Western
      Vote-In: Owen Valley
      3A Event Link
      East Central, Floyd Central, Hobart, Mishawaka, Roncalli, Terre Haute South
      Vote In: Greenfield-Central and Columbus East(New Haven withdrew from the event)
      4A Event Link
      Brownsburg, Carmel, Center Grove, Crown Point, Evanville Mater Dei, Indianapolis Cathedral, Penn
      Vote In: Perry Meridian
      TrackWrestling Link
      ****Including Streaming Info****
      Streaming is through TrackWrestling/FloWrestling and cost is a yearly subscription of $150.
      Click here to access the event on TrackWrestling
      Click here for FloWrestling Streaming page
      *Note: If you want a monthly subscription option you can subscribe to FloBowling and utilize that membership to watch wrestling or any other sports they offer. The cost is $30 per month for a monthly option.

      Past Results
      2022 Results
      Location: Martinsville High School, Franklin Community High School, and Brownsburg High School
      1A: Tell City
      2A: Bellmont
      3A: Columbus East
      4A: Crown Point
      2021 Results
      Location: Allen County War Memorial Coliseum, Franklin Community High School, and Brownsburg High School
      1A: Tell City
      2A: Garrett
      3A: East Central
      4A: Evansville Mater Dei
      2020 Results
      Location: Allen County War Memorial Coliseum
      1A: North Posey
      2A: Bellmont
      3A: Indianapolis Cathedral
      2019 Results
      Location: Allen County War Memorial Coliseum
      1A: Adams Central
      2A: Western
      3A: Brownsburg
      2018 Results
      Location: Allen County War Memorial Coliseum
      1A: Prairie Heights
      2A: Wawasee
      3A: Brownsburg
      2017 Results
      Location: Allen County War Memorial Coliseum
      1A: Prairie Heights
      2A: Yorktown
      3A: Brownsburg
      2016 Results
      Location: Allen County War Memorial Coliseum
      1A: Prairie Heights
      2A: Bellmont
      3A: Brownsburg
      2015 Results
      Location: Ball State
      1A: Adams Central
      2A: Yorktown
      3A: Evansville Mater Dei
      2014 Results
      Location: Westfield High School
      1A: Churubusco
      2A: Yorktown
      3A: Franklin
      2013 Results
      Location: Westfield High School
      1A: Adams Central
      2A: Yorktown
      3A: Perry Meridian


      Bulldog Breakdown: Brownsburg’s December Gauntlet Continues Following Walsh Ironman

      By Anna Kayser
      Following a weekend at one of the most difficult high school wrestling tournaments in the nation, the consensus among Brownsburg’s wrestling staff and athletes is likely what one would expect: That was one tough tournament, but the lessons taken from it and how individuals move forward will prepare them for their biggest test come February.
      On Saturday, the Bulldogs saw their two bookends each place at the Walsh Ironman Invitational in Ohio, representing Indiana along with Crown Point as the first teams from Indiana to compete in the gauntlet. With three losses each, 106-pound Revin Dickman (8th) and heavyweight Leighton Jones (6th) took to the podium in success stories of one weekend of incredible wrestling.
      “It was impressive, very humbling throughout most of the tournament,” Brownsburg head coach Darrick Snyder said. “The competition is incredible; I’ve never been in a tournament where I’ve seen so many guys knock off nationally ranked dudes and then the next round they’re getting knocked off. These dudes are big. It was incredible competition and definitely made us question some of the things we’re doing and what we need to do right. It was a fun tournament, just incredible wrestling.”
      Along with Dickman and Jones, wrestlers from Brownsburg to make the trip included Preston Haines (113), Jake Hockaday (120), Brady Ison (132), Parker Reynolds (138), Caden Brewer (175) and Gunner Henry (190).
      And when they say the tournament is tough – they mean it. Among the second-ranked team in 4A, Jones (No. 5 seed) was the lone wrestler with a single-digit seed in Ironman, with only Preston Haines (10) joining him in the top 10.
      “The competition is super, super tough, a bunch of ranked kids,” Dickman said. “Coming into this I was kind of nervous with how I was going to do and stuff, and I feel like I competed pretty well.”
      Following a technical fall and pin in his first two consolation matches after being booted from the championship bracket by No. 2 seed Ayden Smith from Notre Dame, Pa., the No. 14-seeded Dickman slotted himself into a placement with a 1-0 win over Stillwater, Okla.’s Ayden Thomas.
      For Dickman – and all the representatives from Brownsburg and Crown Point – competing at the Ironman was a chance to not only level up individually, but to showcase what programs from Indiana are capable of.
      “It just put Indiana wrestling on the map,” Dickman said. “We’re not really looked at for wrestling, and that’s what we’re trying to do.”
      Dickman, Haines, Hockaday, Ison, Henry and Jones all won their first matches on the day, with Jones pinning his first opponent in less than one minute.
      For Jones, this tournament is a good measuring stick to how he is able to compete at this point in the season. Due to his football schedule and opponents not being prepared to wrestle him in the opening weeks of the season, it’s been a slow start to the 2022-23 season for Brownsburg’s heavyweight.
      “My goal right now is just to get more in shape. I think I had five matches and less than 20 practices [coming into this weekend], which wasn’t ideal. I just want to get in shape and get a lot better, win Brecksville, win team state and everything in between.”
      Jones’ largest match of the weekend – not seeding-wise, but in terms of what lies ahead for the heavyweight and Brownsburg – came for a bid to the consolation semifinals. In a battle of Indiana heavyweights, Jones defeated Crown Point’s Paul Clark by a 5-1 decision. It was his third full-length match of the tournament after winning by two sub-minute puns and a medical forfeit.
      “It went really well. I came in with expectations just to get better and then I ended up placing,” Jones said. “It’s obviously a pretty prestigious tournament, I came in here and wanted to place and I’m pretty happy with that, even though I took three losses.”
      A pair of Jones’ losses came against Richard Thomas, the No. 12 heavyweight seed from Oklahoma. After earning a 6-3 decision to bump Jones to the consolation bracket, Thomas turned Jones for a first-period fall in his final match of the tournament.
      So far this season, Brownsburg has run through its opponents with very few wounds suffered by some of its best wrestlers. If anything, the Ironman gave a chance for those wrestlers to measure up to some of the best in the country and learn how to get better and move forward from losses.
      “[A tournament like this] gives you some things to work on,” Snyder said. “We know our guys are battle tested and are going to continue to be, but we also have to make sure they don’t get down on themselves. Some of these guys are not used to going to a tournament and not placing and being done a few hours into it.”
      And for Jones specifically, being able to test his endurance was important as Brownsburg gets into some of its biggest competition this year.
      “It’ll benefit me probably for the rest of my life,” Jones said. “Most of the dual tournaments we go to, people forfeit against me which is kind of annoying. I came into this tournament with five matches, none of them going past a minute. It was definitely a difference.”
      Shining the spotlight on athletes this early in the season has indications for where they’ll be come February and the state series. Snyder has built Brownsburg’s schedule with that in mind – to get better, each and every day, working toward their end goals this season.
      This upcoming weekend, the Bulldogs travel to the Crown Point Invitational to continue a month of hard-fought wrestling and impressive competition. To round out the 2022 calendar just before New Years, another big tournament across state lines.
      “If you look at our next month, next week we go to Crown Point and there’s nine nationally ranked teams there, then we go to Brecksville and I think that’s got 40-some teams, multiple nationally ranked teams,” Snyder said. “We hope after that month of a gauntlet that it’s going to help us make a run during the postseason, but we’ve got a lot of guys taking a lot of losses.”

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      2022 Ironman Interviews

      Talking with Brownsburg and Crown Point coaches and wrestlers

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      Bulldog Breakdown: Rout vs. Avon Rolls Brownsburg Into Ironman

      By Anna Kayser
      As the rumble of the crowd simmered following a palm to the mat in favor of acting 126-pounder Jake Hockaday on Tuesday night, the usual boom of speakers announcing 132-pound No. 4 Brady Ison took the tone of another.
      With nine points already on the board in favor of those joining him in the purple and white singlets, the smoke cleared to reveal freshman Tommy Gibbs – winner of Brownsburg’s coveted “pin chain” following last week’s dual vs. Westfield as he boasted the second of three consecutive falls by the Bulldog lineup.
      “It was a big confidence booster,” Gibbs said of his season-opening win by fall. “I thought I was going to win, but I didn’t think I was going to win that fast and make a statement.”
      Facing Avon’s No. 11 Seth Syra, Gibbs’ confidence rolled him to a 6-1 win via decision.
      “Tommy’s a coach’s dream, he just does everything right – in the hallways, in the classroom, and then in his approach,” head coach Darrick Snyder said. “He doesn’t care about rankings… or anything like that. He’s just trained so hard that he can wrestle the entire match and he feels even better in the third period than he does in the first.”
      Behind Gibbs’ standout win, a gritty 3-1 decision by No. 2 Revin Dickman over No. 4 Nathan Rioux and five pins, the Bulldogs clinched their seventh consecutive victory over the Orioles, 62-3, continuing the tone they have set and elevated to a now 7-0 record through the first week of official competition.
      Dickman’s 3-1 decision put an exclamation point on a strong dual performance in which Brownsburg took 13 of 14 bouts for their second-largest victory over Avon since Snyder’s coaching career with the Bulldogs began, second only to last season’s 65-3 win. Since losing to Avon, 28-26, in Snyder’s first year as a coach, the Bulldogs have outscored the Orioles in regular-season duals, 326-91.
      “They’ve wrestled 100 times and they’re both really talented,” Snyder said. “Revin’s always been able to kind of gain the advantage – he did get away from Revin, and not many people can get away from him so I know that bothered him.
      “Fortunately or unfortunately, I think we’re going to see that match several more times throughout the year.”
      Brownsburg’s lone loss on the evening came from the weightiest battle of the dual at 138 pounds, featuring No. 4 Parker Reynolds against No. 3 Cheany Schoeff, freshman against a senior.
      Reynolds kept his pace with Schoeff, dropping the match by a 5-2 decision.
      “We told him, he’s going to come out and bully you,” Snyder said. “Parker gave up that early takedown and then did a nice job battling for positions. I liked how he responded – that kid’s going to get some more mat time in high school varsity matches so we’re going to try to correct some things, but I liked his energy and effort.”
      Rolling through the dual with falls were Hockaday, 145-pound Mason Day, 170-pound Tyler Jones, 182-pound Caden Brewer and 113-pound Kye Callahan. The Bulldogs put up bonus points in nine total matches, including a forfeit at heavyweight against Leighton Jones.
      This weekend, eight representatives from Brownsburg’s lineup will take on arguably their biggest competition this season at the nationally recognized Ironman Invitational in Ohio. With representatives joining the gauntlet from across state lines, the highly-ranked Bulldogs are set to battle some of the best high school wrestlers in the nation.

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      Bulldog Breakdown: Dominant Opening Performances Propel Brownsburg to Avon, Ironman

      By Anna Kayser
      As the clocked ticked down toward the end of November into the beginning of December and the temperature dropped below freezing, the heat of the 2022-23 IHSAA wrestling season was cranked to high and since, the Brownsburg Bulldogs have surged. 
      No match of which, in the first official varsity competition, was more indicative of that than No. 9 Mason Day’s electric, overtime win over No. 6 Ike O’Neill – a senior and 2022 state qualifier at 138 pounds – with the entire gymnasium on its feet last Wednesday. 
      Sandwiching a quartet of pins by No. 11 Landon Haines (126), Tommy Gibbs (132), No. 138 Parker Reynolds (138) and No. 20 Jesse Derringer (152), Day gritted his way through a season-opening victory. After opening the match with a takedown late in the first period, he found himself in a one-point deficit in the waning seconds of the third until an escape in the waning seconds forced overtime. 
      “We went into overtime, and I could see that he was tired,” Day said. “I kind of looked over at my coaches and smiled. I was ready to work.”
      With an escape forcing a number of overtime periods and his entire team, coaching staff and fanbase behind him as he clung to O’Neill’s leg to avoid a point scored against him, he raised his hand in triumph for his first varsity victory after the ultimate ride out.
      “We felt pretty good going into overtime because Mason’s a tough kid,” head coach Darrick Snyder said. “He’s only a sophomore, but the kid’s been wrestling his entire life. He’s been in dozens and dozens of overtime matches, so I would just think his mentality [was the biggest part].”
      And without a number of prominent, ranked wrestlers on the mat, Brownsburg kicked off its season in a frenzy, defeating the Westfield Shamrocks, 60-13. 
      “I thought we competed well, and I was really excited,” Snyder said. “We had some young kids – some backups –perform really, really well. Overall, I thought it was good considering it was our first meet.”
      Most notably missing from the Bulldogs’ Wednesday night lineup were No. 1 Preston Haines (113), No. 2 Jake Hockaday (120) and No. 2 Leighton Jones (285), but as the week came to a close, those three made their presence known.
      In Harrison, OH at the William Henry Harrison Invitational, the Bulldogs continued their dominant opening to the season with a perfect 5-0 record in duals against Oak Hills, Miamisburg, Lebanon, East Central and Harrison. Leading the squad were nine undefeated wrestlers donning purple singlets – Revin Dickman, Kyle Callahan, Preston Haines, Hockaday, Landon Haines, Gibbs, Brady Ison, Gunner Henry and Jones. 
      As the campaign – and winter cold and flu season – progresses and the Bulldogs lineup shifts due to injury and illness, having a stacked lineup of wrestlers who can compete at a high level brings advantages not only to team success, but individual success as well. 
      “You can’t replace their experience and success,” head coach Darrick Snyder said. “I think when you’re competing for a team state championship, when you have all your guns and you have some of the dudes we have, it leaves a little room for error.
      “I think it allows everyone to relax a little more, wrestle free because they know they’ve got some friends that can pick up the slack if they have an off match or a tough tournament.”
      After getting into the weeds on how the Bulldog wrestling program – now rated No. 2 in the IndianaMat State Power Poll behind Crown Point – was built from the ground up with Snyder at the helm over nearly a decade, now we look forward. 
      Snyder isn’t shy about building his schedule to make the athletes better in their quest to reach the podium at Gainbridge Fieldhouse come February. 
      Tonight, Brownsburg opens its home schedule to take on Avon before heading to – arguably – its biggest non-championship event of the season: the Walsh Jesuit Ironman Invitational.
      Dickman, Preston Haines, Hockaday, Ison, Reynolds, Caden Brewer, Henry and Jones will take the mat in the nationally recognized tournament to kick the season into full gear, especially with the lack of matches leading up to the tournament from Dec. 9-10. 
      “We’re hoping everyone gets at least four or five matches just because the way I [put together] our season, we don’t compete early because I think it takes a lot of time to get into wrestling shape,” Snyder said. “We’re not going to have a lot of opportunities to compete before Ironman, so we’re trying to get as many matches as we can this weekend.”
      Of the Bulldogs’ eight representatives at Ironman this weekend, four are returning placers at IHSAA state last season and are anchors to a lineup that is hard to score points against: Hockaday, who became the first freshman to win a state title in team history; Preston Haines, runner-up at 113; Henry, third-place at 182 and Jones, who is entering his senior season with a drive for a title after placing third at heavyweight. 
      Following this weekend, the schedule doesn’t slow until the holiday break approaches. On Dec. 17, Brownsburg travels to the Crown Point Invitational, hosted by the team’s main competitive rival following a second-place team finish in the state tournament last year. 
      Even as the level of competition rises, one of the main focuses of Bulldog wrestlers is keeping an even mentality, despite what might have occurred – good or bad – in the last match. 
      “I wouldn’t say [my win against Westfield] really changes anything. I go into every match thinking the same – that I need to win it no matter what,” Day said. “You’ve got to keep a good, good, good head. You’ve got to stay clear minded and just work for your goals.”

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      Bulldog Breakdown: Key Pieces Help Elevate Brownsburg Wrestling Under Snyder

      By Anna Kayser
      If you’ve been an unfamiliar passerby in the town of Brownsburg, Ind. over the past seven years, one of the first things that might catch your eye are the purple street signs – deep purple markers adorned with a bulldog, two on each corner if you’re lucky.
      At least, that’s what I noticed as I drove through the small – but not too small – suburb of Indianapolis en route to the fourth official practice of the 2022-23 IHSAA wrestling season, with no prior knowledge other than what was scribbled on the notepad next to me.
      One thing I hadn’t taken note of prior to passing the “Welcome to Brownsburg” sign on Highway 139, and something that might give any other small-town Midwesterner the same familiar wave of recognition: The residents of this town about 30 minutes northwest of downtown Indy live and breathe Brownsburg High School athletics.
      The 2021-22 Brownsburg wrestling team was nothing to snub at. The Bulldogs went 18-1 in duals and extended their program-record streak to eight consecutive Hoosier Crossroads Conference championships. Jake Hockaday led the lineup with the first state title by a freshman in school history, continuing Brownsburg’s reign of crowning one champion each year since 2016. More on him later – I promise.
      But that was last year, and while the result is indicative of the journey to get to where they are now, it’s not the full story. What better place to begin than at the beginning – when the Bulldog wrestling program transitioned from a bottom-of-the-barrel finish to an HCC Championship in two years, to an IHSAA State Championship in four.
      “Regardless of what it is, I have high expectations,” Brownsburg Community School Corporation Superintendent Dr. Jim Snapp said. “My experience has been if you want to have a state contending team, you [hire a coach] who has done it before.”
      After beginning his head coaching career at Mishawaka High School – a time in which he led the program to three consecutive top-two finishes and a pair of championships in 2008 and 2010 – Darrick Snyder found himself as the subject of a coaching inquiry almost 150 miles dead south of the place where he was a Northern Indiana Conference champion and state place winner.
      From Snyder’s point of view, there were a number of perks to coming to Brownsburg. And when his wife asked him about the wrestling team’s recent lack of success, he saw the potential to upgrade the team to something special.
      “Yeah – but there’s no reason [for that lack of success],” he said. “All the pieces are there.”
      Immediately, things began to shift. During Snyder’s first two seasons, the Bulldog program went 36-12 in duals and was crowned 2015 HCC Champions. Of course, that success comes not entirely from the corner but from the center of the mat itself – it’s a combination of what happens behind the scenes and the performances under the spotlight.
      That first piece of the puzzle, the one that is encapsulated in the public eye each time the mats are rolled out: The athletes.
      The success of that 2015 team was boasted by a pair of wrestlers that took center stage on the IHSAA State podium come February – Ty Mills (106), Brownsburg’s first finalist since Mark Meunier’s title in 1977, and Nathan Walton (170). As four-year place winners at the state tournament, they were two of four key athletes named by Snapp as being difference-makers in raising the heights of the program.
      None was more instrumental under Snyder’s tutelage, however, than All-American and two-time NCAA Division I Championships qualifier Brayton Lee, Minnesota’s current starting 157-pounder. A leader that, without Snyder’s drive to create a pipeline from younger levels into a high school program the town could be proud of, might never have donned the purple Bulldog in the first place.
      “[My family] knew that [Snyder] was a good coach and had a lot of success, but we weren’t that familiar with him,” Lee said. “We went to Brownsburg for a high school tournament to meet up with him when I was in middle school, and we just talked. He was just supportive and said that he would help me to become the best wrestler I can possibly be. We were really excited about Snyder, he pretty much sold us [on where the Brownsburg program would go].”
      Not only is building the high school program a key part in escalating success, but also what feeds into it. The implementation and management of a strong program for middle school students ensures that development and love for the sport occurs at a younger age.
      “We were fortunate enough to get some kids [like Lee] that came here because of him, and he’s worked on [building up] the middle school program – kids want to come here, kids want to stay here,” Snapp said. So, we’ve got this interaction of developing the feeder program and kids that, if they’re going to wrestle in the Indianapolis area, they [want] to come to Brownsburg.”
      With two established wrestling academies nearby – Contender’s Wrestling Academy in Brownsburg and Red Cobra Wrestling in Avon – growth through both the school program and external coaching elevates athletes even higher.
      Lee, a product of Red Cobra, was a good example of how development can skyrocket through that extra effort and help outside of a school program. What the Bulldogs standout star lacked early on, however, was the team aspect.
      “It was definitely different, just because I had never been on a team before – I had just wrestled on my own,” Lee said. “I had grown up going to our very intense wrestling club and on both sides, practices were tough. I appreciated and respected that. [Snyder] was always making us do lots of tough stuff intertwined with wrestling.”
      Prior to Lee’s first of three IHSAA state titles in 2016 – a year in which he, along with five other state placers, led the charge on Brownsburg’s IHSWCA Dual State championship and IHSAA state runner-up finishes – the Bulldogs had only crowned two individual champions in school history.
      “We were always focused on the next day,” Lee said. “The first time I won, it was awesome, and I was grateful for it – but there was always a team aspect. I wanted to win with our team, and that idea of winning definitely pushed us. I think me winning helped bring other guys along. Knowing I was kind of a leader, knowing that my success was inspiring other guys on the Brownsburg wrestling team made me want to keep pushing.”
      For Lee’s career specifically, the results of the drive to win as a team came quickly. His second title at 145 pounds saw seven Bulldogs on the IHSAA podium and a franchise-high three finalists – Mills and Blake Mulkey included as runners-up – to lead Brownsburg to its first IHSAA state championship in school history.
      That influx of high-performing athletes jumpstarted Brownsburg’s rise to the top of high school wrestling in central Indiana.
      “You put those kids together – we had a core of four, good kids – and Darrick coached up other kids around them,” Snapp said. “That started [a stretch] of us winning the conference every year for the last eight years, we’re in the strongest athletic conference in the state of Indiana. Our wrestling team has dominated. It hasn’t even been close.”
      The second piece to the puzzle, where Snapp, the administration and coaching staff as a whole come into play, is the support Snyder continues to have behind him.
      The best example? The wrestling room at Brownsburg High School, built during Snyder’s reign as head coach and designed by Snapp to help raise the standard of the program and accommodate the growing numbers of the extracurricular.
      “I knew I was going to have [Snapp’s] support on just simple things,” Snyder said. “My first year here, I wanted to take a fan bus to individual state… and I was told no [by the athletic director]. I said, ‘This is a really important to the program. These guys need to watch this event, it’s incredible.’
      “I called Jim, and every year [since], just like most teams, we get to take a team bus to state.”
      The backing from Snapp and the administration is a means to an end in shifting the culture not just in the Brownsburg wrestling room, but in the town that loves its high school athletics.
      “That first year, there wasn’t really anyone there for the kid that was wrestling [at state]. When you win, you want to look up and see a bunch of purple and sit with those people between rounds,” Snyder said. “We’ve really tried to change that around, anything like that.”
      It also extends to the actual competition and helping those wrestlers reach the mats at Gainbridge Fieldhouse.
      In order to develop the athletes coming to Brownsburg or growing through school programs the Bulldogs support, the level of competition needed to continuously be raised.
      “When I first got here, no program did any overnights or anything out of state,” Snyder said. “I went to [the athletic director] and told [them], ‘I’ve got to get out of Indianapolis’ – I was tired of wrestling the same teams over and over again, and then we got to the point that there weren’t many teams in our area that would be competitive.”
      This upcoming season, the Bulldogs’ schedule includes the Walsh Jesuit Ironman Wrestling Tournament from and the Crown Point Invitational – Crown Point defeated Brownsburg 178-105 in the 2022 finals, setting an IHSAA record for the largest margin of victory by a team champion by over 20 points – on back-to-back weekends in December.
      That elevation in competition level allows wrestlers to face some of their biggest challenges early and prepares them for high-pressure situations come February.
      “I always tell [our guys] that our schedule is not meant for them to go undefeated,” Snyder said. “If you do, that’s great, but we’ve set up a schedule where we’re going to take some losses. That took administrative support to be willing to allow us to do overnights, to allow us to go out of state.”
      Pushing athletes beyond their comfort zone to prepare them for future career hurdles is a common theme in Snyder’s coaching style, something that is on record in helping wrestlers reach their full potential.
      And, well, maybe no one can attest to that better than a Big Ten starter.
      “I think just his competitiveness and him pushing us every day helped me,” Lee said. “He helped push me past my comfort zone a little but more than maybe I would myself, and that’s really the main purpose of a coach. Snyder knew I wanted to be great, and he helped me move into a little bit more uncomfortable territories which is important for any athlete, especially when you’re trying to go to the next level.”

      2783 3 3

      2022 Fargo Team Rosters and Breakdown

      Breakdown on each division coming soon!

      11542 28

      AAU Scholastic Duals Pools and Schedule

      The ever popular "Disney" duals starts up this weekend. Indiana has 24 teams represented out of over 150 teams entered. Even though the event is not held at Disney this year it still has attracted many top teams from around the country. Last year Brownsburg defeated Warren Central in the finals for an all-Indiana final for the first time ever. Good luck to all the teams competing.
      Bracket Link
      Community and Developmental Brackets
      Girls Bracket
      Community 1(Bigger Schools)
      Friday June 17th - Sunday June 19th
      Community 2(Smaller Schools)
      Friday June 17th - Sunday June 19th
      Monday June 20th - Wednesday, June 22nd
      Monday June 20th - Wednesday, June 22nd
      Team Division Pool Warrior Elite(Warren Central) Community 1 A Perry Meridian Blue Community 1 B Brownsburg Community 1 C Fight Barn(Columbus East) Community 1 C Adams Central Jets Community 2 E Jay County Community 2 E Terre Haute Blue Community 2 E Cascade HS Community 2 F John Glenn Wrestling Community 2 F Terre Haute South (1) Community 2 F Delta eagles Community 2 G MXW Gold(Penn) Community 2 G Franklin Black Community 2 H Perry Meridian Silver Community 2 H Franklin Blue Community 2 I Team Ali(Owen Valley) Community 2 I DC Elite(Decatur Central) Developmental M Indiana Smackdown Gold Developmental M Indiana Smackdown Black Developmental N MXW White Developmental N Indiana Smackdown White Developmental O Terre Haute South (2) Developmental O Intense Wrestling Developmental P MXW Black Developmental P Indiana Flash Developmental Q MXW Purple Girls Z

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      U20 and U23 World Team Trials Indiana Entries

      Held in Geneva, Ohio Friday June 3rd-5th
      Event Link
      U23 and U20 Greco-Roman WTT
      10am- Preliminaries, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Finals & Consolations
      4pm- Medal Matches and Best 2 out of 3 Finals
      U23 and U20 Freestyle WTT
      U20 Challenge Tournament
      U23 Preliminaries and Consolations
      U20 Medal Matches and Best 2 out of 3 Finals
      U23 Preliminaries and Consolations
      U23 Freestyle WTT
      10am Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Consolations, All Medal Matches, and Best 2 out of 3 Finals
      Age/Style Weight Name Club/School U20 Freestyle 61 kg Jesse Mendez Region Wrestling Academy U20 Freestyle 61 kg Zeke Seltzer Tiger Style Wrestling Club U20 Freestyle 92 kg Evan Bates Wildcat Wrestling Club U20 Freestyle 92 kg Silas Allred Nebraska RTC U20 Freestyle 97 kg Christian Carroll Midwest RTC U20 Greco-Roman 97 kg Christian Carroll Midwest RTC U23 Freestyle 57 kg Anthony Hughes Knights Wrestling Club U23 Freestyle 57 kg Riley Bettich Bulldog Premier U23 Freestyle 61 kg Blake Boarman Regional Training Center South U23 Freestyle 65 kg Cayden Rooks Indiana RTC U23 Freestyle 65 kg David Schulte Olivet Wrestling Club U23 Freestyle 65 kg Nicholas Bolivar Indiana RTC U23 Freestyle 65 kg Christian White Boilermaker RTC U23 Freestyle 70 kg Aundre Beatty Knights Wrestling Club U23 Freestyle 70 kg Elijah Chacon Warrior Regional Training Center U23 Freestyle 70 kg Graham Rooks Indiana RTC U23 Freestyle 70 kg Jaden Reynolds Boilermaker RTC U23 Freestyle 74 kg Jahmon Spiller Solid Tech Wrestling Club U23 Freestyle 74 kg Joe Lee Nittany Lion Wrestling Club U23 Freestyle 74 kg Jonathan Kervin Invicta Wrestling Academy U23 Freestyle 74 kg Matt Lee Nittany Lion Wrestling Club U23 Freestyle 79 kg Bryer Hall Ohio State U23 Freestyle 79 kg Isiah Levitz Indiana RTC U23 Freestyle 79 kg Nick South Indiana RTC U23 Freestyle 79 kg Macartney Parkinson Boilermaker RTC U23 Freestyle 86 kg Sam Osho Knights Wrestling Club U23 Freestyle 86 kg Santos Cantu Indiana RTC U23 Freestyle 92 kg Damien Rodriguez Warrior Regional Training Center U23 Freestyle 92 kg Nicholas Willham Indiana RTC U23 Freestyle 92 kg Hayden Filipovich Boilermaker RTC U23 Freestyle 125 kg Austin Lane Knights Wrestling Club U23 Freestyle 125 kg Braydon Erb Warrior Regional Training Center U23 Freestyle 125 kg Jacob Bullock Indiana RTC U23 Freestyle 125 kg Tristan Ruhlman Boilermaker RTC U23 Greco-Roman 60 kg Anthony Hughes Knights Wrestling Club U23 Greco-Roman 67 kg Aundre Beatty Knights Wrestling Club U23 Greco-Roman 77 kg Jahmon Spiller Solid Tech Wrestling Club U23 Greco-Roman 87 kg Sam Osho Knights Wrestling Club U23 Greco-Roman 130 kg Braydon Erb Warrior Regional Training Center

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      NHSCA National Duals Rosters

      Link to brackets
      Wrestling runs Saturday through Monday
      High School Rosters
      Elite Athletic Club  
      106 #14 Jamarcus Smith 
      113 HM Kade Kluce 
      120 HM Ashton Jackson 
      126 Blase Mele 
      132 Hayden Brady 
      138 Anthony Bahl 
      145 HM Aiden Torres 
      152 Kegan Knapp 
      160 Connor Svantner 
      170 Jesse Herrera 
      182 Lane Kiser 
      195 Rob Atwood 
      220 Paul Clark 
      285 Will Clark 
      285 Trey White 
      Fight Barn Wrestilng Club(Columbus East)  
      106 Talon Jessup 
      113 Cole Wright 
      120 Caleb Cooper 
      120 Gage Rutan 
      126 Liam Krueger 
      126 Rolando Ruiz-Tapia 
      132 Braden Isbell 
      132 Bo Wagner 
      138 William Anderson 
      138 Caleb Kirkpatrick 
      145 Nate Anderson 
      152 Kyler Rimer 
      160 Tyler Lake 
      170 Juan Puello 
      182 Braxton Schaefer 
      195 Jackson Fox 
      220 Tommy Morrill 
      285 Patrick McMahon 
      High Rollers  
      106 Charlie Larocca 
      113 Edward Goss 
      120 Michael Tharpe 
      126 Blake Wolf 
      132 Alex Plahitko 
      138 Eli Brooks 
      145 Zach Wilson 
      152 Tyler Jones 
      160 Kody Glitter 
      170 Hayden Shepherd 
      182 Jacob Skinner 
      220 Trey Deckard 
      285 Josh Clark 
      Indiana Flash North  
      113 Seth Aubin 
      120 Daniel Mata 
      126 Kaydon Kingery 
      132 Xavier Roberts 
      138 Tive Delgado 
      145 Giancorlo Laterzo 
      152 Ben Taborski 
      160 Kenneth Bisping 
      170 Aidan White 
      182 Anthony White 
      195 Demetrus Dean 
      220 Michael Degrado 
      285 Mitch Krolikowski 
      Indiana Flash South  
      106 Adrian Origel 
      113 Zachariah Reno 
      120 Anthony Fortenberry 
      126 Caleb Oliver 
      132 Avery Stanley 
      138 Larz Hughes 
      145 Mason Stanley 
      152 Lody Cheatham 
      160 Ben Phillips 
      170 Ethan Popp 
      182 Keaton Loudermilk 
      195 Treton Simmons 
      Indiana Mafia  
      106 Eli Collier 
      113 Jackson Emery 
      120 RJ Taylor 
      126 Mikey Wilson 
      132 Keaton Morton 
      138 Branson Weaver 
      152 Quaid Hinshaw 
      182 Jaylen Young 
      195 Ronin Hammond 
      285 Nolan Martin 
      Indiana Outlaws Black  
      106 Jalen May 
      113 #13 Jake Hockaday 
      120 Toby Billerman 
      126 HM Kyrel Leavell 
      132 Joey Buttler 
      138 HM Cheaney Schoeff 
      145 Dillon Graham 
      152 Bryce Lowery 
      160 HM Matthew Koontz 
      170 Delaney Ruhlman 
      182 HM Orlando Cruz 
      195 HM Gunner Henry 
      220 Jacob Navarro 
      285 Hosia Smith 
      Indiana Outlaws Gray  
      106 Jude Heaston 
      113 Jaden Farr 
      120 Sam Bustamante 
      126 Will May 
      132 Gabriel Clay 
      138 Kannon Zuber 
      145 Paul King 
      152 Connor Hoefling 
      160 Chase Mayes 
      170 Lucas Esposito 
      182 Collin Casad 
      195 Gregory Johnson 
      220 Luke Raines 
      285 Peyton Kendall 
      Indiana Outlaws Select  
      106 Cameron Meier 
      113 Logan Bickel 
      120 Dominic McFeeley 
      126 Tylin Thrine 
      132 Gavyn Whitehead 
      138 Cooper Baldwin 
      145 HM Rider Searcy 
      152 JJ Lowe 
      160 Michael Hutchison 
      170 Noah Clouser 
      182 Liam Farmer 
      195 Eli Hinshaw 
      220 Walker Van Ness 
      285 Trevi Hillman-Conley 
      Indiana Outlaws White  
      106 Levi Johns 
      113 Jackson Heaston 
      120 Preston Haines 
      126 Trevor Hott 
      132 Braden Haines 
      138 Romeo White 
      145 Silas Stits 
      152 Logan Fite 
      160 Landon Boe 
      170 Jude Powell 
      182 Caden Brewer 
      195 Wade Mettling 
      220 Will Clark 
      285 Paul Clark 
      Indiana Outlaws Yellow  
      106 Brennan Leonard 
      113 Tanner Tishner 
      120 Bryce Doss 
      126 Braden Getz 
      132 Mason Day 
      138 Logan Stuckman 
      145 Hunter miller 
      152 Jackson Neibert 
      160 Nick Cicciarelli 
      170 Anthony Cashman 
      182 Kaden McConnell 
      195 Bryce Crump 
      220 Jackson Weingart 
      285 Liam Begley 
      Team Iron Bear  
      106 Cooper Doucette 
      113 Porter Temple 
      120 Kaden Golden 
      126 Brian Harris 
      132 Jaylyn Pugh 
      138 Kaleb Jacobs 
      145 Carson Fettig 
      152 Hank Temple 
      160 Michael Cain 
      170 Charles Brown 
      182 Evan Tilton 
      195 Caleb Cohee 
      220 Michael Henderson 
      285 Josh Brown 
      285 Mason Moran 
      The Fort Hammers  
      106 Tyler Tun 
      113 Carter Krouse 
      120 DeJuan Clardy 
      132 keegan schlabach 
      138 gabe miller 
      145 ethan rodriguez 
      152 wayne wells 
      160 chase leech 
      170 ethan smith 
      182 De`Alcapon Veazy 
      195 Mickey Daring 
      220 Preston Howard 
      Random Teams
      106 Luke Rioux- Team Shutt Nation
      106 Nate Rioux- Team Shutt USA
      160 AJ Steenbeke- Team Shutt USA
      160 Cody Goodwin- Team Shutt Dethrone
      220 Peyton Kendall- Team Shutt GT
      138 Noah Sessions- Roundtree Wrestling Academy Black
      Middle School Rosters
      Elite Athletic Club
      75 takoda parker
      80 Zayden Mansfield
      85 Declan Mckee
      90 Drayton DeKay
      95 Matt Diley
      100 Cullen Edwards
      105 Logan Bellis
      112 Braylon Price
      119 Hunter Shike
      127 AJ Kroft
      135 Cooper Miller
      142 JACK HARTY
      154 Josh Heath
      165 Diego Irizarry
      230 Raul Martinez

      High Rollers
      75 Zavier Acuna
      75 Elio Gil
      85 Camden Hook
      90 Tomi Campian
      90 Ryder Gardner
      100 Tegan Newell
      105 Gunner Butt
      112 Sean Breedlove
      119 William Vander Luitgaren
      127 Porter Kleeberg
      135 Jack Davis
      142 Wyatt Hoppes
      154 Ben Clark
      165 Zach Clark
      180 Tristan Lanum
      Indiana Flash M
      80 Bella Wesley
      90 Jacoby Moore
      95 Aidan Diaz
      100 Max Quiroz
      105 Cooper Wilkins
      112 Gavin Lewis
      119 Chase Pekny
      127 Jacob Hill
      135 Aleksandar Tatum
      142 Cayden Webb
      154 Lucas Anderson

      Indiana Outlaws Red
      75 Sebastian Gracia
      80 Luke Neid
      85 Eli Ogle
      90 Peyton Schoettle
      95 Justin Williamson
      100 Lucas Day
      105 Braylon Reynolds
      112 Cade Zuber
      119 Landon Haines
      127 Angelo Vargo
      135 Peyton Hornsby
      142 Lucas Boe
      154 Mj Morton
      165 Camden Jeeninga
      180 Spencer Fain
      230 Alan Ortiz
      Indiana Outlaws Silver
      75 Symon Schoettle
      80 Blake Doss
      85 Gavyn Kemp
      90 Blake Getz
      95 Lincoln Underwood
      100 Justus Thrasher
      105 Jett Mcguire
      112 Trevor Bennett
      119 Wayne Harden
      127 Tyler Lavin
      135 Tucker Billerman
      142 Mason Thompson
      165 Brodie Melzoni
      180 Collin Whetsel
      230 Mark Gonzalez

      75 Alex Huddleston
      119 Clinton Shepherd
      127 Evan Stanley

      The Fort Hammers
      75 Remington Waldron
      80 ramon sierra
      85 brock mccartney
      90 Abrum Swathwood
      100 kaid jackson
      105 Grant Howard
      112 Carter Fielden
      119 evan omelian
      135 rylee biddle
      142 Hartley hoover
      180 aiden hunt

      Elementary Rosters
      The Fort Hammers
      52 Layten Marsh
      56 Karsten Castetter
      60 Henry Riesen
      65 Wyatt Melchi
      70 drew hiesler
      75 Maximus Kleeberg
      80 Isaac Brown
      85 Lane Williams
      90 Joseph Warner
      95 Lathen Janes
      100 Braxtyn Bauer
      100 Luke Oberlin
      110 Tatum jones
      120 Brennan mccartney

      High Rollers
      52 Tino Acuna
      56 Ian Weber
      60 Parker Stanzis
      65 Parker Kleeberg
      70 Logan Brickley
      75 Conner Maddox
      80 Xavier Flores
      85 Dallas Rosenbarger
      95 Jude Bratt
      100 Griffan Kline
      110 Issac Suddarth
      110 Justus Suddarth
      120 Jordan Parrett
      150 Dylan Stanley

      Indian Creek
      52 Chase Dowty
      56 Ryder Dowty
      60 Tyson Doll
      65 Tucker Dowty
      70 Esdon Morphet
      75 Ella Neibert
      80 Colton Stinson
      85 Maverick Smith
      90 Isaac Smith
      95 Patrick Dowty
      100 Noah Fitzgerald
      110 Bo Jackson
      120 Gavin Brown
      150 Wyatt Horton

      Indiana Outlaws Gold
      52 Joey Brown
      56 Cecil Nelson
      60 Lennon Jaggers
      65 Henry Antrobus
      70 Cameron Schofield
      75 Ashton Scott
      80 Kellen Schoeff
      85 William Smith
      90 Charlie Hutchinson
      95 Nik Freeze
      100 Ashton Goney
      110 Hayden Mullins
      120 Cohen Wuethrich
      150 Jackson Smith
      Indiana Outlaws Green
      52 Joey Graham
      56 Cory Buckley
      60 Alexander Schnurstein
      65 Jack May
      70 Richie Graham
      70 Jace Largent
      75 Maxwell Schnurstein
      80 Chase Shirley
      85 Jax Hanson
      90 Jonathan Nordyke Jr.
      100 Vinny Berberena
      110 Ezra Ostler
      120 Ava Strayer


      2022 USMC Womens National Championships Indiana Entries

      2022 USMC Womens National Championships
      Fort Worth, TX
      05/06/2022 - 05/08/2022
      For more information
      Division Weight Name Team 14U 119 lbs Ava Strayer Bulldog Premier Wrestling Club 14U 127 lbs Maddie Marsh Northeastern Wrestling Club 14U 145 lbs paislee chambers Spartans Wrestling Club 14U 97 lbs Isabel Kaplan West Lafayette U15 39 kg Kendall Moe Contenders Wrestling Academy U15 46 kg Ysabelle Ocampo Beast Mode Wrestling Club U15 46 kg Amelia Murphy Merrillville U15 50 kg Julianna Ocampo Beast Mode Wrestling Club U15 58 kg Aleksandra Bastaic Highland Wrestling Club U15 58 kg Maddie Marsh Northeastern Wrestling Club U15 62 kg Ella Gahl Spartans Wrestling Club U15 66 kg Elly Janovsky Indiana Wrestling IGNITES U15 66 kg paislee chambers Spartans Wrestling Club U17 40 kg Kendall Moe Contenders Wrestling Academy U17 46 kg Makenize Smith Patriots Wrestling Club U17 49 kg Julianna Ocampo Beast Mode Wrestling Club U17 49 kg Heather Crull Northeastern Wrestling Club U17 49 kg Rianne Murphy Wyoming Seminary Wrestling Club U17 57 kg Rose Kaplan West Lafayette U17 57 kg Aleksandra Bastaic Highland Wrestling Club U20 50 kg Elizabeth Dollar Warrior Regional Training Center U20 50 kg Makenize Smith Patriots Wrestling Club U20 53 kg Kelsey Bilz Madison/Campbellsville U20 53 kg Torieonna Buchanan Red Cobra Wrestling Academy U20 57 kg Anna Krejsa Red Cobra Wrestling Academy U20 76 kg Grace Doering Indiana Tech U23 53 kg Torieonna Buchanan Red Cobra Wrestling Academy U23 65 kg Salome Walker Cardinal Wrestling Club U23 72 kg Autumn Terhune Warren Central/Indiana Tech U23 76 kg Grace Doering Indiana Tech

      2632 50

      2022 US Open Entries(Masters, Senior, U20, U17, U15, Girls Showcase)

      Here are the current entries from Indiana for the US Open that takes place April 27th – May 1st in Las Vegas. Updates will be done every few days leading up to the event.
      Updated 4/27 8:00am
      Division Style Weight Name Club Girls HS Showcase Freestyle 100 lbs Makenize Smith Patriots Wrestling Club Masters A Freestyle 88 kg Cory Graham Legends of Gold Masters B Freestyle 100 kg Christopher Myers Carroll Wrestling Club Masters B Freestyle 58 kg Daniel Coyne Beech Grove Masters B Freestyle 70 kg Eracleo Vallejo   Masters B Freestyle 70 kg Jordin Humphrey Titan Mercury Masters B Freestyle 78 kg Michael Morgan Legends of Gold Masters B Freestyle 88 kg Michael Burke Yorktown Wrestling Club Masters B Greco-Roman 100 kg Christopher Myers Carroll Wrestling Club Masters B Greco-Roman 58 kg Daniel Coyne Beech Grove Masters B Greco-Roman 70 kg Jordin Humphrey Titan Mercury Masters B Greco-Roman 78 kg Michael Morgan Legends of Gold Masters B Greco-Roman 88 kg Michael Burke Yorktown Wrestling Club Masters C Freestyle 78 kg Seth Gleave   Senior Freestyle Freestyle 61 kg Jesse Mendez Region Wrestling Academy Senior Freestyle Freestyle 61 kg Brandon Wright Wright Way Senior Freestyle Freestyle 61 kg Henry Porter Indiana RTC Senior Freestyle Freestyle 70 kg Graham Rooks Indiana RTC Senior Freestyle Freestyle 79 kg Seth Gleave   Senior Women Freestyle 62 kg Kayla Miracle Sunkist Kids Wrestling Club U15 Freestyle 41 kg Case Bell Contenders Wrestling Academy U15 Freestyle 44 kg Caleb Schaefer Maurer Coughlin Wrestling Club U15 Freestyle 48 kg Camden Baumann Maurer Coughlin Wrestling Club U15 Freestyle 48 kg Braylon Reynolds Red Cobra Wrestling Academy U15 Freestyle 48 kg Ty Henderson Maurer Coughlin Wrestling Club U15 Freestyle 57 kg Deacon Dressler Maurer Coughlin Wrestling Club U15 Freestyle 68 kg Sam Howard Maurer Coughlin Wrestling Club U15 Greco-Roman 41 kg Case Bell Contenders Wrestling Academy U15 Greco-Roman 44 kg Caleb Schaefer Maurer Coughlin Wrestling Club U15 Greco-Roman 48 kg Camden Baumann Maurer Coughlin Wrestling Club U15 Greco-Roman 48 kg Ty Henderson Maurer Coughlin Wrestling Club U15 Greco-Roman 57 kg Deacon Dressler Maurer Coughlin Wrestling Club U17 Freestyle 110 kg Dominic Burgett Legends of Gold U17 Freestyle 45 kg Revin Dickman Contenders Wrestling Academy U17 Freestyle 45 kg Brady Byrd Maurer Coughlin Wrestling Club U17 Freestyle 51 kg Isaiah Schaefer Maurer Coughlin Wrestling Club U17 Freestyle 60 kg Silas Foster Legends of Gold U17 Freestyle 60 kg Joey Buttler Whiteland Wrestling Club U17 Freestyle 65 kg Alexander Smith Patriots Wrestling Club U17 Freestyle 71 kg Luke Robards Maurer Coughlin Wrestling Club U17 Freestyle 80kg D-Alcapon Veazy Snider U17 Greco-Roman 110 kg Dominic Burgett Legends of Gold U17 Greco-Roman 45 kg Revin Dickman Contenders Wrestling Academy U17 Greco-Roman 45 kg Brady Byrd Maurer Coughlin Wrestling Club U17 Greco-Roman 51 kg Isaiah Schaefer Maurer Coughlin Wrestling Club U17 Greco-Roman 60 kg Silas Foster Legends of Gold U17 Greco-Roman 60 kg Joey Buttler Whiteland Wrestling Club U17 Greco-Roman 65 kg Alexander Smith Patriots Wrestling Club U17 Greco-Roman 71 kg Luke Robards Maurer Coughlin Wrestling Club U17 Greco-Roman 80 kg Luke Gleave Warrior Elite Wrestling U17 Greco-Roman 80kg D-Alcapon Veazy Snider U20 Freestyle Freestyle 57 kg Logan Frazier Region Wrestling Academy U20 Freestyle Freestyle 61 kg Sergio Lemley Region Wrestling Academy U20 Freestyle Freestyle 65 kg Alecsander Freeman Indiana RTC U20 Freestyle Freestyle 65 kg Nicholas Bolivar Indiana RTC U20 Freestyle Freestyle 70 kg Zack Rotkvich Indiana RTC U20 Freestyle Freestyle 70 kg Jaden Reynolds Boilermaker RTC U20 Freestyle Freestyle 74 kg Brody Baumann Maurer Coughlin Wrestling Club U20 Freestyle Freestyle 74 kg Robert Major Indiana RTC U20 Freestyle Freestyle 74 kg Kade Law Invicta Wrestling Academy U20 Freestyle Freestyle 74 kg Jeb Prechtel Maurer Coughlin Wrestling Club U20 Freestyle Freestyle 79kg Clifton Johnson Panther Wrestling Club U20 Freestyle Freestyle 79kg Jahmon Spiller Indianapolis Pike U20 Freestyle Freestyle 86 kg Gabe Sollars Maurer Coughlin Wrestling Club U20 Freestyle Freestyle 86 kg Alton Mullinax Columbia City Wrestling Club U20 Freestyle Freestyle 86 kg Reid Schroeder Maurer Coughlin Wrestling Club U20 Freestyle Freestyle 92 kg Silas Allred Nebraska Wrestling Training Center U20 Freestyle Freestyle 92 kg Hayden Filipovich Boilermaker RTC U20 Freestyle Freestyle 92 kg Evan Bates Chesterton Wrestling Club U20 Greco-Roman Greco-Roman 82kg Clifton Johnson Panther Wrestling Club U20 Greco-Roman Greco-Roman 82kg Matthew Morris Solid Tech Wrestling Club UWW Futures Freestyle 28 kg Brayden Tanner Maurer Coughlin Wrestling Club UWW Futures Freestyle 31 kg Spencer McCammon Maurer Coughlin Wrestling Club UWW Futures Freestyle 38 kg Xavier Flores Center Grove Wrestling Club UWW Futures Greco-Roman 28 kg Brayden Tanner Maurer Coughlin Wrestling Club UWW Futures Greco-Roman 31 kg Spencer McCammon Maurer Coughlin Wrestling Club UWW Futures Greco-Roman 38 kg Xavier Flores Center Grove Wrestling Club

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      2024 State Finals Conundrum

      After the state finals our good friend Brandon Sisson of Floyd Central made a post about a potential conflict with the 2024 NBA All-Star game and our state finals. In 2021 the All-Star game was supposed to be held in Indianapolis, but they had a different date that did not conflict with the wrestling state finals. However, the 2024 game will indeed conflict with the wrestling state finals. The IHSAA along with the IHSWCA now has just under two years to figure out a plan for the state finals. On top of the wrestling state finals having a conflict, the boys basketball state finals in 2024 will have issues with Indianapolis hosting the first two rounds of the NCAA tournament.
      Before I go on with the options for 2024, a couple things to consider. The girl’s basketball state finals are slated for the week after wrestling. The IHSAA likely does not want two of their bigger state finals events on the same weekend. Even so this would push the girls out of Gainbridge Fieldhouse which would in turn likely cause a lot of negative press. Pushing the wrestling state finals to the week after our normal date would seem to be an option that would be the hardest to pull off. That would almost certainly require pushing the girl's basketball state finals to the next weekend and possibly start the boys tournament a week later. The chain reaction of that is enough to make administrators at the IHSAA and school level cringe.
      Here are the options that we have
      Keep the date, but change the venue.
      This will be a big obstacle as there are some venues big enough to host the event, but location is a huge factor. Venues such as the Memorial Coliseum in Fort Wayne and Ford Center in Evansville both can hold about 10,000 in a hockey arena setup. They are however in the furthest corners of the state which would not be well received by many people further away. Arenas such as Mackey Arena, Assembly Hall, Butler Fieldhouse, or Indiana State’s updated Hulman Center would likely be able to handle the crowds. Of course, that poses the availability issue along with hotels and restaurants capable of handling a two day event at the college locations.
      Move the date, but keep the venue
      With this option we have a few different scenarios that could play out
      1. Move the whole state series back a week.
      Pros: Keep our 4 week state series
      Cons: Possibly lose a week of the season
      Commentary: We have two options with this, the first is simply cutting a week off of the regular season and the second starting the season a week earlier. With both we have potential conflicts. If we start the regular season a week earlier we still have a lot of conflicts with football early in the season. Both of these options would create scheduling issues with conference tournaments and simply being able to fill schedules with one less week.
      2. Create a 3 week state series
      Pros: No scheduling issues
      Cons: Logistics with a new state series configuration
      Commentary: With this option we have a multitude of different options that might just be the most feasible. There have been murmurs for a while about a three week state series from those within the wrestling community. One of the biggest proponents include the referee associations that are finding it harder and harder to find enough referees for the state series. One factor to consider is the events being held at the Ford Center and Memorial Coliseum and the availability of having our semi-state a week earlier. With any of the plans there could be a chain reaction that goes all the way back to the first week of the state series.
      Here are the options that we could see
      16-20 team sectionals
      The new super-super sectional that is basically a regional compacted into one weekend. With just over 300 schools it would mean we have an average of 18 schools in the new bigger sectionals. This would likely require a two-day event due to the possibility of some weight classes having over 16 entries. The logistics of a two-day event are big when you are talking about a state series event. Mid-week regional
      With regional being an 8 man bracket this is very logical to have it mid-week and get it done on a Wednesday. There would possibly be some travel issues, however schools are a little more forgiving for tournament series events. Create 5 sectionals with Top 3 advancing to each regional/semi-state
      This is the most radical change, but something to ponder. This would give us sectionals with no more than 16 teams thus being able to keep it at a one day event. The biggest drawback would be the absolute chaos at the new qualifying event super semi-state. There would be a random bye and then two #1’s would meet for a spot at state. The draws here could be absolutely brutal in some areas.  
      One of the biggest questions that would arise after 2024 is, will the IHSAA continue with the modified system? We might need an emergency coaches vote at state to change something, much like this past year. 
      There are likely other options, but these are some that come to mind. Which one do you like? Do you have a better option that the IHSAA could explore?

      1815 5

      2022 Folkstyle Nationals Entries

      Here are the current entries for Folkstyle Nationals, the Recruiting Showcase, and Bill Farrell World Team Qualifier
      Division Weight Name Club 10U 120 lbs Calavito Hoskins Merrillville Pirates Wrestling Club 10U 56 lbs Haley Guard Princeton Wrestling Club 10U 63 lbs Kullen Eckley Valparaiso Wrestling Club 10U 63 lbs Oscar Obregon Merrillville Pirates Wrestling Club 10U 67 lbs Jon Luke Austin Contenders Wrestling Academy 10U 77 lbs Paxton Turner Princeton Wrestling Club 10U 84 lbs Lane Kolb Princeton Wrestling Club 12U 70 lbs Jeremy Carver Delta Wrestling Club Inc. 12U 82 lbs Alexander Ponce   12U 98 lbs Azarius Overstreet Peacock Wrestling Club, LLC 14U 106 lbs Braylon Reynolds Red Cobra Wrestling Academy 14U 110 lbs Gavin Lewis Peacock Wrestling Club, LLC 14U 136 lbs Lucas Boe   14U 149 lbs Benjamin Clark Bulldog Premier Wrestling Club 14U 165 lbs Zachary Clark Bulldog Premier Wrestling Club 14U 165 lbs Jett Goldsberry Patriots Wrestling Club 14U 187 lbs Ceasar Salas Merrillville Pirates Wrestling Club 14U 71 lbs Alex Huddleston Red Cobra Wrestling Academy 14U 71 lbs Cameron Schofield Red Cobra Wrestling Academy 14U 77 lbs Karson Kahalekomo Daleville Broncos Wrestling Club 14U 97 lbs Colin Strayer Bulldog Premier Wrestling Club 16U 106 lbs Jude Heaston Indian Creek Wrestling Club 16U 113 lbs Matthew Maldonado Merrillville Pirates Wrestling Club 16U 120 lbs Terry Easley Warren Wrestling Academy 16U 126 lbs Oscar A Baca III Bulldog Premier Wrestling Club 16U 132 lbs Silas Foster Legends of Gold 16U 132 lbs Christian Arberry Warren Wrestling Academy 16U 132 lbs Jarred Harlow Greenfield Wrestling Club 16U 138 lbs Kristian Blake Warren Wrestling Academy 16U 145 lbs Terran Williams   16U 152 lbs Hunter Wagers Warren Wrestling Academy 16U 152 lbs Brenton Russell Warren Wrestling Academy 16U 160 lbs Anthony Rinehart Contenders Wrestling Academy 16U 182 lbs Brilyn Smith Warren Wrestling Academy 16U 182 lbs De'Alcapon Veazy Legends of Gold 8U 49 lbs Sophia Gatewood Princeton Wrestling Club 8U 56 lbs Cory Buckley   8U 56 lbs Braxton Whitlow Contenders Wrestling Academy 8U 70 lbs Collin Hoskins Merrillville Pirates Wrestling Club HS Recruiting Showcase 113 lbs Jackson Heaston Indian Creek Wrestling Club HS Recruiting Showcase 126 lbs David Maldonado Merrillville Pirates Wrestling Club HS Recruiting Showcase 126 lbs Kyrel Leavell Warren Wrestling Academy HS Recruiting Showcase 138 lbs Lucas Clement Merrillville Pirates Wrestling Club HS Recruiting Showcase 160 lbs Cody Goodwin Bulldog Premier Wrestling Club HS Recruiting Showcase 182 lbs Gunner Henry Red Cobra Wrestling Academy HS Recruiting Showcase 195 lbs Connor Barket Red Cobra Wrestling Academy HS Recruiting Showcase 285 lbs Trey White Portage Wrestling Club Masters A 88 kg Cory Graham Legends of Gold Masters B 100 kg Christopher Myers Carroll Wrestling Club Masters B 100 kg Michael Burke Yorktown Wrestling Club Open High School 100 lbs Brady Byrd Maurer Coughlin Wrestling Club Open High School 120 lbs Tanner Tishner Western high School Open High School 120 lbs Nasir Christion Merrillville Pirates Wrestling Club Open High School 126 lbs Joshua Johnson Red Cobra Wrestling Academy Open High School 126 lbs Dawson Brooks Daleville Broncos Wrestling Club Open High School 126 lbs Christopher Bohn Region Wrestling Academy Open High School 138 lbs Julius Gerencser Daleville Broncos Wrestling Club Open High School 145 lbs Isaiah Holden Greenfield Wrestling Club Open High School 145 lbs Gavin Phillips Greenfield Wrestling Club Open High School 152 lbs Cohen Hager Greenfield Wrestling Club Open High School 152 lbs Manolo Hood Portage Wrestling Club Open High School 160 lbs Cameron Crisp Merrillville Pirates Wrestling Club Open High School 160 lbs Gage Gulley   Open High School 160 lbs Cody Goodwin Bulldog Premier Wrestling Club Open High School 170 lbs Clay Guenin Greenfield Wrestling Club Open High School 182 lbs Orlan Foster Legends of Gold Open High School 182 lbs Michael Durham Warren Wrestling Academy Open High School 195 lbs Connor Barket Red Cobra Wrestling Academy Open High School 220 lbs James Veal   Open High School 220 lbs William Clark Bulldog Premier Wrestling Club Open High School 220 lbs Caleb Asa Warren Wrestling Academy Open High School 220 lbs Gregory Johnson Warren Wrestling Academy Open High School 285 lbs Paul Clark Bulldog Premier Wrestling Club Open High School 285 lbs Dominic Burgett Legends of Gold Bill Farrell        Freestyle 86 kg Santos Cantu Indiana RTC Freestyle 86 kg Dylan Lydy Indiana RTC Freestyle 65 kg Henry Porter Indiana RTC Freestyle 70 kg Deondre Wilson  

      3199 31 1

      2022 Pittsburgh Wrestling Classic Information

      This year Indiana has the privilege of having a full squad at the Rose Bowl of Wrestling, the Pittsburgh Wrestling Classic. This page will have a lot of information on this year's event.
      Thursday March 24
      Wrestler check-in, practice, and banquet
      Friday March 25th
      Afternoon- Wrestler media session
      6:00pm Indiana vs. WPIAL
      8:00pm USA vs. Pennsylvania
      Peters Township High School
      121 Rolling Hills Drive
      McMurray PA 15317
      Host Hotel
      Hilton Garden Inn Pittsburgh/Southpointe
      1000 Corporate Dr.
      Canonsburg, PA 15317
      Click here to purchase tickets

      Team Indiana
      120lbs Braxton Vest- Westfield
      126lbs Matteo Vargo- Penn
      132lbs Elijah Anthony- Frankfort
      138lbs Ben Miller- Lakeland
      145lbs Hayden Watson- Center Grove
      152lbs Tyler Jones- Warren Central
      160lbs J Conway- Floyd Central
      170lbs Brodie Porter- Eastern
      182lbs Landon Buchanan- Jimtown
      195lbs Connor Barket- West Lafayette
      220lbs Juan Grange- Penn
      285lbs Mike Platonov- Westfield
      Cooper Samuels- Floyd Central
      Tom Griffin- Westfield
      Jerimiah Maggart- Jimtown

      Team USA
      132lbs Zeke Seltzer- Cathedral
      138lbs Jesse Mendez- Crown Point

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      Who do you want in your corner at state? 2022 Version

      Winning is easy, well not that easy, but winning consistently is much, much harder. One of our more controversial articles of state week is "who do you want in your corner?" This was conjured up when we wanted to know which coaches had the most success on Friday night. After that we moved to the quarter-finals and of course semi-finals and the championship match. With our system of one and done on Friday the data is easy to decipher on which coaches have the most success. The numbers are staggering for certain coaches. We also understand fully that this isn't just a one man show, many of the top head coaches will divide and conquer and have top assistants in the corner for specific individuals. 
      Take the data as you want, but it is always a great conversation starter during this week.
      Click here for all of the data
      Current coaches with 10+ state qualifiers from 1992-2019
      Coach Qualifiers Placers Friday % Current School Sean McGinley 114 88 77.19% Indianapolis Cathedral Darrick Snyder 97 72 74.23% Brownsburg Chris Cooper 36 26 72.22% Columbus East Maurice Swain 17 12 70.59% Center Grove Branden Lorek 30 21 70.00% Crown Point Joshua Holden 19 13 68.42% Greenfield-Central Matt Schoettle 34 23 67.65% Perry Meridian David Maldonado 84 56 66.67% Merrillville Jim Tonte 111 70 63.06% Franklin Community Greg Schaefer 84 52 61.90% Evansville Mater Dei Frank Bumgardner 12 7 58.33% Wawasee Bill Flatt 23 13 56.52% South Bend Riley Tony Abbott 32 18 56.25% Cowan Dan Briggs 22 12 54.55% Carroll (Fort Wayne) Ed Pendoski 74 40 54.05% Carmel Gabe Cook 10 5 50.00% Terre Haute South Mike Runyon 20 10 50.00% Bloomington South Randy Kearby 34 17 50.00% Wabash Phil Smith 10 5 50.00% Westfield Bob Harmon 57 28 49.12% Castle Chad Shepherd 25 12 48.00% Western Brandon Sisson 17 8 47.06% Floyd Central Jim Pickard 43 20 46.51% Goshen Eric Myers 26 12 46.15% Jay County Lou Silverman 37 17 45.95% North Central Louie Kuzdas 27 12 44.44% LaPorte Clint Gard 16 7 43.75% Rochester Scott Ferguson 38 16 42.11% Evansville Reitz Brad Harper 72 29 40.28% Penn Dan Mikesell 15 6 40.00% Mooresville Danny Struck 20 8 40.00% Jeffersonville James Linn 10 4 40.00% New Haven Larry Mattingly 33 13 39.39% Evansville Memorial Andy Hobbs 41 16 39.02% Peru Tony Currie 13 5 38.46% Adams Central Dean Branstetter 13 5 38.46% Attica Jamie Welliever 13 5 38.46% Southmont Brett Smith 11 4 36.36% Prairie Heights Doug Smoker 20 7 35.00% Eastside Dave Cloud 25 8 32.00% Pendleton Heights Andrew King 26 8 30.77% Oak Hill Tim Alcorn 10 3 30.00% Mount Vernon (Posey) Blane Culp 14 4 28.57% Columbia City Jim Wadkins 21 6 28.57% Calumet Doug Deters 13 3 23.08% Franklin County Steven Sandefer 13 3 23.08% Mishawaka Sam Riesen 10 2 20.00% East Noble Nick Kraus 16 3 18.75% Garrett Tom Miller 18 2 11.11% Lafayette Jefferson  
      All coaches with 10+ state qualifiers from 1992-2019
      Coach Qualifiers Placers Friday % Wiley Craft 11 10 90.91% Todd Kendrick 13 11 84.62% Wade McClurg 17 14 82.35% Travis Walls 26 21 80.77% Dan Gelarden 15 12 80.00% Brett Crousore 39 31 79.49% Nick Petrov 24 19 79.17% Sean McGinley 114 88 77.19% Perry Summitt 13 10 76.92% Brian Weaver 12 9 75.00% Darrick Snyder 97 72 74.23% Justin Smith 11 8 72.73% Rod Wartman 11 8 72.73% Chris Cooper 36 26 72.22% Maurice Swain 17 12 70.59% Keith Grant 10 7 70.00% Branden Lorek 30 21 70.00% Al Smith 20 14 70.00% Alan Goddard 10 7 70.00% Joshua Holden 19 13 68.42% Mike Atwood 19 13 68.42% Paul Nicodemus 19 13 68.42% Mike Goebel 102 69 67.65% Matt Schoettle 34 23 67.65% David Maldonado 84 56 66.67% Paul Voigt 15 10 66.67% Kevin Blundell 12 8 66.67% Robert Emerick 27 18 66.67% Duboris Dickerson 12 8 66.67% Bill Kelly 26 17 65.38% Lance Ellis 17 11 64.71% Zach Errett 28 18 64.29% Lance Rhodes 28 18 64.29% Chad Red 25 16 64.00% Kevin Troy 30 19 63.33% Matthew Behling 19 12 63.16% Jim Tonte 111 70 63.06% Brian Seltzer 40 25 62.50% Greg Schaefer 84 52 61.90% Jack Grimaldi 13 8 61.54% Russel Feigert 39 24 61.54% Rob Willman 18 11 61.11% Bob Jarrett 10 6 60.00% John Kopnisky 10 6 60.00% Kevin King 15 9 60.00% Brent Faurote 107 64 59.81% Dave Thompson 24 14 58.33% Frank Bumgardner 12 7 58.33% Royce Deckard 64 37 57.81% Steve Balash 47 27 57.45% Bob Read 21 12 57.14% Keith Hoffar 28 16 57.14% Kyle Poyer 28 16 57.14% Trent McCormick 100 57 57.00% Bob Hasseman 67 38 56.72% Bill Flatt 23 13 56.52% Bobby Howard 16 9 56.25% Tony Abbott 32 18 56.25% Lance Beehler 18 10 55.56% Danny Williams 20 11 55.00% Larry Tharp 20 11 55.00% Dan Briggs 22 12 54.55% Jim Nicholson 11 6 54.55% Clarence Warthan 22 12 54.55% John Cook 11 6 54.55% Jamie Wingler 11 6 54.55% Jason Warthan 11 6 54.55% Ed Pendoski 74 40 54.05% Israel Blevins 37 20 54.05% Jake Harreld 13 7 53.85% Mike Ester 26 14 53.85% Chris Joll 60 32 53.33% Bob Brennan 15 8 53.33% Scott Vlink 72 38 52.78% Jared Williams 40 21 52.50% Rex Peckinpaugh 67 35 52.24% Andy Simon 33 17 51.52% Mark Kerrn 35 18 51.43% Leroy Vega 43 22 51.16% Gabe Cook 10 5 50.00% Mark Bruner 12 6 50.00% Mark Kirchgassner 12 6 50.00% Mike Runyon 20 10 50.00% Randy Kearby 34 17 50.00% Phil Smith 10 5 50.00% Jim Ledbetter 28 14 50.00% Todd Sacksteder 20 10 50.00% Scott Dehart 14 7 50.00% Christopher Kern 10 5 50.00% Bob Harmon 57 28 49.12% Henry Wilk 37 18 48.65% Chad Shepherd 25 12 48.00% Dennis Lewis 25 12 48.00% T. Howard Jones Jr. 21 10 47.62% Terry O'Neill 19 9 47.37% Brandon Sisson 17 8 47.06% Ryan Wells 15 7 46.67% Jim Pickard 43 20 46.51% Cale Hoover 26 12 46.15% Chris Campbell 13 6 46.15% Eric Myers 26 12 46.15% Rod Williams 13 6 46.15% Lou Silverman 37 17 45.95% Tony Boley 22 10 45.45% Louie Kuzdas 27 12 44.44% Scott Schwarz 25 11 44.00% Clint Gard 16 7 43.75% Rick Stenftenagel 14 6 42.86% Eric Highley 19 8 42.11% Scott Ferguson 38 16 42.11% Ed Fox 12 5 41.67% David Caple 12 5 41.67% Mark Scott 17 7 41.18% Al Hartman 32 13 40.63% Brad Harper 72 29 40.28% Scott Raypole 15 6 40.00% Dan Mikesell 15 6 40.00% Danny Struck 20 8 40.00% Ryan Landis 10 4 40.00% Mark Line 20 8 40.00% James Binkley 10 4 40.00% James Linn 10 4 40.00% Gene Backes 10 4 40.00% Murray Miller 10 4 40.00% Steve Wewe 10 4 40.00% Kevin Taylor 10 4 40.00% Larry Mattingly 33 13 39.39% Steve Pugliese 23 9 39.13% Andy Hobbs 41 16 39.02% Tony Currie 13 5 38.46% Dean Branstetter 13 5 38.46% Jamie Welliever 13 5 38.46% Greg Gastineau 13 5 38.46% Steve VanderAa 16 6 37.50% Brett Smith 11 4 36.36% Gary Fox 11 4 36.36% Gary Schliessman 11 4 36.36% Tony Grater 11 4 36.36% Tony Starks 11 4 36.36% Derek Bocock 14 5 35.71% Matt Koontz 14 5 35.71% Jim HIttler 14 5 35.71% Doug Smoker 20 7 35.00% Paul Gunsett 20 7 35.00% Barry Humble 18 6 33.33% Josh Dommer 15 5 33.33% Dave Cloud 25 8 32.00% David Errett 16 5 31.25% Robert Freije 16 5 31.25% Andrew King 26 8 30.77% Randy Pursley 13 4 30.77% Chuck Fleshman 10 3 30.00% Tim Alcorn 10 3 30.00% John Bennett 10 3 30.00% Lonnie Chamberlain 10 3 30.00% Blane Culp 14 4 28.57% Jim Wadkins 21 6 28.57% George Gardner 15 4 26.67% Eric Burres 12 3 25.00% Doug Deters 13 3 23.08% Ken Houston 13 3 23.08% Steven Sandefer 13 3 23.08% Nicholas Eckert 13 3 23.08% Kevin Wilkinson 10 2 20.00% Sam Riesen 10 2 20.00% Nick Kraus 16 3 18.75% Denny Schwartz 16 3 18.75% Scott VanDerAa 15 2 13.33% Tom Miller 18 2 11.11% Tim Sloffer 12 1 8.33% Doug Schultz 13 1 7.69%

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      2022 State Finals #WAYL2

      19 wrestlers will enter Friday without a blemish this season, at most only 12 wrestlers will leave Gainbridge Fieldhouse with a perfect season. The only weight classes without at least one undefeated wrestler are 120lbs and 182lbs. At 152lbs three wrestlers will start Friday without a loss. Of the 978 losses on the docket, almost 65% have been to another state qualifier. Here is a listing of everyone's losses that we have been able to track down. If you know of a missing loss please send it our way.
      Random Stats
      Most losses to state qualifiers
      Eddie Goss and Liam Begley- 11
      Austin Brickey, Jake Sues, and Michael Tharpe- 9
      Jayden Lewis, Aidan Costell, Michael Major, and Nayla Sbay- 8
      Most wins over state qualifiers
      Jesse Mendez- 12
      Hayden Watson- 11
      Logan Frazier- 10
      Aidan Torres, Orlando Cruz, and Hayden DeMarco- 9
      Gavin Jendreas, Aidan Sprague, Sam Goin, Joey Buttler, Nathan Critchfield, and Leighton Jones- 8
      Non-State Qualifiers with the most wins over state qualifiers
      Dominic Litchfield- 9
      Reese Courtney, Evan Cruz, Vincent McDonald, Nolan Skaggs, Michael DeGrado, Sam Peeples, Noah Clouser, Noah Duke(Ryle, Kentucky) and Mason Jones- 4
      Undefeated Wrestlers
      106 Nathan Smith- Southport
      113 Ashton Jackson- LaPorte
      113 Tanner Tishner- Western
      126 Aidan Sprague- East Noble
      126 Blake Wolf- East Central
      132 Dylan Stroud- Manchester
      138 Jesse Mendez- Crown Point
      138 Bryce Lowery- Roncalli
      145 Matthew Koontz- Perry Meridian
      145 Toby Abbott- Cowan
      152 Sam Goin- Crown Point
      152 Mitchell Betz- Western
      152 Kody Glithero- Roncalli
      160 J Conway- Floyd Central
      170 Brody Baumann- Evansville Mater Dei
      195 Connor Barket- West Lafayette
      220 Nathan Critchfield- Evansville Mater Dei
      220 Christian Carroll- New Prairie
      285 Hunter Whitenack- New Prairie
      Who are your losses to?
      *- State Qualifier
      (Losses/ State Qualifier Losses/ State Qualifier Wins)
      *As of Wednesday Donnie Feeler has been replaced by Cameron Meier*
      Nathan Smith- Southport(0/0/5): 
      Jeffrey Bailey- River Forest(1/1/4): Gavin Jendreas*
      Levi Johns- Bluffton(1/1/3): Jalen May*
      Jake Hockaday- Brownsburg(2/1/7): Luke Rioux*, Beric Jordan(OH)
      Donnie Feeler- Crawford County(2/2/0): Jake Hockaday*, Isaiah Schaefer*
      Jalen May- Peru(3/2/3): Gavin Jendreas*, Isaac Ash, Jayden Lewis*
      Heather Crull- Northeastern(3/3/1): Nathan Smith*, E'Shawn Tolbert*, Julianna O'Campo*
      Isaiah Schaefer- Evansville Mater Dei(3/2/2): Luke Rioux(2)*, Jayden Raney(KY)
      Gavin Jendreas- Crown Point(4/1/7): Jake Hockaday*, Beric Jordan(OH), Deion Johnson(IL), Seth Mendoza(IL)
      Luke Rioux- Avon(4/4/5): Jake Hockaday(4)*
      Julianna O'campo- New Haven(4/4/1): Luke Rioux*, Ayden Bollinger*, Levi Johns(2)*
      Ayden Bollinger- Delta(4/3/1): Nathan Smith*, Jalen May*, Gavin Ash, Levi Johns*
      Oliver Wilson- North Central(5/2/1): Nathan Smith(2)*, Charlie Larocca, Gavin Bragg, ???
      E'Shawn Tolbert- Portage(5/5/2): Jeffrey Bailey*, Gavin Jendreas(3)*, Seth Aubin*
      Tamir Halevi- Carmel(6/3/0): Oliver Wilson*, Heather Crull*, Gavin Jendreas*, Gavin Ash, Brennan Leonard, Luke Rioux
      Cameron Meier- Bloomington South(8/6/0): Isaiah Schaefer*, Charlie Larocca, Seth Aubin*, Gavin Jendreas*, Nathan Smith*, Rollin Douglas, Jake Hockaday*, Luke Rioux*
      Seth Aubin- Hobart(11/5/2): Jeffrey Bailey(3)*, Jalen May*, E'Shawn Tolbert*, Rollin Douglas, Mason Jones(4), Gavin Jendreas
      Ashton Jackson- LaPorte(0/0/7): 
      Tanner Tishner- Western(0/0/6): 
      Evan Dickey- Indianapolis Cathedral(1/1/7): Ashton Jackson*
      Braden Getz- Roncalli(1/1/1): Evan Dickey*
      Preston Haines- Brownsburg(2/0/5): Jackson Blum(MI), Jameson Garcia(OH)
      Jackson Heaston- Indian Creek(2/2/2): Preston Haines*, Evan Seng*
      Easton Doster- New Haven(2/2/1): Tanner Tishner(2)*
      Evan Seng- Evansville Mater Dei(4/2/5): Evan Dickey*, Preston Haines*, Bryson Terrell(TN), Jordyn Raney (KY)
      Trevor Schammert- Hobart(4/3/4): Johnny Cortez(2)*, Ashton Jackson*, Liam Krueger
      Wyatt Davis- Rochester(4/4/2): Tanner Tishner(4)*
      Gavin Thompson- Carmel(4/2/2): Evan Dickey*, Evan Seng*, Kaptur Nowaczyk, Max Walker
      Peter Nguyen- Guerin Catholic(7/3/0): Evan Dickey*, Isaiah Fye, Gavin Thompson*, Braden Getz*, Isaac Ash, William May, ???
      Bowen Keith- Cowan(8/3/0): Cody Rowles, Easton Doster*, Wyatt Davis(2)*, Cole Stuffel(2), Alex Thomas, ???
      Johnny Cortez- Lake Central(9/6/4): Trevor Schammert(2)*, Ashton Jackson(4)*, Liam Krueger, Kaptur Nowaczyk, Owen Bunton
      Dylan Bennett- Penn(9/7/0): Evan Dickey*, Johnny Cortez*, Trevor Schammert*, Ashton Jackson*, Liam Krueger, Preston Haines*, Evan Seng*, Eddie Goss*, Evan Dickey
      Eddie Goss- Center Grove(12/11/1): Evan Dickey(2)*, Johnny Cortez*, Trevor Schammert*, Logan Bickel, Preston Haines(2)*, Evan Seng(2)*, Gavin Thompson*, Jackson Heaston(2)*
      Hayden DeMarco- Chesterton(1/0/9): Reese Courtney
      Isaac Ruble- Bellmont(1/1/6): Noah Lykins*
      Kyrel Leavell- Warren Central(1/1/4): Toby Billerman*
      Lane Gilbert- Sullivan(1/0/3): Caleb Klopfenstein
      Christopher Bohn- Munster(1/1/2): Hayden Demarco*
      Neal Mosier- Delta(3/2/1): Isaac Ruble(2)*, Dylan Tom
      Hayden Brady- Garrett(4/2/5): Isaac Ruble(2)*, Evan Cruz, Reese Courtney
      Toby Billerman- Perry Meridian(4/3/4): Logan Miller, Lane Gilbert*, Kyrel Leavell(2)*
      Noah Lykins- Columbus East(5/3/5): Isaac Ruble*, Lane Gilbert*, Toby Billerman*, Reese Courtney, Justice Thornton
      Jared Dunn- Princeton(5/1/1): Blake Zirkelbach(2), Logan Ellis, Lane Gilbert*, Reed Egli
      Elliott Cornewell- Fort Wayne Bishop Dwenger(5/5/0): Hayden Brady(4)*, Neal Mosier*
      Braxton Vest- Westfield(6/5/3): Isaac Ruble*, Aden Reyes*, Joey Buttler*, Kyrel Leavell*, Hayden Demarco*, Seth Syra
      Dominic McFeeley- Cascade(8/2/1): Logan Miller, Noah Lykins*, Jared Dunn*, Reese Courtney, Seth Syra, Ethan Holloway, Branson Weaver, Kameron Mikesell
      Aden Reyes- Indianapolis Cathedral(9/7/2): Noah Lykins(2)*, Braxton Vest(2)*, Toby Billerman(2)*, Kyrel Leavell*, Seth Syra, Rider Trumble(KY)
      Jayden Lewis- New Prairie(10/8/2): Aden Reyes*, Braxton Vest*, Evan Cruz, Hayden Demarco(3)*, Christopher Bohn*, Dominic McFeeley*, Guillermo Rivera*, Aaron DeLaLuz
      Guillermo Rivera- Lake Central(10/7/1): Noah Lykins*, Hayden Brady*, Evan Cruz(2), Hayden Demarco(3)*, Christopher Bohn*, Jayden Lewis*, Bobby Conway(IL)
      Aidan Sprague- East Noble(0/0/8): 
      Blake Wolf- East Central(0/0/3): 
      Logan Frazier- Crown Point(1/0/10): Sergio Lemley(IL)
      Joey Buttler- Whiteland(1/0/8): Caleb Wyss
      Kamariyon Nelson- Castle(1/1/1): Joey Buttler*
      Matteo Vargo- Penn(2/2/5): Logan Frazier(2)*
      Isaac Ward- Carmel(3/3/6): Blake Wolf*, Logan Frazier*, Keaton Morton*
      Tony Wood- Jay County(3/2/6): Dominic Litchfield, Aidan Sprague(2)*
      Braden Haines- Brownsburg(7/6/3): Logan Frazier(2)*, Keaton Morton*, Joey Buttler(2)*, Matteo Vargo*, Justin Gates(MI)
      Keaton Morton- Perry Meridian(7/3/3): Griffin Ingalls*, Isaac Ward*, Matteo Vargo*, Caleb Wyss, Trevor Hott, Miller Brown(KY), Trayce Eckman(KY)
      Griffin Ingalls- Fishers(7/7/1): Aidan Sprague*, Blake Wolf*, Braden Haines*, Joey Buttler*, Isaac Ward(3)*
      Gavin Cook- Adams Central(7/6/1): Landon Bertsch*, Aidan Sprague*, Kelby Glenn, Tony Wood(3)*, Keegan Schlabach*
      David Maldonado- Merrillville(7/5/1): Dylan Tom, Logan Frazier(3)*, Mikey Kallimani, Matteo Vargo*, Hayden Demarco*
      Beau Brabender- Mishawaka(8/6/0): Michael Tharpe*, Blake Wolf*, David Maldonado*, Logan Frazier*, Josh Johnson, Mikey Kallimani, Matteo Vargo(2)*
      Keegan Schlabach- Lakeland(9/6/1): Aidan Sprague(4)*, Isaiah McCue(2), Gavin Cook*, Tony Wood*, Drake Montelongo
      Michael Tharpe- Center Grove(12/9/1): Kamariyon Nelson*, Logan Frazier*, Braden Haines(2)*, Keaton Morton*, Josh Johnson(2), Joey Buttler(2)*, Isaac Ward(2)*, Justice Thornton
      Dylan Stroud- Manchester(0/0/2): 
      Zeke Seltzer- Indianapolis Cathedral(1/1/5): Jesse Mendez*
      Elijah Anthony- Frankfort(1/1/3): Zeke Seltzer*
      Brady Ison- Brownsburg(2/2/7): Cheaney Schoeff(2)*
      Landon Bertsch- Bluffton(2/2/5): Dylan Stroud*, Tony Wood*
      Cheaney Schoeff- Avon(2/2/4): Brady Ison(2)*
      Brevan Thrine- New Castle(3/3/1): Zeke Seltzer*, Julius Gerencser*, Tony Wood*
      Zar Walker- Mishawaka(4/4/5): Anthony Bahl(2)*, Wesley Harper*, Wyatt Krejsa*
      Anthony Bahl- Crown Point(4/4/4): Zeke Seltzer*, Brady Ison(2)*, Zeke Seltzer*
      Wyatt Krejsa- Center Grove(5/5/6): Zeke Seltzer*, Cheaney Schoeff*, Luke Gonzalez*, Gavin Garcia*, Brady Ison*
      Eli Brooks- Whiteland(6/5/0): Cheaney Schoeff*, Brady Ison*, Wyatt Krejsa(3)*, Blake Nicholson
      Bryce Denton- Penn(6/5/1): Ethan Roudebush, Jasper Graber*, Anthony Bahl*, Brady Ison*, Zar Walker(2)*
      Jasper Graber- Northridge(6/4/1): Landon Bertsch*, Logan Stuckman, Logan Uhlman*, Mikey Kallimani, Zar Walker(2)*
      Logan Uhlman- Adams Central(6/4/1): Landon Bertsch(3)*, Dylan Stroud*, Calvin Faurote, Chase Stephens
      Mason Stanley- Rensselaer Central(7/3/0): Caleb Solomey, Xavier Horton, Joey Buttler*, Bryce Denton*, Zar Walker*, Brock Hagewood, John Bussard
      Michael Major- Carmel(8/7/0): Elijah Anthony(3)*, Brevan Thrine*, Anthony Bahl*, Wyatt Krejsa*, Cheaney Schoeff, Wyatt Krejsa*
      Jesse Mendez- Crown Point(0/0/12): 
      Bryce Lowery- Roncalli(0/0/3): 
      Cash Turner- Edgewood(1/1/4): Gavin Garcia*
      Ashton Hayhurst- Castle(1/1/1): Gavin Garcia*
      Gavin Garcia- Brownsburg(2/2/5): Jesse Mendez*, Nick Tattini*
      Julius Gerencser- Daleville(3/2/4): Jake Necessary, Cameron Clark(2)*
      Cameron Clark- Jay County(3/0/3): Dominic Litchfield(2), Hunter Miller
      Cole Solomey- Kankakee Valley(3/3/1): Jesse Mendez(3)*
      Carson Johnson- Mount Vernon (Fortville)(4/6/3): Dominic Litchfield, Luke Gonzalez(4)*, Wesley Harper*, Ike O'Neill*
      Wesley Harper- Penn(6/4/4): Jesse Mendez(2)*, Gavin Garcia*, Lucas Clement*, Thadeus O'Neill, Conner Kleinberg(OH)
      Dillon Tuttle- Delta(6/5/1): Dominic Litchfield, Carson Johnson*, Cash Turner*, Julius Gerencser(2)*, Cameron Clark*
      Luke Gonzalez- Indianapolis Cathedral(7/6/5): Jesse Mendez(2)*, Bryce Lowery(2)*, Wesley Harper*, Evan Roudebush*, Cole Thomas(KY)
      Lucas Clement- Merrillville(7/4/1): Jesse Mendez*, Cole Solomey*, Caleb Solomey, Lakin Webb, Wesley Harper*, Evan Roudebush*, Anthony Streib(IL)
      Ike O'Neill- Westfield(10/6/1): Jesse Mendez*, Blaze Garcia*, Dominic Litchfield, Carson Johnson*, Bryce Lowery*, Gavin Garcia*, Luke Farling, Cayden Shelton, Keegan Grandinetti, Jesse Mendez*
      Evan Roudebush- Bloomington South(10/5/2): Ashton Hayhurst*, Dominic Litchfield, Carson Johnson*, Lou Knable, Cash Turner(3)*, Drew Mills, Silas Stits, Tyler Vanover
      Allan Maggard- Columbia City(14/2/0): Dominic Litchfield(2), Dillon Tuttle*, Julius Gerencser*, Luke Teusch, Jadyn Gilbert, Kaleb Lounsbury, Cody Biddle, Giovanni Arsini, Luke Teusch, Spencer Hart, Anden Ankney(OH), Ethan Mitchell(OH), Gavin Owens(OH)
      Matthew Koontz- Perry Meridian(0/0/4): 
      Toby Abbott- Cowan(0/0/2): 
      Hayden Watson- Center Grove(1/1/10): Matthew Koontz*
      Aidan Torres- Chesterton(1/1/9): Hayden Watson*
      Brody Arthur- Oak Hill(1/1/2): Ben Miller*
      Rider Searcy- East Central(2/2/1): Matthew Koontz*, Corbin Walston*
      Brac Hooper- Zionsville(3/2/3): Hayden Watson*, Matthew Koontz*, Dillon Graham
      Ben Miller- Lakeland(4/1/3): Sam Levitz(2), Toby Abbott*, Conner Watts
      Denny Wendling- Frontier(5/2/0): Nick Tattini*, Andrew Kline, Gunnar Krause*, Dylan Barron, Toby Abbott
      Nick Tattini- Crown Point(6/5/6): Hayden Watson*, Aidan Torres(4)*, Nolan Gessler(OH)
      Blaze Garcia- Brownsburg(6/4/4): Hayden Watson(2)*, Nick Tattini*, Sam Goin*, Aiden Davis(MI), Nate Cleaver((MI)
      Nate Lommock- Terre Haute South(6/2/0): Hayden Watson*, Nicolas Castelluccio(2), Anfernee Oliver*, Jude Barger, Tyler Lee
      Gunnar Krause- Knox(7/5/1): Nick Tattini*, Aidan Torres(4)*, Logan Sertic, Caden Ellenberger
      Anfernee Oliver- Ben Davis(7/6/1): Blaze Garcia(3)*, Hayden Watson(2)*, Brac Hooper*, Garrett Hicks
      Brayden Baker- Garrett(11/6/0): Nick Tattini*, Ben Miller(2)*, Sam Levitz, Toby Abbott*, Brody Arthur(2)*, Zymarion Hollyfield, Gavin Davis, Braxton Miller, Jackson Todd
      Nayl Sbay- Carmel(13/8/0): Hayden Watson(2)*, Matthew Koontz*, Brac Hooper(2)*, Nick Tattini*, Rider Searcy*, Hunter May*, Eitan Halevi, Andrew Goodwin, Zach Strueder, Kolten Rhonemus, Tyler Lee
      Sam Goin- Crown Point(0/0/8): 
      Mitchell Betz- Western(0/0/6): 
      Kody Glithero- Roncalli(0/0/4): 
      Delaney Ruhlman- Bloomington South(1/1/5): Anthony Rinehart*
      Alex Currie- Adams Central(1/1/2): Mitchell Betz*
      Anthony Rinehart- Zionsville(2/2/3): Kody Glithero*, Sam Goin*
      Corbin Walston- Lawrenceburg(2/2/1): Tyler Jones*, Anthony Rinehart*
      Chase Leech- Garrett(4/4/4): Alex Currie*, Delaney Ruhlman*, Mitchell Betz*, Aidan Costello*
      Tyler Jones- Warren Central(4/3/2): Landon Boe*, Kody Glithero(2)*, Clay Guenin
      Tristen Hood- Harrison (WL)(5/4/2): Sam Goin*, Mitchell Betz(3)*, Jamason Roll
      Nick Cicciarelli- Brownsburg(5/3/2): Landon Boe*, Sam Goin*, Delaney Ruhlman*, Andre Merritt, Kyle White(MI)
      Hunter May- Evansville Mater Dei(5/2/2): Hayden Watson*, Nick Cicciarelli*, Dillon Graham, Ian McGhee(TN), Jacob Roaten(TN)
      Kenneth Bisping- Lowell(6/5/5): Sam Goin(3)*, Garrett Manley, Anthony Rinehart*, Austin Brickey*
      Tyce DuPont- Tell City(7/4/0): Alex Currie*, Delaney Ruhlman(2)*, Brenden Chew, Hunter May*, Jaden Grant(2)
      Aidan Costello- Hobart(10/8/3): Kody Glithero*, Sam Goin*, Aidan Torres*, Tristen Hood*, Delaney Ruhlman*, Keagen Mabie, Grant Mallery, Kenneth Bisping(3)*
      Austin Brickey- Carroll (Fort Wayne)(10/9/1): Tristen Hood*, Elijah Talamantez, Mitchell Betz*, Chase Leech(4)*, Kenneth Bisping*, Aidan Costello(2)*
      J Conway- Floyd Central(0/0/5): 
      Landon Boe- Avon(1/1/5): J Conway*
      Logan Farnell- Maconaquah(1/1/3): Landon Boe*
      Kade Law- Columbus East(2/2/7): J Conway(2)*
      Cody Goodwin- Crown Point(2/0/5): Collin Kelly(IL), Gunnar Cramblett(OH)
      Charlie Euson- East Central(2/1/3): Kade Law*, Sam Mason(OH)
      Leo Calderon- Centerville(2/2/1): Charlie Euson(2)*
      AJ Steenbeke- Penn(3/2/4): Cody Goodwin*, Nick Cicciarelli*, Julian Weems
      Duke Myers- Bellmont(3/3/3): Cody Goodwin*, AJ Steenbeke*, Logan Farnell*
      Chris Newman- Mount Vernon (Posey)(4/3/1): J Conway*, Kade Law*, Landon Boe*, Vincent Tinoco
      Kaden Lone- NorthWood(5/3/3): Aiden Reynolds, Duke Myers(2)*, Julian Weems, Jared Landez*
      Bradey Pittman- Plymouth(6/3/1): AJ Steenbeke*, Kaden Lone*, Keagen Mabie, Cameron Powell, Caleb Carter*, ???
      Caleb Carter- Merrillville(6/5/1): Cody Goodwin*, Kaden Lone*, Cameron Powell, Kenneth Bisping*, Cody Goodwin(2)*
      Jared Landez- Carroll (Fort Wayne)(6/5/1): Aiden Reynolds, AJ Steenbeke*, Bradey Pittman*, Duke Myers*, Logan Farnell(2)*
      Chase Wagner- Zionsville(7/5/1): J Conway*, Landon Boe*, Charlie Euson*, AJ Steenbeke*, Kaden Lone*, Julian Weems, Jackson Anderson
      Zach Huckaby- Perry Meridian(11/5/0): Griffin Ison, Chris Newman*, Tyler Jones*, Leo Calderon*, Chase Wagner*, Nathan Powell, Andrew Stuck, Andre Merritt, Kade Law, Dylan Forbus, Trey Cranfill(KY)
      Brody Baumann- Evansville Mater Dei(0/0/6): 
      Connor Svantner- Valparaiso(1/0/4): Anthony White
      Eli Johnson- Norwell(1/1/2): Brodie Porter*
      Ryan Cast- Hamilton Southeastern(1/0/2): Hayden Shepherd
      Brodie Porter- Eastern (Greentown)(1/0/2): Jack Lesher(IL)
      Codei Khawaja- Floyd Central(2/2/2): Brody Baumann(2)*
      Ben Phillips- Charlestown(2/2/0): Aiden Farmer*, Codei Khawaja*
      Landon Buchanan- Jimtown(3/3/1): Kade Law*, Brodie Porter*, De'Alcapon Veazy*
      Jesse Herrera- Highland(4/2/1): Connor Cervantes, Connor Svantner(2)*, Tom Bennett(IL)
      Braxton Russell- Delta(5/3/0): Landon Buchanan*, Eli Johnson(2)*, Chase Gardner(2)
      Aiden Farmer- Evansville Memorial(6/5/1): Brody Baumann(4)*, Codei Khawaja*, Gavin Ricketts(KY)
      Clifton Johnson- North Central(6/3/2): Noah Clouser, JJ Braun*, Ryan Cast*, Ethan Popp*, Vincent Tinoco, Anthony Cashman
      Anthony Cashman- Warren Central(6/3/1): Hayden Shepherd(2), JJ Braun(2)*, Clifton Johnson*, Carter Messerly(KY)
      Isaac Valdez- Mishawaka(6/3/1): Kade Law*, Noah Clouser, Luke Penola, Connor Svantner(2)*, Landon Buchanan
      JJ Braun- Indianapolis Cathedral(7/4/3): Kade Law(2)*, Noah Clouser(2), Ryan Cast*, Clifton Johnson*, Carter Messerly(KY)
      Ethan Popp- Harrison (WL)(8/3/1): Jesse Herrera*, Isaac Valdez*, Joshua Hubbard, Zach Wagner, Anthony Cashman*, Camari Kirk, Evan Tilton, ???
      Orlando Cruz- Crown Point(1/1/9): Drake Buchanan*
      Evan Tilton- Hamilton Heights(1/1/4): Luke Hansen*
      Drake Buchanan- Center Grove(1/1/4): Gunner Henry*
      Gunner Henry- Brownsburg(2/1/5): Drake Buchanan*, Vincent McDonald
      Luke Hansen- Roncalli(2/1/3): Jake Simpson*, Lane Kiser (KY)
      Hunter Page- Monroe Central(2/2/1): De'Alcapon Veazy(2)*
      Reid Schroeder- Southridge(3/1/3): Drake Buchanan*, Wyatt Willman, Wyatt Ferguson(OH)
      De'Alcapon Veazy- Fort Wayne Snider(4/2/6): Drake Buchanan*, Jake Sues*, Tristan Statler, Titus Hackworth
      Jake Simpson- Hobart(4/4/4): Jake Sues*, Orlando Cruz(3)*
      David Nash- East Central(4/1/1): Evan Tilton*, Tristan Statler, Lane Abrams(OH), Jonathan Sanchez(OH)
      Jaquan East- Kokomo(5/3/1): Evan Tilton(2)*, De'Alcapon Veazy*, Liam Farmer, Cael Albaugh
      Kooper Kinsler- Delphi(5/1/1): Orlando Cruz*, Cael Albaugh, Josh McKelvin, Cael Albaugh, Josh McKelvin
      Tommy Hannon- Indianapolis Bishop Chatard(5/4/0): Evan Tilton*, David Nash*, Jerry McBee, Luke Hansen(2)*
      Alex Rose- Terre Haute South(7/3/0): Gunner Henry*, Luke Bullock, Reid Schroeder(2)*, Zach Wagner, Jerry McBee(2)
      Trey Tobias- NorthWood(9/4/0): Orlando Cruz*, Hunter Page*, De'Alcapon Veazy*, Jaquan East*, Austin Farris, Jackson Lynch, Tim Shortt, Matthew McCrum, ???
      Jake Sues- Lake Central(10/9/2): Jake Simpson(3)*, Orlando Cruz(4)*, Brandon Hammer, Kooper Kinsler*, De'Alcapon Veazy*
      Connor Barket- West Lafayette(0/0/4): 
      Aataevon Jordan- Franklin Central(1/0/5): Vincent McDonald
      Gabe Sollars- Evansville Mater Dei(2/1/6): John Purdy*, Stephen Little(KY)
      Alex Deming- Rochester(2/1/1): Armen Koltookian*, Devon Ulshafer
      John Purdy- Castle(3/3/5): Gabe Sollars(3)*
      Jacob Behm- Fremont(3/3/1): Alex Deming*, Armen Koltookian(2)*
      Will Clark- Crown Point(4/4/6): Connor Barket*, Gage Demarco*, Gunner Henry(2)*
      Christian Chavez- Mishawaka(5/3/2): Gage Demarco*, Will Clark(2)*, Jaden Durnil, Peter Obergfell
      Samuel Saunders- Terre Haute North(5/4/0): Gabe Sollars*, Wyatt Willman*, John Purdy*, Max Broom*, Colten Hubbell
      Wyatt Willman- North Posey(6/5/4): Gabe Sollars*, John Purdy(2)*, Nathan Critchfield(2)*, Kelton Farmer
      Armen Koltookian- Concord(6/3/4): Vincent McDonald, Christian Chavez(2)*, Will Clark*, Wyatt Woodall, Paul Dewitt
      Max Broom- Hamilton Southeastern(6/4/2): John Purdy*, Vincent McDonald, Aataevon Jordan(3)*, Austin Hastings
      Gage DeMarco- Chesterton(6/4/2): Connor Barket*, Will Clark(3)*, Jack Cummings(IL)(2)
      Jackson Ingenito- Daleville(6/3/0): Jacob Behm*, Wyatt Woodall, Dylan Kwiatkowski, Reid Schroeder*, Armen Koltookian*, Noah Duke(KY)
      Ryan Bovard- East Central(9/2/0): Van Skinner, Max Broom*, Ronin Hammond*, Jaden Durnil, Evan Clayton, Chase Hamilton, Noah Duke(KY)(2), Tanner Smith(OH)
      Ronin Hammond- Perry Meridian(11/4/1): Gabe Sollars*, Aataevon Jordan(2)*, Gunner Henry*, Sam Peeples(4), Jaden Durnil, Grayson Harvey, Quentin Keesee
      Nathan Critchfield- Evansville Mater Dei(0/0/7): 
      Christian Carroll- New Prairie(0/0/3): 
      Blake Heyerly- Adams Central(1/1/3): Connor Barket*
      Juan Grange- Penn(2/2/5): Leighton Jones*, Christian Carroll*
      Tommy Morrill- Columbus East(2/2/4): Juan Grange*, Nathan Critchfield*
      Brady Beck- Rochester(2/2/2): Blake Heyerly*, Juan Grange*
      Kelton Farmer- Evansville Memorial(5/5/1): Wyatt Willman*, Tommy Morrill*, Nathan Critchfield(3)*
      Chance Harris- Fort Wayne Concordia(6/4/4): Blake Heyerly*, Julante Hinton(2)*, Brady Beck*, Joel Kennedy, Dylan Bennett
      Julante Hinton- Fort Wayne Northrop(6/5/2): Blake Heyerly*, Chance Harris(4)*, Dylan Bennett
      Devin Kendrex- Mount Vernon (Fortville)(6/3/1): Corey Hill, Keagan Martin, Jackson Weingart(3)*, Isaac Beam
      Jordan Cree- Rensselaer Central(7/5/1): Wyatt Willman*, Connor Barket*, Christian Carroll*, Isaac Benjamin, Paul Clark*, Brady Beck*, Zack Vanderwal
      Royce Deckard III- Center Grove(7/4/0): Michael DeGrado, Isaac Benjamin, Juan Grange*, Nolan Skaggs, Kelton Farmer*, Nathan Critchfield*, Jackson Weingart*
      Paul Clark- Crown Point(8/2/2): Christian Carroll*, Corey Hill(2), Michael DeGrado(2), Juan Grange*, Nolan Skaggs, Peyton Cross
      Jake Long- Noblesville(8/4/0): Justin Lewis*, Jordan Cree*, Cole Chicoine, Jackson Weingart(2)*, Josh Brown, Seth Richardson, Josh Brown
      Justin Lewis- Roncalli(9/4/1): Wyatt Willman*, Tommy Morrill*, Aaron Butts, Nolan Skaggs, Devin Kendrex*, Garron Jenkins, Jackson Weingart*, Cole Branigan, Corithian Seals-Porte(KY)
      Jackson Weingart- Indianapolis Cathedral(11/4/7): Isaac Benjamin, Juan Grange*, Tommy Morrill*, Paul Clark*, Nolan Skaggs, Nathan Critchfield*, Brayden Rouse, Anthony Proctor, Noah Duke(KY), Onya Nwosisi, Zyair Anderson(OH)
      Hunter Whitenack- New Prairie(0/0/4): 
      Marshall Fishback- Rochester(1/1/4): Makhi Watts*
      Leighton Jones- Brownsburg(2/0/8): Charlie Jagusah(IL), Nolan Neves(OH)
      Ian Clifford- Columbia City(2/1/1): Jason Orr, Marshall Fishback*
      Jacob Johnson- Franklin Community(3/2/6): Leighton Jones(2)*, James Ralph
      Ashton Hartwell- Columbus East(3/3/2): Jacob Johnson*, Leighton Jones*, Mihail Platonov*
      Makhi Watts- North Central(5/4/5): Mihail Platonov*, Nate Johnson*, Hosia Smith*, Riley Anderson, Hunter Branham*
      Theodore Sparks- Merrillville(5/2/5): Hunter Whitenack*, Brayden Jellison*, Anthony Popi, Vincent Arebalo(IL), Michael DeGrado
      Hunter Brahnam- Frankton(6/3/1): Makhi Watts*, Mihail Platonov*, Ryan Latimore, Hosia Smith*, Jacob Etchison, Tyler Wright
      Nate Johnson- Center Grove(6/6/2): Jacob Johnson(3)*, Leighton Jones*, Ashton Hartwell*, Mihail Platonov*
      Mihail Platonov- Westfield(7/2/5): Leighton Jones*, Dom Burgett(3), Jack Milligan, Hosia Smith*, Andrew Just
      Hosia Smith- Indianapolis Cathedral(7/3/4): Makhi Watts(2)*, Tommy Morrill*, Jack Ruess(2), Ryan Latimore, Skyler Horn(OH)
      Trey White- Portage(7/5/3): Jacob Johnson*, Hunter Whitenack*, Theodore Sparks(2)*, Jack Milligan, Hosia Smith, Theodore Sparks*
      Brayden Jellison- Elkhart(8/7/1): Hunter Whitenack*, Ashton Hartwell*, Brandon Villafuerte, Nate Johnson*, Marshall Fishback(3)*, Josh Clark*
      Josh Clark- New Haven(10/2/1): Makhi Watts*, Ian Clifford*, Dalton Robinson(2), Cooper Williams, Ethan Dodson, Parker Hennessey, Ethan Michael, Landon Armstrong, Zach Chrisman
      Liam Begley- Crown Point(14/11/0): Jacob Johnson*, Leighton Jones(2)*, Hunter Whitenack*, Mihail Platonov*, Theodore Sparks*, Trey White(2)*, Jack Milligan, Hosia Smith*, Theodore Sparks*, Trey White*, Bryson Vandermeulen(MI), Ryan Boersma(IL)

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      2022 State Finals by the Numbers

      The rankings have been a staple of IndianaMat since day one. We have always prided ourselves in having accurate rankings throughout the season. This year Mike upped his game and went to 20 ranked wrestlers in November and December. Then in January upped it to the top 25. With 25 ranked wrestlers he was able to include a lot of what was previously on our watch list. This gave recognition to many more hard-working athletes. As with last year, there was quite a bit of uncertainty surrounding the season and we have made it this far with the rankings continuing to hold strong.
      As always, we locked the rankings before sectional and let them ride. We do not update them based on draws or state series victories. This year Mike has outdone himself with 190 of the 224 wrestlers being ranked. For the first time ever, we had a perfect weight class! At 152lbs every state qualifier was ranked in the state. Another first this year is there are no Friday matches that do not include at least one ranked wrestler. In total, 78 of the 112 matches on Friday are between two ranked wrestlers.
      We have our every popular brackets that are new and improved that include state and semi-state rankings in them. This year we have two sets, one with just state rankings and one with both semi-state and state rankings. 
      Click here for the Info Center with links to download the brackets
      Season by season ranked wrestlers advancing to state
      *Note Mike Reiser took over the rankings in 2012
      2022- 190
      2021- 186
      2020- 180
      2019- 175
      2018- 179
      2017- 169
      2016- 175
      2015- 172
      2014- 171
      2013- 171
      2012- 170
      2011- 157
      2010- 159
      2009- 143
      *As of Wednesday Donnie Feeler has been replaced by Cameron Meier in this weight class
      Number of Ranked Wrestlers Qualifying: 14
      Unranked qualifiers:
      Seth Aubin (Hobart) 
      Cameron Meier (Bloomington South)
      First round match-ups of ranked wrestlers:
      #1 Jake Hockaday (Brownsburg) vs. #21 Tamir Halevi (Carmel)
      #2 Jeffrey Bailey (River Forest) vs. #15 Ayden Bollinger (Delta)
      #11 Julianna O'campo (New Haven) vs. #4 Gavin Jendreas (Crown Point)
      #16 Heather Crull (Northeastern) vs. #5 Luke Rioux (Avon)
      #6 Isaiah Schaefer (EV.  Mater Dei) vs. #13 Oliver Wilson (North Central)
      #7 E'Shawn Tolbert (Portage) vs. #9 Levi Johns (Bluffton) 
      Number of Ranked Wrestlers Qualifying: 14
      Unranked qualifiers:
      Bowen Keith (Cowan)
      Peter Nguyen (Guerin Catholic)
      First round match-ups of ranked wrestlers:
      #2 Evan Dickey (Cathedral) vs. #17 Dylan Bennett (Penn)
      #7 Easton Doster (New Haven) vs. #4 Evan Seng (EV.  Mater Dei)
      #14 Eddie Goss (Center Grove) vs. #5 Tanner Tishner (Western)
      #6 Jackson Heaston (Indian Creek) vs. #13 Wyatt Davis (Rochester)
      #10 Trevor Schammert (Hobart) vs. #18 Braden Getz (Roncalli)
      #12 Johnny Cortez (Lake Central) vs. #16 Gavin Thompson (Carmel)

      Number of Ranked Wrestlers Qualifying: 12
      Unranked qualifiers:
      Dominic McFeeley (Cascade)
      Guillermo Rivera (Lake Central)
      Jared Dunn (Princeton)
      Jayden Lewis (New Prairie)
      First round match-ups of ranked wrestlers:
      #2 Lane Gilbert (Sullivan) vs. #24 Elliott Cornewell (FW Bishop Dwenger)
      #7 Noah Lykins (Columbus East) vs. #19 Neal Mosier (Delta)
      #9 Christopher Bohn (Munster) vs. #13 Braxton Vest (Westfield) 
      #10 Aden Reyes (Cathedral) vs. #5 Hayden DeMarco (Chesterton)
      Number of Ranked Wrestlers Qualifying: 14
      Unranked qualifiers:
      Gavin Cook (Adams Central)
      Keegan Schlabach (Lakeland)
      First round match-ups of ranked wrestlers:
      #1 Logan Frazier (Crown Point) vs. #11 Keaton Morton (Perry Meridian)
      #3 Aidan Sprague (East Noble) vs. #16 Michael Tharpe (Center Grove)
      #5 Kamariyon Nelson (Castle) vs. #7 Tony Wood (Jay County)
      #6 Blake Wolf (East Central) vs. #17 Beau Brabender (Mishawaka)
      #12 Isaac Ward (Carmel) vs. #25 David Maldonado (Merrillville)
      #14 Griffin Ingalls (Fishers) vs. #2 Matteo Vargo (Penn)
      Number of Ranked Wrestlers Qualifying: 13 
      Unranked qualifiers:
      Bryce Denton (Penn)
      Eli Brooks (Whiteland)
      Mason Stanley (Rensselaer Central)
      First round match-ups of ranked wrestlers:
      #2 Brady Ison (Brownsburg) vs. #6 Elijah Anthony (Frankfort)
      #3 Cheaney Schoeff (Avon) vs. #11 Michael Major (Carmel)
      #4 Anthony Bahl (Crown Point) vs. #24 Jasper Graber (Northridge)
      #8 Brevan Thrine (New Castle) vs. #9 Wyatt Krejsa (Center Grove)
      #10 Landon Bertsch (Bluffton) vs. #12 Zar Walker (Mishawaka)
      Number of Ranked Wrestlers Qualifying: 12
      Unranked qualifiers:
      Allan Maggard (Columbia City)
      Evan Roudebush (Bloomington South)
      Ike O'Neill (Westfield)
      Lucas Clement (Merrillville) 
      First round match-ups of ranked wrestlers:
      #2 Cole Solomey (Kankakee Valley) vs. #5 Cash Turner (Edgewood)
      #8 Carson Johnson (Mt.  Vernon (Fortville)) vs. #16 Cameron Clark (Jay County)
      #11 Dillon Tuttle (Delta) vs. #12 Luke Gonzalez (Cathedral)
      #18 Wesley Harper (Penn) vs. #4 Gavin Garcia (Brownsburg)
      Number of Ranked Wrestlers Qualifying: 11
      Unranked qualifiers:
      Brayden Baker (Garrett)
      Denny Wendling (Frontier)
      Gunnar Krause (Knox)
      Nate Lommock (Terre Haute South)
      Nayl Sbay (Carmel)
      First round match-ups of ranked wrestlers:
      #4 Brody Arthur (Oak Hill) vs. #6 Nick Tattini (Crown Point)
      #7 Blaze Garcia (Brownsburg) vs. #11 Brac Hooper (Zionsville)
      #9 Rider Searcy (East Central) vs. #13 Anfernee Oliver (Ben Davis)
      Number of Ranked Wrestlers Qualifying: 16
      Unranked qualifiers:
      First round match-ups of ranked wrestlers:
      #1 Sam Goin (Crown Point) vs. #12 Corbin Walston (Lawrenceburg)
      #2 Anthony Rinehart (Zionsville) vs. #20 Kenneth Bisping (Lowell)
      #3 Delaney Ruhlman (Bloomington South) vs. #23 Austin Brickey (Carroll (FW))
      #5 Hunter May (EV.  Mater Dei) vs. #4 Alex Currie (Adams Central)
      #6 Tyler Jones (Warren Central) vs. #15 Tristen Hood (Harrison (WL))
      #7 Kody Glithero (Roncalli) vs. #22 Aidan Costello (Hobart)
      #10 Nick Cicciarelli (Brownsburg) vs. #17 Chase Leech (Garrett)
      #13 Mitchell Betz (Western) vs. #14 Tyce DuPont (Tell City)
      Number of Ranked Wrestlers Qualifying: 15
      Unranked qualifiers:
      Zachary Huckaby (Perry Meridian)
      First round match-ups of ranked wrestlers:
      #1 J Conway (Floyd Central) vs. #22 Bradey Pittman (Plymouth)
      #2 Kade Law (Columbus East) vs. #7 AJ Steenbeke (Penn)
      #3 Cody Goodwin (Crown Point) vs. #9 Chris Newman (Mt. Vernon (Posey))
      #4 Landon Boe (Avon) vs. #19 Caleb Carter (Merrillville)
      #8 Duke Myers (Bellmont) vs. #17 Chase Wagner (Zionsville)
      #11 Leo Calderon (Centerville) vs. #23 Jared Landez (Carroll (FW))
      #13 Kaden Lone (NorthWood) vs. #16 Charlie Euson (East Central)
      Number of Ranked Wrestlers Qualifying: 14
      Unranked qualifiers:
      Braxton Russell (Delta)
      Ethan Popp (Harrison (WL))
      First round match-ups of ranked wrestlers:
      #1 Brody Baumann (EV.  Mater Dei) vs. #16 Anthony Cashman (Warren Central)
      #2 Codei Khawaja (Floyd Central) vs. #12 JJ Braun (Cathedral)
      #5 Landon Buchanan (Jimtown) vs. #17 Jesse Herrera (Highland)
      #6 Benjamin Phillips (Charlestown) vs. #7 Ryan Cast (Hamilton Southeastern)
      #8 Eli Johnson (Norwell) vs. #22 Isaac Valdez (Mishawaka)
      #9 Aiden Farmer (EV.  Memorial) vs. #25 Clifton Johnson (North Central)
      Number of Ranked Wrestlers Qualifying: 11
      Unranked qualifiers:
      Alex Rose (Terre Haute South)
      David Nash (East Central)
      Jaquan East (Kokomo)
      Kooper Kinsler (Delphi)
      Trey Tobias (NorthWood)
      First round match-ups of ranked wrestlers:
      #2 Orlando Cruz (Crown Point) vs. #20 Tommy Hannon (Bishop Chatard)
      #5 Hunter Page (Monroe Central) vs. #9 Gunner Henry (Brownsburg)
      #6 Jake Sues (Lake Central) vs. #10 Luke Hansen (Roncalli)
      Number of Ranked Wrestlers Qualifying: 15
      Unranked qualifiers:
      Armen Koltookian (Concord)
      First round match-ups of ranked wrestlers:
      #1 Gabe Sollars (EV.  Mater Dei) vs. #19 Jackson Ingenito (Daleville)
      #2 John Purdy (Castle) vs. #8 Jacob Behm (Fremont)
      #3 Connor Barket (West Lafayette) vs. #24 Ryan Bovard (East Central)
      #4 Wyatt Willman (North Posey) vs. #14 Alex Deming (Rochester)
      #5 Aataevon Jordan (Franklin Central) vs. #9 Christian Chavez (Mishawaka)
      #6 Will Clark (Crown Point) vs. #18 Ronin Hammond (Perry Meridian)
      #7 Gage DeMarco (Chesterton) vs. #17 Max Broom (Hamilton Southeastern)
      Number of Ranked Wrestlers Qualifying: 14
      Unranked qualifiers:
      Jackson Weingart (Cathedral)
      Justin Lewis (Roncalli)
      First round match-ups of ranked wrestlers:
      #1 Christian Carroll (New Prairie) vs. #24 Royce Deckard III (Center Grove)
      #2 Nathan Critchfield (EV.  Mater Dei) vs. #15 Jordan Cree (Rensselaer Central)
      #3 Juan Grange (Penn) vs. #7 Kelton Farmer (EV.  Memorial)
      #4 Blake Heyerly (Adams Central) vs. #16 Jacob Long (Noblesville)
      #5 Tommy Morrill (Columbus East) vs. #10 Paul Clark (Crown Point)
      #17 Chance Harris (FW Concordia) vs. #22 Devin Kendrex (Mt.  Vernon (Fortville))
      Number of Ranked Wrestlers Qualifying: 14
      Unranked qualifiers:
      Josh Clark (New Haven)
      Liam Begley (Crown Point)
      First round match-ups of ranked wrestlers:
      #2 Hunter Whitenack (New Prairie) vs. #8 Nate Johnson (Center Grove)
      #5 Jacob Johnson (Franklin Community) vs. #14 Theodore Sparks (Merrillville)
      #6 Mihail Platonov (Westfield) vs. #20 Ian Clifford (Columbia City)
      #7 Ashton Hartwell (Columbus East) vs. #15 Trey White (Portage)
      #9 Makhi Watts (North Central) vs. #13 Brayden Jellison (Elkhart)
      #10 Marshall Fishback (Rochester) vs. #17 Hunter Brahnam (Frankton)

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