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Everything posted by SLDchamp

  1. that is accurate. North won 126 by fall. At least a 9 point swing
  2. Southmont- 113 Unranked- Boone Welliever win vs #10 Bocock 5-2 or 5-1. Loss vs #14 Turner 6-4 126 Unranked- Chandler Moore win vs #11 Belden 4-2 OT. Win vs Molloy by decision 152 #13- Chance Brown win vs #12 (145) Vancamp 5-3. Loss vs #4 (145) Harvey by fall. Loss vs #3 Marci by decision I believe
  3. Vinny vs McKloskey Hughs vs James Steveson vs McKloskey Zach Davis vs Red
  4. I was told that his coaches told him to take top, but he instead chose bottom
  5. Was anyone else shocked with Hughs not taking top in the 3rd?? Best leg rider in the state..
  6. other than being in a regional with Carmel, Westfirld, Zionzville, Fischers, and HSE. They go to Chris Trainoff, and went to Team state. They are in the same conference as North Montgomery and Danville. Get your facts
  7. Floor over Neibarger in finals. Scott over Hedger. How about heavy weight?
  8. 2 undefeateds didn't get out at New Castle. Barrett at 138 was one. Big upset
  9. Floor was nearly upset ticket round by Dove, was even down 4-1 at one point
  10. Lough of Northmontgomery pinned Lawson of Frankfort. It is mentioned on Loughs notables but Lawson is still a few ahead..
  11. No he didnt??? Harvey was taking laxitives to make weight and almost got dq'ed for something that happend... the match wasnt at all close
  12. I agree with that, that is the way i see it. Ayersman, Crume, Phillips, LeCount. And like i said Lecount winning the third fourth match wouldnt be a huge upset in my mind..
  13. I really like Underwood at 60 and i might be wrong but i think i am the only one to have picked him. I know Harvey and Johnson are tough but Underwoods only loss, to my knowledge, is to Mappes in OT. Mappes is my pick for 70 so that match went exactly the way it probably should have
  14. I personally dont know any of his noteable wins or loses but i have seen him wrestle and can agree that he shouldnt be ranked so highly in semi. He seems to be solid on top but majorly lacking on his feet where matches most often come down to.
  15. The question isnt whether or not he could beat them at their weight, its could he do it giving up the weight
  16. Somebody is trying to convince me that Jason Tsirtsis could win state, weighing 45, all the way up to possibly 82...I dont see how that could happen. What do you think
  17. That kid is also a freshman might i add. For any freshman the name Tsirtsis is virtually enough to beat you despite anything else. In no way could he not compete i just dont see him beating Willis or Mappes, and he would for sure have a battle with Harvey or Underwood
  18. Wont score an offensive point..really? A defending state champ cant score points. Molloy has a sick low single and super duck. This match could defintely go either way but to say Molloy wont score is rediculous.
  19. I wouldnt be surprised seeing Phillips take fourth behind Crume, Lecount, and Ayersman. I also dont see Brandenstein winning it after not ever qualifying beofre.. But only time will tell
  20. 132- #2 Molloy tech falled #14 Borta
  21. You guys are crazy, Tsirtis could win 52, 60 with trouble, not 70. I feel as if you arnt giving these others the credit they deserve, to think that the states best heavy could be beat by a 95er is wack
  22. 106-Boston 112-Brooks 120-Cambell 126-Ayersman 132-Molloy 138-Jackson 145-Tsirtsis 152-Mullins 160-Underwood 170-Mappes 182-Lyde 195-Sliga 220-Kral 285-Suter
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