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How can Freestyle/Greco improve in INDIANA?


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SUGGESTION 2: The first whistle must blow by 9 am.

SUGGESTION 3: A participant must have their first match within one hour of their age group scheduled start time.

RESPONSE:  When hosting an event, there are so many variables, it is impossible to require suggestions 2 & 3. Even if you have faxed or emails only, there are always problems with someone in the wrong weight class or age division, etc. 


As a wrestling community, let?s jointly think in terms of what is possible, rather than impossible.  I would suggest it?s quite possible for the first whistle to blow by 9 a.m


Here is how I witnessed it done at a tournament this year.  Pre-registration was done online with the freeware Google Apps.  A spreadsheet of the wrestlers was placed at the entrance.  Wrestlers had to check-in by 8 a.m. 


A volunteer validated weights/divisions with each kid as they entered.  Another volunteer collected the entrance fee.  A third & fourth volunteer served as runners; they watch for any weight/division alterations as wrestlers check-in, then ran back to pairings with the adjusted information.  The tournament began on time at 9 a.m.  There were still some bouts sheets printing for the adjusted weights, however those classes were moved further back in the order so that weights ready-to-go could start on time.


Insofar as participants 1st match within one hour of their age group scheduled start time, that is also possible.  A tournament just needs to stagger the start times.  With pre-registration online, we would have a much better idea of numbers and timing.  The ISWA already does this at FS State for various age groups.  Other wrestling organizations stagger times too, and it functions well.


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SUGGESTION 4: A specific number of surfaces per X number of wrestlers.

RESPONSE: None, which is fine.

SUGGESTION 5: Standard price structure.

RESPONSE: The clubs set the price for their event. Many times it is based on expenses. For example, one club may award the wrestlers a 3" custom medal while another may only award a 2" generic medal. There is a big difference in cost, which is usually built into the entry fee. Also, some schools allow their club to host an event free of charge while other school corporations charge the club between $1500 and $3000 just to use the facility.  This cost must be considered when setting the entry fee. In addition, some clubs reimburse officials travel money and/or share some of their profit with a club that lends physical support.


Infolady, this is very good info and I appreciate you sharing it.  I was quite ignorant of many of these factors.  You have done a good job in educating me about price structure of these tournaments.


I think it is excellent that members of our community get to read your response and learn about such issues.


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CALENDAR SUGGESTION 1: Commence FS/GR within two weeks after HS Team State.

RESPONSE: At the present time the FS/GR season begins 3 weeks after HS Team State.  The primary reason is to allow 2 week-ends for folkstyle state since it draws twice the participation of FS State and 5 times the participation of Greco. In most ares of Indiana, the middle school season is not over until mid-March. The present date of Folkstyle State Finals already poses a conflict for many 8th grade cadets. To host it any earlier would not be possible. Although I certainly see the value of FS/GR, the calendar is set in order to accommodate as many wrestlers as possible and the greater participation is in Folkstyle. 


I read you 5 by 5, Infolady.  I don?t really like it, but I can understand it.  If anyone has any creative solutions on this topic, I would l enjoy hearing them.

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CALENDAR SUGGESTION 2: No local folkstyle tournaments after ISWA Folkstyle State.

RESPONSE: The ISWA cannot deny a sanction to any club in good standing. It is up to each tournament to structure their event. Although the ISWA attempts to seperate the seasons, if a club chooses to have a Folkstyle event, during the predominately FR/GR season, that is their choice. All the ISWA can do is use the FS tournaments as qualifiers in order to encourage the clubs to schedule a FS/GR event.


I am glad you stated that FS tournaments are qualifiers to encourage FS/GR events.  That is a detail I was unaware of and am happy to read.  That sounds like solid logic from the ISWA.


I would like to follow up with another question.  Respectfully, why can?t the ISWA deny a sanction?  For years we had to go through the ISWA for coaches and wrestler cards, even when USAW had them on their web site (although this is no longer the case).  For years, the ISWA was very tough on clubs and coaches who collaborated with USAW without ISWA?s knowledge.  (I fully realize why that is btw.)  ISWA has clearly put its foot down before in a number of areas.  Why not the FS/GR calendar?  Is it in the By-Laws?


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The monthly board meeting is this Sunday, feel free to stop by and offer your foolproof ways of making all tournaments filled with fairies and rainbows.


The meeting is located at 5715 Churchman Ave.  Beech Grove, IN and the meeting starts at 12:00 noon.

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FYI: All athletes are still required to purchase their Competitor's card through the ISWA but due to to the background check, all coaches must now go on-line to themat.com.


Up until the last few years, keeping the seasons seperate was not a problem. However, about 4 years ago a few ISWA member clubs requested to host a Folkstyle tournament during what had traditionally been the FS & GR season. It was the decision of the board to grant their request. Member clubs still have to submit all sanctions, for approval by the ISWA, before transmitting them to USA Wrestling but the ISWA has never had the power to deny a sanction to a club in good standing.  The only options they have are not allow a tournament to serve as a qualifier for a state event or not include it on their  schedule.

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I've mentioned it before but I would love for the freestyle/greco season to add another 2 weeks to a month before state finals. 


I think this would would help coaches and athletes make the transition between styles better.  At this point by the time new kids finally start to get used to the freestyle/greco training the season is over.  Especially when you add in the two weeks of meets over spring break several kids end up missing.  Other state go deep into May and I think it helps develop more wrestlers as well as better prepare those going to national events in the summer.



It would give more chances to spread the meets out so maybe we could get a system where one meet was held in each region every weekend.  Currently because of time constraints I think we have some weeks where some areas have 3 meet close together while others don't have any.  You add 2-4 weeks to the calander and I think more school could spread the meet schedule out with the ISWA helping to keep it organized. 



Yes, I fully understand the state fairgrounds is only available at certain times and its a great deal to get so that is the primary reason the season ends when it does.  But this is still something I think would be great if we could find the right fieldhouse/arena type venue.



I also have wondered if have fully examined other top state USA Wrestling groups. I would think looking into how they have set up their yearly calender and what they do to organize or structure their system when it comes to meets and clubs could also be helpful.  I'm guessing we have heard about some of these things before.  But how much have we looked into the details and tried to impliment them into Indiana's system.


Over all I think the ISWA is doing a good job of keeping things going.  However, that is for the most part just keeping things on course.  I'm not sure how to fix it but just staying on course may not be the best way to catch up to or keep up with other top wrestling states.

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MattM, you have some good thoughts.  Personally, I would love to see FS/GR go much longer. 


However, I recall two issues from a previous discussion on this topic.  First, a number of Indiana high schools have graduations the 3rd or 4th weekend in May.  A number of Indiana colleges have graduation the 2nd or 3rd weekend in May.


Second, if memory serves, the Central Regional is consistently on the 3rd or 4th weekend in May. 


There were just too many conflicts going later than the 1st weekend in May.  Please correct me if I'm wrong.

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MattM, you have some good thoughts.   Personally, I would love to see FS/GR go much longer.  


However, I recall two issues from a previous discussion on this topic.  First, a number of Indiana high schools have graduations the 3rd or 4th weekend in May.  A number of Indiana colleges have graduation the 2nd or 3rd weekend in May.


Second, if memory serves, the Central Regional is consistently on the 3rd or 4th weekend in May.  


There were just too many conflicts going later than the 1st weekend in May.  Please correct me if I'm wrong.


The information I have been consistantly given says the major issue is the State Fairgrounds are only avaiable to us at that time and its to good of a deal too pass up.  While it a good reason I also think it is holding up the sport a little.  


Good point that late May HS graduation is a problem with adding add 4 weeks to the season.  I agree with that.  But I still think adding 2 extra weeks onto the season though should not effect any high school graduations.  


I guess some of my point was other states seem to have a different set up that seem to be working to help them improve.  I would guess that a big reason some of those state are doing well in wrestling is a connected with the adjustments and changes they made several years ago which are paying off now.   Obviously, some of their programs wouldn't be a good fit for Indiana because of how our state works but I'm sure a few state do ideas that could help us.

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A number of Indiana colleges have graduation the 2nd or 3rd weekend in May.


This is true.  I will miss Junior State this year because I will be attending my Grad School graduation from the Great Ball State University.  I am happy though that I will get to be present at the other state tournaments.


But i too would like it if it was possible to lengthen the season.  Folstyle nationals, VA Beach and Flo were all just a week or so ago.  That leaves three weeks of competition before freestyle state. 


The ISWA does a good job of listening to people and doing everything they can to help the sport. 


I just wonder if it is the wrestling community as a whole that wants to "save" freestyle and greco or if it is just a small group.  The ISWA will have to decide what is more important, the USA governing body or the wrestlers of Indiana if the two groups do not agree on the issue of freestyle and greco vs. folkstyle.

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