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Everything posted by aoberlin

  1. Come on. Really? The coaches made a mockery of the event because it was setup wrong in the first place. If something is not working you don't just throw it all away unless you really really don't care. They have showed no signs of wanting work with us over the years and I would expect nothing less.
  2. Now I finally get my shot at Crume.
  3. Well that is one heck of a start to a team.
  4. What 103 is always weak. I am not even sure why we ever had it. :o
  5. You forgot Petrov. WOW. That kid was on a mission. I am going to get the videos of him in the Semis and the Finals and use it as an example how to take it to the next level.
  6. I was standing right next to the a Center Grove coach that was on the side and he was yelling no and what are you doing when his kid was running. I really just think the moment got bigger than the kid and he wasn't thinking right. It also probably didn't help that Lovejoy is dangerous and he knew it. I look forward to watching Lovejoy for the next 3 years he is exciting to watch and so was his brother. Again remember they are just kids and I am sure he want be doing that again.
  7. No offense but I am going to treat her fair just like she would want. I am rooting for Lee. The kid has spunk and is a good little wrestler. Good luck to all.
  8. I would agree with both. To many times I see kids using the out of bounds as a safety net.
  9. I like the idea. I always feel the responsibility should be on the bottom guy getting out. With the current rules it is hard for a ref to figure out who is stalling. Is the top guy that good? Or is the bottom guy just not trying? I know that riding behind the hips for too long is considered stalling but kids just learn different art forms for jumping out to the side and running 2 on ones or near side wrist rides. If we are training kids for College why not try to emulate what they are doing more?
  10. Carroll is not that far off. He is an extremely tough and talented sophmore. I believe he was a multiple triple crown winner when he was a little younger. If I was a betting man I would say before the end of his high school career he will be under the lights also.
  11. I didn't say I would trade it. Just wish it was better.
  12. Wait Westview Sectionals doesn't look the weakest. Am I missing something?
  13. I would agree. When I was in high school I remember looking at how other kids did against my opponent. Oh Tommy beat Bobby by 5 and I beat Bobby by 6 so I should be able to beat Tommy. Then I grew up and started coaching and I realized that doesn't really matter at all and it drives me nuts when people talk like that. Back in my day Plymouth had a wrestler named Hutchens that was a 2 x state champ I believe that would beat everyone 1 - 0. No one could get out from under him. If you can't take a person down and you can't get out. You lose. Sometimes the points you don't give up a way more important than they points you get. But with that said Crume has an offense and is very quick. Good luck to both I hope I am in a position to see the match. That is one thing I hate about State is if you are a coach and you have a kid wrestling, and your short the view of the other matches suck.
  14. 1. That on the third penalty for stalling, the opponent ? in addition to the penalty points ? be awarded the choice of position on the next restart. 2. When a takedown is secured, the wrestler shall be awarded two match points for the first takedown and three match points for each additional takedown. 3. When near-fall criteria is met for two seconds, the wrestler in the advantage position will be awarded three match points; when near-fall criteria is met for five seconds, the wrestler in the advantage position will be awarded four match points. 4. Allowing a wrestler to compete in six matches in any one day (championship or consolation), including forfeits. 5. Reducing the rest break between consecutive matches from 45 minutes to 30 minutes. 6. Making the straight-body scissors an illegal hold/maneuver. I like the first one. Other than that none of them look great to me.
  15. I would like 3 officials. One to sit right next to me while I complain about the calls that I am not getting. ;D ;D
  16. The only thing I can say is remember these are kids and please keep the posts classy they read them also. Congratulations Lovejoy on a great day.
  17. Thank you for posting about Frane being overrated. This always helps add some fuel to our wrestlers. I will say that Frane does keep allot of matches closer than they should be. But sometimes it is not the points you get but the points you don't give up. Like Krumlauf said he has been taken down once and that was a contested take down on the edge at that. He has been beaten once by Forrest and if I was going to say anything about that is that Forrest is underrated. He is a great little wrestler and intense and wrestled an outstanding match. Just to give you a run down though. Frane has beat: Win vs. Schurg (I think 3- 1) Can't remember exactly #5 Ranked Kid Win vs. McGinley 3-1 # 13 Ranked Kid Win vs. Harvey 5-1 # 8 Ranked Kid Win vs. Gettinger 3-2 #10 Ranked Kid at 126 Oh yeah and he is a Connersville Champ and returning ticket rounder losing a close match to Kyle Jolas last year. So you tell me where you would rank him?
  18. I would agree. It seems like more and more wrestlers don't start wrestling till the get near the edge so that they have a safety net.
  19. This is what I read. I agree totally with life is not fair. The bottom line is every good wrestling tournament gives a wrestler a chance to wrestle back for 3rd and 4th. Why should our State Tournament be different? Our kids will have plenty of opportunities to learn Life is not fair, I would prefer it is learned somewhere else besides taking away a kids opportunity to participate in the State Tournament. I also agree with the statement of "Take away a kids opportunity to fail and you take away his ability to succeed" Which means to me not everyone deserves a medal. But I also think we should not set our kids up for failure.
  20. Agreed. Thanks for posting my thoughts.
  21. In my day you used be able to wear garbage bags and stand on your heads before we weighed in. Wait, who cares about my day or your day. Back in the 70's and 80's wrestling wasn't near as good as it is now in Indiana, don't kid yourself on that part. Wrestling has been a major part of my life for over 20 years and I have only seen Indiana kids get tougher and tougher. When you say stuff like "only 2 got out of Sectionals" it is because the Sectionals were smaller. Just listen to the kids accolades now that get under the lights. Most have been wrestling since they could tie their shoes and do it pretty much year round and allot of them do it nationally. Sorry but our sport has evolved and we need to evolve with it. I really don't like it when wrestling is compared to other sports because I was always taught that there is no other sport like wrestling and I believe it to be true. The only question there should be "are wrestle backs what are best for the kids?" And I think that is an easy answer. Just because you may have gotten screwed over in the past because of no wrestle backs doesn't mean kids in the future should.
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