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    I love the General

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  1. I dont think Tsirtsis will get beat, but anything is possible. Remember couple of years ago everybody said Harper would be 4x timer. Just saying
  2. LaHue, is for real. And so is Moser should good match. I have LaHue 5-1
  3. I dont care about the draw. I dont care if you thank guys took it easy on her, SHE WON. Tell everybody Bottom Line If you dont Like It TRY AND BEAT HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS KAYLA
  4. All I keep hearing about is this guy got a bad draw, this guy got easy draw. Bottom line. To Be The Man You Have To Beat The Man.
  5. i will start 106 Seng, Brohn, Kuhn, Schermer 113 Davis, Lahue, Schoettle, Johnson 120 Shepherd, Welch, Lykins, Runyon 126 Broukel, Vanhook, Pierre, Wedding 132 Marler, Montgomery, Molley, Moody 138 Kelly, Kelly, Lannert, Hoehn 145 Fentz, Castillo, Bassemier, Montgomry 152 Rueger, Adams, Richey, Burnette 160 Underwood, Oser, Linderschimt, Lough 170 Fidler, Marlin, Warren, Mappes 182 Bradestein, Wathen, Thacker, Konerding 195 Haibig, Jones, Maurer, Curtley 220 See, Knura, Bass, Boehm 285 Mckee, Phillips, Suter, Wright
  6. TripleB thanks for updates keep them coming
  7. 106 Schermer Nicosin 113 Oneal Summit 120 Engleking Runyon 126 Holwager Broukal 132 Montgomery Abram 138 Gast Kelley 145 Shuler Girton 152 Richey Framer 160 Lough Sietzinger 170 Fiddler Kirts 182 Wathen Thacker 195 Wilson Bird 220 Bass See 285 Mckee Sampson
  8. Congrats WC, no matter what is said your team was the better team lastnight. JC Great meet. Good luck to both schools this weekend.
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