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Indianamat.com Team Rankings 1-10-2012


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You need to dig a little deeper Than the fact that they attended PERRY MERIDIAN MIDDLE SCHOOL. That is part of the recruiting plan and why not? This is were you indoctrinate the studs and weed out the  not so talented kids. It also keeps the IHSAA HAPPY :D I would ask if any kids moved out of Perry because they were recruited out of their spot?? So sad too bad ! Right ?


Another reading of your entertaining post produced a few more thoughts. You state that the middle school is where we "indoctrinate the studs and weed out the not so talented kids". So am I to infer that Coach Richardson and Coach Glasser are in on this conspiracy with Coaches Tonte and Schoettle to create an entire legion of Manchurian candidate wrestlers programmed to deny wrestling spots to worthy, but substandard Perry township grapplers? And the weeding out process is done by the kids themselves. At Perry Meridian, we have never cut a wrestler in the 19 years that I have been here. We have lost some to grades or discipline issues, but the vast majority of those who leave it is by their own free will. We have cultivated a sense of team and family here and many of those "not so talented kids" stick with the program and become happy, productive citizens. Not everyone becomes a champion as measured by rings, ribbons and trophies, but every kid who has made it through 4 years here is a champion in my eyes.

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Let's start at the top. I was in Fargo last summer saw the Junior director coaching a cadet. Now this may be legal but he moved of "his own volition" seems just a little questionable. Please do not try to insult me Mr. Thornton. It is not becoming of intelligent people . Yes facts are facts.


I didn't try to insult you, I did insult you, but I did not start this fight unclelouie (whoever you may be).  Attempting to smear a coach I count as one of my best friends and a program built from the ground up with countless hours of work is something up with which I will not put. So is it really your contention that a coach from Indiana coaching a wrestler from Indiana in Fargo is evidence of undue influence? Have you talked to the cadet in question or his family? If not then case closed, stop talking.

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I didn't try to insult you, I did insult you, but I did not start this fight unclelouie (whoever you may be).  Attempting to smear a coach I count as one of my best friends and a program built from the ground up with countless hours of work is something up with which I will not put. So is it really your contention that a coach from Indiana coaching a wrestler from Indiana in Fargo is evidence of undue influence? Have you talked to the cadet in question or his family? If not then case closed, stop talking.


You are paranoid. I don't think I mentioned anything about a conspiracy Or the dreaded "undue influence". I just questioned "of his own volition" as a little naive. Funny that you like to leave some information out and play on words in other quotes of fact that you make. There is a game called Fact or CRA....  To your quotes I say


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I can see how Perry could get offended here.  I officiate and coach and I see their coaches everywhere.  From Middle school events to elementary duals.  They are as hardworking of a coaching staff as I have seen.  I hope one day we recognize how lonely it can be as you reach the top.


This is a case of getting success by putting the time in.

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