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Everything posted by SLDchamp

  1. I know they have rankings, but everybody disagrees somewhere along the line. Who are this years 14 gonna be?
  2. Who are some of the most significant or best wrestlers who have gone down hurt this year??
  3. If you are good enough to win a state title, than and only than, do whatever the hell you want. Who cares if they do a backflip or whatever it might be. But noboby wants to see somone run around holding up a #1 after winning their first round at sectionals
  4. We are talking possible 90 pounds..with a big athletic heavy i dont think he would stand a chance once he gets underneath. He has a signature high crotch and that involves getting under his opponent. Maybe if we was more of an outside/low single, quick style wrestler he would fair better. I just think that would be too much for him to handle.
  5. Undefeated with 5 matches, and previously a champ at 25?? I dont think he cant hang with the others but i find it unfair to Lawson and Lough to be seeded under him
  6. 1.Tsirtsis 2.Jackson 3.Brooks 4.Ayersman 5.Sliga 6.Boston 7.Molloy 8.McKinley 9.Todd 10.Mullins Honorable mention:Willis, Campbell, Mappes, Micic, Hartman
  7. Tsirtsis is good, but not that good, giving up 35 pounds there is no way he could hang with Willis or Mappes, same goes for sliga. Weight can really make a difference when you give up that much, taking nothing away from Mitch or Jason they are definetly two of Indiana's best
  8. Mappes at 70 has some good matches this year, he has pulled it off in close and ot matches, Willis better not be on his heals when he faces this kid
  9. Borta beat Hugo from Frankfort and will see him again this weekend. He has been pinned by Molloy and McKinnley..dont know many other guys but i dont see him making it to ticket round let alone consico
  10. I think Mccloskey should have his weigh against either one, Miller and Reeves could be a barn burner though
  11. I remeber that kid from last year. He is tough, lost to Cathedral correct? Do you know the score of that match
  12. 4-1 at Calumet, lost to lowell in a close match. It will be interesting to see him at regionals when he will tested
  13. 32 the only question at 32 is Perez or Borta now, with nave out of the picture. 38 and 45 should be great. Hope they can live up the hipe.
  14. Campbell is tough..but with 5 losses he is obvioulsy beatable, and i think Barrett of Southmont could be the one to do it. Whichever of the two comes out on top will have another battle with judy. should be two amazing matches
  15. 1 Nick Bova- Perry Meridian 11th 2 Josh Farrell- Greenfield Central 11th 3 Robbie Elsea- New Palestine 11th 4 Conner James - Roncalli 9th 5 Cody Handley- Northeastern 11th 6 Collin Campbell- Lebanon 11th 7 Mike Venezia- Indpls Cathedral 12th 8 Dan Barrett- Southmont 11th 9 Josh Blanton- Alexandria 12th 10 Jake McCoy- Franklin County 12th 11 Jake Bottoms- Richmond 12th 12 Dylan Lydy- Ben Davis 9th 13 Ivory Dureson- Lawrence North 11th Very tough weight class, hopefully Venezia can get another shot at Cambell, and if not hopefully Barrett can get another shot at Venezia. 3rd-8th is up for grabs
  16. I wont be able to make it, but if you arnt to embarressed by what happens, please post ,Darrell
  17. My mistake, we will have to see how it plays out saturday. Please post results
  18. Keep an eye open for Chandler Moore of Southmont at 120, he will be there, the question is can he do any damage
  19. 1 Wesley Bernard- Indpls Cathedral 10th 2 Donte Winfield- Perry Meridian 11th 3 Richard Brown- East Central 11th 4 Hayden Janney- Hamilton Southeastern 12th 5 Stevens-Fishers 6 Joe Garland- Rushville 11th 7 Tyler Uhls- Shelbyville 11th 8 Larry Carter- Warren Central 11th 9 Jake Beasley - Frankton 12th 10 Sam Torres- Lawrence Central 11th 11 Brandon Williams- Beech Grove Burkheart from Southmont?? 2 losses on the season, and went to New Castle soph year. Lost to Wesley Bernard 2-1. This kid is for real, and btw beat Tyler Uhls last year
  20. 132 1 Jared McKinley- Perry Meridian 12th 2 Levi Moss- Ben Davis 11th 3 Luke Blanton- Alexandria 11th 4Nick Borta- North Montgomery 10th 5 Robert Duncan- Arsenal Tech 11th 6 Jarrin Milakovich- Lebanon 11th 7 Brennan Ellis- Roncalli 12th 8 Garrett Port- Richmond 12th 9 Brant Larson- Indpls Catheedral 10 Michael Steele- Westfield 10th 11 Mitch Snyder Hamilton Southeastern 12th 12 Austin Fuller-Union County 13 Cody Cecil- Greenfield Central 11th 14 Garrett Wilson- Franklin Central 9th Borta at 4th? He will have a tough enough time getting to semi-state and you have him at 4th? He will get a wake up call from Hugo Perez and definetly Neal Molloy this week at SAC tourney
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