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What's Up with IHSAA Weight Allowance for Regional?


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I just heard from a coach that will be wrestling in the Logansport Regional that the IHSAA has denied any pound allownces due to the bad weather over the past three days for this site.  The explanation goes somthing like this:  Even though some of the schools at this site have been out of school for the past 3 days, since Wednesday (Cass, Delphi, and at least one other), to include yet today (Friday), they do not qualify for any additional pound(s) because there was an opportunity for them to practise in a so called "optional practise".  The IHSAA has defined an "optional practise"  as a practise where the coach or other  staff member could get to the school, normally due to living in that community and not in the country and they called their wrestlers to tell them "if you can make it in,  I will be here".  When at least one wrestler was able to get to the practise then they had an "optional practise"!  As most of the folks know in these rural areas, there was no way with all the snow, sleet, ice and high winds that the majority of the kids on any of these teams could make it in.  Most of them could not even get out of their driveways/lanes!  But then on the other hand at some of the Indy school sites the IHSAA  has allowed the 2 lb allowance for school being closed for two days.  Doesn't seem like a just decision to me.  JMO

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