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Penn Kingsmen win the Al smith classic ..


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Congrats to Penn.  Penn is likely to be the perfect situation.  I did not go there, but I could see my kids attending there some day.  Well, I don't have kids yet, but you know what I mean.  You have a top coach in Harper who will likely be there for the next 30 years.  A large student body where one can field a competitive team even in 'off' years.  A student population that is middle class to upper middle class where parents have the $ to spend on camps, freestyle, clubs, tournaments, trips.  A youth program with 250 kids from just K-5th grade. 


And remember these Penn wrestlers who won the Al Smith have only been with Harper for 2.5 years.  Just imagine what Penn is going to be like in another few years when the ball is really rolling.

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