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IHSWCA clinic idea

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First, allow me to apologize in advance if this has already been discussed and I missed it or have forgotten.


This idea is based on the fact that most coaches today (who are teachers) do not have a "life license", therefore, we must accumulate 90 contact hrs OR 6 college credit hours every 5 yrs to "renew" our teaching license.


My question or thought is this:

Would it be possible to offer a type of seminar/workshop in conjunction with  our IHSWCA clinics in which teacher/coaches could accumulate a few contact hrs to apply toward their license renewal?


Surely, we could come up w/ a workshop topic appealing to all coaches who attend  the coaches clinics (teachers and lay coaches) that would also satisfy the Dept of Ed's criteria for license renewal credit hrs. Personally, I would be interested as a teacher and a coach to attend a seminar on a topic such as: Adolescent psychology, nutrition, exercise physiology, sport law, athletic administration, athletic injuries - care and prevention, etc.


Here's some reasons why I think this might help some individual coaches as well as increase IHSWCA membership and clinic attendance.


1) Some schools have stopped allowing coaches to take "professional days" to attend coaching clinics. Perhaps, they may if there are "professional" teaching benefits.

2) Appeal to those who don't always attend clinic on a regular bases..........attend clinic AND benefit as a teacher......kill 2 birds w/ 1 stone.

3) Another way to prove that we (IHSWCA) are a professional and legitimate organization.

4) More educated coaches is always a good thing.




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Well thought out idea. I think this could be a useful in many different ways. The issue would be continuing to find topics that would connect with wrestling and satisfy the educational criteria.


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Maybe broaden it as either applying wrestling in a PE setting or an "Ethics in Coaching" that might not be specific to one sport. It would be tough to pass this off as something that affects test scores, since that's all the state cares about now. Worth a shot though.

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