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Twas the night before Christmas


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Twas the night before Christmas

And all through the house

Not a wrestler was stirring

Not a Coach or his spouse


The children were nestled

All snug in their beds

While visions of victories

Danced in their heads


Their singlets were hung

On their doorknobs with care

In hopes that a medal

Would soon join them there


When out on the lawn

There arose such a clatter

I sprang from my bed

To see what was the matter


And what to my sleep filled

Eyes did appear?

But a man with a bag

Full of wrestling gear


He wore a striped shirt

A ref he must be

But what was he doing here

Talking to me?


He looked in my eyes

And he said with a smile

I have something to tell you

So sit for a while


He said you're a winner

I've seen your medals all right

But the true "Seasons" about

A baby born on this night


When you're out on the mat

Don't forget who you are

Think of the brave wise men

Who followed the star


If your arms raised in victory

Or you suffer a loss

Remember who died

His arms spread on the cross


He picked up his whistle

And he blew it aloud

And then he was gone

In a blue misty cloud


I wandered inside

Not sure what to do

But deep down inside

I think that I knew


I fell to my knees

I thanked God for the "Season"

It's not just about wrestling

I have now come to reason


I will work out my best

I will still strive to win

I will head lock and cradle

To achieve the big pin


But when the bracket is finished

The mat's rolled away

I will simply be thankful

That I wrestled today


For sometimes our gifts

Are wrapped up with a bow

And sometimes they're simply

In things that we know


So parents and coaches

Please take time in this "Season"

To hug your young wrestlers

And tell them the reason


It is not because

They have lost or they've won

It is because you are proud

Of the job they have done


So I'll turn out the lights

It is late now it seems

Merry Christmas to all

Wrestle well in your dreams


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