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What is the rule on kids transferring???


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The new open enrollment in Indiana allows any kid to transfer to another school without paying tuition.  The school has to accept him (in case there is no room).  This has no change on the IHSAA, however.  If the previous school challenges the transfer and claims it was for athletics the IHSAA can declare him ineligible.

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It's not always for athletic reasons. I have a friend that transfered her oldest daughter last year, and just this year switched her younger 3 kids.  When she transfered her oldest it was because the school she was at did not work for her.  IT did at the time work for the younger ones. Then after seeing the academic differences between the schools she decided to switch all 4 for them for this schol year.  I see no problem with kids transfering schools. Just because a school is right for one kid does not mean it is okay for another.  If a local school would offer classes that my oldest would need to do better on her chosen path I would not have a problem tranfering her and leaving my other 2 where they are at! Also if my daughter who has alot of athletic talent is not going to be seen at the school she is at y not tranfer her somewhere that she is going to be seen.  She is only in jr high right now, but she is a wrestler and plans to continue through high school.

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