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ISWA Announces Change in State Finals Team Competition Format


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In 2009, in an effort to separate the Academy teams from the club teams, the ISWA eliminated the medium team division and replaced it with the Academy Division. 

However, due to lack of response in the Academy Division, the decision has been made to return to the format as it has been for the last several years.

1. To enter a team, your club must be an (ISWA) member club in good standing.

2. All wrestlers must be from the same ISWA member club.

3. Teams shall consist of Junior age wrestlers and younger. (Minimum of 4 wrestlers per team) 

4. The team competition will have three divisions:

SMALL CLUB DIVISION: 4 ? 9 wrestlers

MEDIUM CLUB DIVISION: 10-16 wrestlers

LARGE TEAM DIVISION: 17 or more wrestlers

Clubs are permitted to enter ALL wrestlers in their club that attend the state meet. Plaques will be awarded to the top 3 teams in each division. Awards will be to be mailed to all recipients


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