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Natalie Spidel

East Noble


  • Weight
  • Record
  • Semi-State
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  • Semi-State
    Fort Wayne
Year by Year Record
Recruiting Information
College Weight


SAT Score

ACT Score

Intended Major(s)

2023-2024 Results

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Nov 11 Win vs. Ella France Pin 2:59
Nov 11 Loss vs. Nevaeh Wilson Decision 6-0
Nov 11 Loss vs. Naima Ghaffar Pin 0:54
Dec 02 Loss vs. Lindsey Pugh Decision 1:56
Dec 02 Loss vs. Michelle Perez-Ahuatl Decision 6-0
Dec 16 Loss vs. Nevaeh Wilson Decision SV-1, 2-0
Dec 30 Loss vs. Nevaeh Wilson Decision 6-2
Jan 05 Win vs. Makyila Rubush Pin 0:41
Jan 05 Win vs. Christian Lewis Decision 4-0
Jan 05 Loss vs. Nevaeh Wilson Major Decision 9-0


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2024 125 IHSGW 6th
2023 126 IHSGW Qualifier

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