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Posts posted by Irani

  1. 1 minute ago, The Genius said:

    Kamran wrestled Yazdani 4-5 times over many years, trying to beat him. 

    Masoumi is 18-19 years old and already considering giving up. Not the same

    I agree it's WAY too early for Masoumi to give up and start comparing himself to the Ghassempour situation.  Look at how much Zare improved from 18 to year, there is every reason to expect Masoumi to get a lot better.  I do think he has a chance of beating Zare for 2028

  2. 12 minutes ago, Uwwdoc said:


    I think they are seriously considering it. I think there is financial benefits as well as the fact to get to go worlds, Olympics etc.


    Masoumi is probably top 3 heavyweight in the world and maybe in a year top 2. But I don't see him getting past Zare in the next few years or any time soon.


    I think the Masoumis would have liked for him to be going to the Asian games. Which to be fair in my opinion I think would be the best option all round, I feel all the Worlds guys should be resting up and not going to Asian games. And Masoumi would still get gold tbh.


    Ultimately I don't think it will happen. I don't think Dabir will let it/make it tricky and it is a big big decision with a huge social and political impact. The Russians are doing this all the time due to the talent they have and to be able to rep other countries.



    I could not agree more with the idea of sending Massoumi to the Asian games.


    Zare has nothing to gain by going there.

  3. You know, part of me wants to see this  .  Let Massoumi get a spot for another country in the olympics, and while we are at it, let Ghassempour do the same in 86.


    Just enjoy the wrestling and not worry about which country the medal goes to, we all know which country they are from.  I get upset everytime I think about Ghassempour never having a chance to wrestling in the olympics or face DT at his price

  4. 26 minutes ago, Uwwdoc said:

    Amirreza Masoumi's dad is meeting Dabir tomorrow. Azerbaijan have made an offer to Masoumi to wrestle for Azerbaijan...

    I hope they are not seriously considering the offer.  This would be a terrible outcome

    I understand that wrestling for another country may be his own chance to medal in 2024 olympics, but he is very young, and has a shot at 28 and 32 olympics

  5. Just now, danny rihani said:

    Maybe but not all nations participate at world cups, the world championships is the biggest wrestling event of the year and 20 years is a long time. Iran as a big wrestling country should host the event at least once in 10 years.

    I think if we could start by elevating popularity of wrestling in the top 8 countries, thst would be a great start.  Not counting on Italy or Spain any time soon, but would love for wrestling to get popular enough in US that the at least include the world championship on ESPN.  Same with India, Japan, etc 

  6. Just now, danny rihani said:

    Sad if the reason is only  because they don't allow womens to compete without head scarf.  But i don't know the real reason im just asking .

    If a country wants to host a UWW event, they have to abide by UWW rules.  That means women should be allowed to wrestle in UWW sanctioned attire, and thst cannot ban any other counties (eg Israel) from competing 

  7. I hope he realizes this may be a once in a life time opportunity for an Olympic medal.


    I personally consider him the top contender

    2 minutes ago, Uwwdoc said:

    Skipping it altogether....staying at 79 for 2025.


    Who knows a lot can change. But that's what he just said. 


    I personally think Nokhodi is a top wrestler and probably one of the nicest guys in the team. Such a shame he never got gold.


    If AM Yaz can control his emotions he can be good at 74....but that is such a tough division. If he could even get bronze that would be good.


    Let's see what the future holds.

  8. 1 minute ago, Uwwdoc said:

    Was just speaking to Nokhodi now. Doesn't want to compete in 74kg selection cycle. 


    AM Yaz is.


    Surprised about Nokhodi. Top wrestler. But he has his reasons which I won't go into.

    That is most disappointing 

    so is he skipping the Olympics or is he seriously considering 86?

  9. 11 minutes ago, kmrabr said:

    Bit of an exaggeration. Gazimagomedov, Shabanau, Tsabalov, I’m sure there are others. He’s handled losses before.

    Fair enough 

    As a senior wrestler, he had an undefeated period for a good while , won the Olympics, went to a higher weight, destroyed everyone he wrestled in the new weight, dominated DT for about 90 seconds before he got linned in the WC in Kermanshah

  10. Just now, Uwwdoc said:

    Combine it with the pressure and spotlight he is under, a lot of the non wrestling things in Iran... yeah absolutely.


    I heard there were 19million people on Instagram live to watch the match alone. Which is insane for a wrestling match. Not including the TV audience. Crazy. But if Taylor is the dominant one in the rivalry (for sure), there is no question who is the draw in terms of popularity. That's Hassan.

    100% agree

    The only silver lining may be that very few people expect him to beat DT anymore, so perhaps that will reduce the pressure a bit.

  11. 1 minute ago, Uwwdoc said:

    Of course, conditioning massive. And easier said than done. But honestly, psychologically I think that is a big thing here.

    At this point, yes, psychology is huge 

    the history is interesting, Yazdani is someone who never lost until he ran into Taylor, this is all new to him


    Taylor in the other hand took a journey to become the champion that he is and went through many defeats and disappointments before he became the force thst he is today


    Hassan is in Avery tough spot psychologically


  12. Just now, The Genius said:

    Strongly disagree. In recent matches he had no problem with his endurance and attacked for basically the full six minutes. His problem is with scoring points at all now DT has negated his underhook attacks. 


    He always used to lead after the first period but in the last two matches DT has led after the first period - it's not an endurance issue anymore. 

    Watch his first two matches, the pace of attack was 4 or 5 times the 3rd or 4th match, he was attacking at a much more measured pace after the first two matches

  13. 6 minutes ago, Uwwdoc said:


    I feel like he needs to go back to his roots. Wrestle the way he used to with the style we know that made him...him! Underhooks, pace, forward pressure, hand fighting.


    I feel he's become too scared of the counters and Taylors game in general, that he is forgetting about himself.


    I'm not saying he will 100% win if he does this. But I guarantee he will score points and has a better chance, and will be mentally in a much better place and give Taylor a proper match. More like match 1, 2, and 4. Add A bit of mat strategy and caution when required. He can become double Olympic champ-which ultimately is what really matters right? All that matters. Doesn't matter if the h2h is 5-2. If he is Olympic champ then in terms of legacy that will be all that matters, and I bet Taylor would rather have a double Olympic Gold than a positive h2h vs Yaz.


    It's very possible. Just also a big challenge. Both guys are warriors. I'm not a fan of those who say cause the other loses they suck or their weak etc.


    The problem with his old style was that it only worked if he teched or pinned his opponent in the first two minutes, otherwise he ran out of gas


    that is what happened in his first two matches against DT, he threw DT around like a rag doll and built a big lead and then ran out of gas


    if he can build his endurance to the point that he can do that for the entire match, he would win

  14. 8 minutes ago, The Genius said:

    The 65kg and 97kg draws were extremely lopsided this year.


    65kg top half: Amouzad, Otoguro, Mamedov, Musukaev and USA 


    97kg top half: Sadulaev, Snyder, Goleij, Baitsaev and Tazhudinov


    Nokhodi was also unfortunate with the random draw of Usmanov (the only guy better than him) in his half of the bracket. Emami also unlucky and likely would have won Bronze on the other half of the bracket.

     Very valid point

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