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Posts posted by Y2CJ41

  1. I don't have the data to do a 5-10 year trend, but I can look at the increased number of freshmen and sophomores that are qualifying for semi-state and state at the lower weight classes and see that there are less and less kids in those weights overall.  Also, I believe that the new weight management system has played a big role in the number of forfeits at the lower weight classes.  As I stated earlier, a kid that weighs 110lbs will have to have 13% body fat in order to legally compete at 103lbs.  Not many 110lb teenagers have that much body fat.


    That is probably zero to less than zero chance that we add another weight class, no matter where it is.  By adding another weight, no matter where it is, puts a great strain on schools that struggle to fill 14 weight classes already.  While I want increased participation in the sport, right now we are at our maximum number of weight classes and adding more weights would hurt small school competitiveness.


    There has been talk of decreasing the number of weight classes to 12 or 13, but I disagree with it and would rather try changing the weight classes around to combat the forfeit epidemic rather than cutting weight classes.  If changing the weights around does not decrease the number of total forfeits, I believe we should decrease the number of weight classes.

  2. Its not the IHSAA's call, they abide by the NFHS and their weight classes.  I know that they are honestly looking at the issue.  I know this for two reasons, first Pat Tocci at the NWCA has stated it and this year our head coach received documentation from the IHSAA via NFHS to record at which weights we forfeit during the season.  The IHSAA sent this out to 32 schools of all sizes. 

  3. On another board we were discussing this same issue and Pat Tocci with the NWCA stated a couple things.  First, the NWCA and NFHS were looking into a possible weight realignment.  Secondly in terms of forfeits he gave these two statistics.

    1. On an average, 103 accounts for 15-16% of the forfeits and 112 about 11-12%.

    That is NOT saying 15-16% of the matches at 103lbs are forfeits, but that of all the forfeits 15-16% of them are at 103lbs.  The average in a perfect world would be 7.14%.  It also means that 1/4 of the forfeits are within two weight classes. 

    2. The majority of the forfeits are at 103, 112, 171, and 189.


    This is compiled from data that I do not have my hands on.

  4. So if Karl and I have $1 million, everyone has to have $1 million, right?  That is a really weak analogy.


    Maybe last year was an anomaly, as I haven't seen as many forfeits this year as last.  Of course its early in the season too.  I will try to put together the same statistics this year during the state tournament and see if things changed much.

  5. AJ,

    At what point do you think there needs to be a change with the lowest weight class?  If 50% of the teams forfeited 103, 60%, 75%, 100%?  I'm just curious as to what your would determine a threshold for which you deem there being a need for change.

  6. Its not negative when its a fact.  Only 2/3rds of the schools in the state fielded a 103lber at sectional last year.  If that doesn't strike you as a problem, then at what point will it be a problem, when 40%, 50%, 75% of the teams fail to field a 103lber?



  7. Round 1 - Yorktown          54

                  South Adams    15

    Round 2 - Yorktown          72

                  Alexandria          9

    Round 3 - Yorktown          48

                  Fishers              18

    Round 4 - Yorktown          39

                  Roncalli            19

    Round 5 - Yorktown          57

                  Southwestern  24

  8. Da best coaches have da best assitants to make deem look good. Dat McGinely guy is one smart coach !

    That is 100% right, I learned very early in my coaching career that a head coach is only as good as his assistants.  Of course the Garrett head coach has overcome insurmountable odds and proved that a little wrong. :)

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