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used mat pieces for sale


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We have several used mat pieces available for sale.  It is a 1" thick wrestling mat that was used at the middle school level.  We have two that are 13'x10', two that are 14'6"x11'8", one that is 7'5"x 13'9", and 4 or 5 that are around 12'x5'.  If you would have interest please reply here or email me at justicewrestling@aol.com  i have several people that are already interested so dont wait bc they will probably move fast.  They are located in Marion, Indiana (Grant County) and you would need to come get them.  You can also call Alan @765-517-1906, leave a message on my work number if I do not answer, I will call you back as soon as I get it.  Thanks and let me know if you have any questions.

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350 each for the 14'6"x11'8" pieces, 300 for the 13'9"x10' pieces, 220 for the 13'9"x7'5" , and 120 to 150 for the smaller pieces around 4'10"-5'x11'9"-13'9"


I just sold our large 1/3rd piece today, here is what we have left as of right now.  People have made offers at asking price or above on one large piece, one medium piece and two small pieces but untill I have money in hand, anything is up for grabs.

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Half of the mat has been sold and picked up, here is what we have left


we have two 13'9"x10' pieces (300 each), 220 for the 13'9"x7'5" , and 120 to 150 for the smaller pieces around 4'10"-5'x11'9"-13'9"


a full 1/3rd and two large 15x12 and two 5x12 pieces are already gone....thanks for all the calls and emails.....please do not call unless you are serious about buying



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