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Posts posted by dolphaholic

  1. Torres Talks Bowles, Curran Hoopla and His Career Blueprint


    By Frank Curreri


    Miguel Torres knows he has a bull?s eye on that sturdy back of his. He knows that fighters like Brian Bowles, Jeff Curran and Joseph Benavidez dream of doing what Manny Tapia and 34 other Torres victims have failed to do. The WEC bantamweight champ also knows that being unbeaten for the past five years, and being widely considered one of the world?s top three fighters in the world at any weight class, will be little consolation if his opponent?s hand is raised at the conclusion of Torres? next bout. That is why after annihilating Tapia earlier this month, Torres (35-1) took only three days rest before resuming his training.


    In this revealing interview, the fast-talking man behind MMA?s most prominent mullet discusses the blistering jab that pulverized Tapia, the danger that Bowles poses as the division?s top contender, and the brouhaha sparked by Curran publicly parading for a crack at Torres? title.


    WEC: You pretty much destroyed Manny Tapia with a crisp and punishing jab. In your three previous WEC fights you didn?t use the jab nearly as much. Is that a new go-to weapon in your repertoire?

    Torres: ?I?ve actually had a game like that for a long time. Fighting in my local shows I used to fight like that a lot. I throw a lot of jabs, kind of like Lyoto Machida, a lot of strike and move. When I fought Yoshiro Maeda I was actually going to start using that jab, but when he cut me it drove me a little bit crazy and I went for the kill.


    ?The fight with Tapia was the perfect fight for me to showcase those skills because he was writing a check with his mouth that his body couldn?t cash. He said he wanted to come out and try to bang with me. I knew I was too tall for him to do that. I knew I had good boxing skills.?



    Sorry I don't know how to paste a link to this article, but to read the rest of it go to  http://www.wec.tv/

    Pretty cool read from a pretty cool and humble sounding fellow Hoosier.

  2. "It seems that a lot of Nog's mystique is from Pride and the Pride guys don't seem to do as well in the cage with the UFC rules.  Shogun, Mirko, and W. Silva haven't looked as good in the UFC as they did in Pride."


    It's called age and a lack of drug testing in Japan.

  3. how can freshman b ranked in high school rankings that has not wrestled any quality matches

    Cuz the guys making the rankings know something about wrestling and probably saw them at some point wrestle in the summer, I highly doubt the Y2-crew took some unkown freshman with no notable wins and threw them in the rankings. Relax if your guys that good he'll probably be ranked at some point in the season

  4. He's fighting Brian Bowles in April I think and the hot rumor is it's gonna be in Chicago. Bowles is the undefeated white guy that beat Will Roibero on Torres's last undercard. Kid looked tough but no match for the MULLET!

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