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Posts posted by WingMan

  1. Wow, I am struggling with this topic on this message board.  The color of an official's shirt should in no way reflect their performance or their perception of performance.  How about Indiana sticking with the stripes and having those official do the jobs that i have to believe they love to do?  The only complaint I have about Indiana officials is that there have been instances where fathers and siblings officiate their family member's matches...that is what needs to change, not their shirts.  There are specific names in which I won't list, but many of you may know.  There is a wrestler whose sister has the stripes and has officiated her brothers matches...some of you may know who I am talking about, I will just leave it at that.


    Is there a Queer Eye for the Straight Guy fan out there who is looking at Indiana wrestling for a make-over?  Truth be told, anyone involve in the match knows who the official is as well as who they are linked with, if at all.  It is the parents and coaches responsibility to teach respect.  Period.


    If parents don't realize who the official is, when there are only two wrestlers on the mat, then they need to get a bit of an education themselves.  That education is not the official's responsibility, it's theirs.


    Also, do we think it's a good idea to have high school wrestler's who have their offiating credentials (which I respect) officate high school matches?  I have asked this quesitons to officials and have yet to have received and answer. If you are a high school wrestler, with your officiating credentials, can you officiate high school, USA/ISWA state matches?  I have had no response on these questions.  But I think these question are a little better than the color of a shirt an official wears.


    Sorry for being so rude on this topic, but there are better things to discuss. 


    I have to say, my son who is a wrestler ( and we are talking about wrestler's here not parents - right?) is color blind.  He couldn't care less about what the ref is wearing.  He cares about fair and consistent calls.

  2. My son has been involved in Boiler Elite for a few years, and it has paid off. The Purdue coaches and wrestlers who manage this club are second-to-none.  This is a no-brainer for anyone living in the Lafayette area.  Great training, great work-outs, great competition and great coaches. 

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