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Posts posted by davit

  1. Its hard to argue the 119 weight class.  


    For conversation sake I will take 140 as the weight class that will be the toughest.  Of the 16 people ranked 13 of them have "state experience".  It also looks like many of them have wrestled each other.  There seems to be alot of parody in the weight class.  Sandefur along with a few others don't have a loss within the weight class yet.  


    Just throwing that out there for conversation purposes.

  2. If you have seen the brackets, there is the potential for some awesome matches at Al Smith.  The following are just some possible matches IF the seeds hold up.  We all know that the seeds RARELY hold up, so if you know somebody who could make some noise feel free to give them their props.  Just something to look at and discuss.


    103:  Stevens (MER) vs. Moore (EM) vs. Brooks (WAR) vs. Ayersman (LKC)

    112:  Baroquillo (PH)vs. Beck  (MIS), Nelson (LN) vs. Greisemer (PC)

    119:  Milton (CG) vs. Escobedo (LKC), Lamb (LOW) vs. Guerra (MIS)

    125:  Justin Brooks (WAR) vs. Zach Thornton (CHE), Garretson (PER) vs. Napules (MER)

    130:  Porras (HOB) vs. Quiroga (LN), Larowe (EN) vs. Harper (MIS)

    135:  March (EN) vs. Hill (JIM), Manbu (WAR) vs. Dillon (HOB)

    140:  Sandefer (MIS) vs. Hall (SBR), Stahl (EM) vs. Crump (CG)

    145:  Corpe (EM) vs. Davenport (PEN), Goodwin (LN) vs. Sparks (PER)

    152:  Baker (BEL) vs. Keener (War), Martin (NP) vs. Forte (MIS)

    160:  Kurtz (PH) vs. Morin (MIS), Monix (LOW) vs. Busse (BEL)

    171:  Lopez (NOR) vs. Spurgeon (JIM), Grimes (LN) vs. Mappes (CG) 

    189:  Woorden (PER) vs. Dorsey (CG), Sappington (EM) vs. Kepner (BC)

    215:  Baker (BEL) vs. Nacoski (LKC), Keigley (NP) vs. Cleveland (LOW)

    285:  Travis (MER) vs. Auces (SBR), Thomas (MIS) vs. Stone (JIM)

  3. It can be easy to put a title on a kid as tough just because he makes it to state, semi-state, etc....the great thing about wrestling is that I bet every coach on this board could name you 10 kids without thinking who he thought of as tough that never made it out of sectionals through state champions.  So many ways to think about "tough".  Good thread!

  4. Why will the IHSAA not go with what AJ mentioned earlier?


    Class the Team tournament, and keep the Individual the same!


    Classing a team tournament won't "taint" anything.  Ask any 1, 2, or 3A school if their classed state title in football or basketball doesn't mean as much to them.  They will get kids out the next year because they have a chance to win a state title, or at least get to the show.  A classed team tournament will only create more opportunities for the over all sport of wrestling.


    Keep the individual the same!!!

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