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Indywreslingfan last won the day on April 12 2017

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    I love the General

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Infant Gorilla

Infant Gorilla (1/15)



  1. I watched this young man at the Perry freestyle duals over the weekend. Every match he impressed me more and more. I've heard of him but have never watched him. I spoke with a couple parents and they said he is just a 7th grader. His final match I watched him tech fall Brayden Lowery in about 15 seconds.
  2. Agreed the good outweighs the bad 10/1. I should have went with my original thought of "bully" parents. As an onlooker it seems the toll one or two of these "personalities" takes on a program often multiplies over the fantastic parents.
  3. Agreed the good outweighs the bad 10/1. I should have went with my original thought of "bully" parents. As an onlooker it seems the toll one or two of these "personalities" takes on a program often multiplies over the fantastic parents.
  4. Thanks for the spell check,definitions, and video; However, the question still stands.
  5. In an age of instant gratification where consumers run the markets telling companies what they want, how they want access to it and what they will pay for it, have wrestling parents adopted this expectation for the coaches of their local clubs and school teams? With the options of wrestling venues exploding from private clubs to private school options, have we turned wrestling into a commodity? Gone are the days of wrestlers trudging to the wrestling room to grind it out and fight for their place in the line-up and here are the days where coaches spend all day in the room and evenings answering personal calls, texts, and emails from angry parents questioning every decision made and explaining why their kid deserves to wrestle this weight or that weight or can't make it to practice or help at an event. When did parents stop respecting the role of coaches so loudly. While clearly this is not every parent the numbers are growing, and coaches are left scratching their heads wondering when they lost control. More importantly feeling disappointed that despite the countless hours spent coaching, training, staying up at night stressing over their wrestlers wellbeing, parents still don't respect their decisions in their rooms. What are we teaching our kids if they don't get the spot they want they quit. They quit? Throw a fit? Transfer schools? When will the coaches be allowed to coach? When will we let the traditions and established processes be enough? When will parents sit back and support their coaches instead of vilifying escape goating them? When did we start letting people outside the rooms start calling the shots? And when will people begin to let go and let coaches teach young men and women how to persevere and grind out after maybe falling short? Are parents ruining wrestling?
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