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Article: February Madness


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It’s that time of year again here in Indiana, February Madness, and I’m not talking about basketball. There is a very strong community of diehard wrestlers, fans, and coaches in Indiana for whom late January and early February is a time of excitement, anxiety, and sleepless nights. Those involved know what is at stake this time of year and for many it has been a 13 year journey . I’m going to attempt to give you some insight. In my humble opinion, Indiana’s state wrestling tournament is the toughest in the nation for a wrestler to punch a ticket through to the Indiana high school state because of the number of wrestlers in the state, the single class system for wrestling, and the lack of wrestlebacks. Indiana competes well at the national level and is one of only 5 states that has a single class for their state tournament. Furthermore, Indiana is the only state that doesn’t have wrestlebacks in their State High School Tournament.

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10 minutes ago, Lawdiggity said:

Excellent article. Now if only my dumb brain could remember how to get back to this article each year for reference when I describe our tourney to out of town friends and family. 

Thank you. I will be posting this as a blog on my website. The article is more for those that are just learning about Indiana wrestling. Most of you already know everything that was written. 

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