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I know, this post is a bit boring for some as I usually stir up controversy. However, I genuinely am curious if anyone has any good links, articles, or books on nutrition specifically to do with wrestling, or weight cutting. ie-not weight loss in general, or weight loss for fatties! Perhaps some athlete nutrition, that sort of thing.


Thanks to anyone who posts.


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This is my 2 cents, I very well could be wrong.

I feel like there is a lack of books/articles written on weight loss for wrestling (weight cutting) for one simple reason.  It's not healthy!  You really cant justify losing weight by 'cutting', it is not good for you and it is dangerous. 


There is not going to be any sort of 'scientific' literature out there because it is not ethical to run those types of studies on athletes.  Any physiologist that submitted a proposal to do a study that's purpose is to find the most efficient way to severely dehydrate athletes while maintaing athletic performance would get laughed it.  Maybe even fired.  Its unethical, dangerous, negligent and just poses too much a liability on whatever organization/individuals wants to run such study.


The lack of studies leads to a lack in overall realiable information out there.  Thus, we all pretty much go by tips from those who did it before us and trial and error

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"nutritional weight loss" is actually very simple......eat good healthy foods, about 6 smaller sized meals per day and have a good cardio regimin in place......and you will stay lean and healthy......some will have to work a little harder at it than others but that will in 98% of the cases  keep you in a "lean" state......super ripped with 3% bodyfat?.....maybe not that but it will put in a position to achieve that type of condition.....just remember that very low body fats are not good for extended periods of time....that is the "issue" with cutting weight for wrestling.....i'm sure we all wish no one would do it and everyone would just wrestle at their "normal" body weight.....never gonna happen.....so.....if you're going to cut weight, be sensible about it.....start early in the pre season getting your eating schedule on track with natural foods and smaller portions.....this will get you to the point where you can be lean and mean......without the last minute drastic overnight "i gotta lose 5 pounds" situations......both of my boys do this and stay very close to their weight all the time.....it's a little bit of work but well worth it in the end.....and best of all......IT'S HEALTHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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