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How did you get your screenname?


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My son was all of 60 lbs as a fifth grader on his Jr. Football team, where the average size looked to be about 120 - and the largest kid was 180!  As the smallest kid on the team, he was dubbed "Weeman".  That name has stuck - even though he has finally grown to be a huge 112 pounder as a Sophomore!   :D 


Some of his friends started calling me Weemom about three years ago.


Thats a relief, I thought it might have something to do with bladder control or you were terrible at french.




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55 was football number(i was a linebacker if anyones cares) and i wrestled 189 my senior year, which was last year(one year out of high school and im up to 220), and the midget part, im not exactly tall...5'7", i never in my life wrestled anyone shorter than me

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while in high school my team was doing agility drills and when i actually got the rythm of the steps down i was stompping(easy to do when u wear size 14 shoes and weigh 250). My coach, TripleB(who i think has no room to talk), looks at me and says "ogre dont understand?" all the other coachs heard it and it kinda caught.

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We were pulling into the Tournament of Champions tournament the first time we went and I saw this license plate that said tkdwn2. I knew we were at the rigt place and it was probably going to be a short day fro my son.


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My last name is Bentz and in college some of my team mates started calling me Big Body Bentz, after the Mercedes. I never really understood the Big Body part. Anyway, it was eventually shortened to TripleB (late 90's pro wrestling craze contributed to that). On the old board it was Icon, part of a running joke between me and friends. It was so often confused with Triple Bicon, that I dropped the Icon and kept Triple B


And Ogre, I was pretty Light on my Toes for a size 15 HWT

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I was the first of 3 sons.  Who knows what the original plans were for my parents, other then having a brood of some undetermined size.  But as it happened, there was some difficulties following my birth.  For years they struggled to have their second child.  Finally a "new" Doctor came to town (Dr. Hung Ko Cho, 4'11"....seriously) and in a 15 minute out patient procedure assured my parents that he had fixed the problem and sure enough mom was expecting within weeks.....of course I was almost 10 yrs. old by then.


So she brought the new kid (awood2) home from the hospital and told me his name...being a 10 yr. old wiseguy, I said he would get his arse kicked constantly on the playground with that stupid name!  Of course she was heartbroken.  She had put a lot of thought (almost 10 years) in to this name.  It would have the same initials as I and somehow she thought that was great.  So when she found out another was due 5 months after awood2 was brought home, she told me it was my job to pick the name this time.  So of course I stuck with the program and used the same initials.


So years later when I started shooting off my pie hole on this board, people would see the "awood" and assume that they knew who was writing it.  Truth was, it wasn't the awood that most thought it was...it was his 10+ older brother.  As time lapsed and awood2 continued to be involved more and more on a local level moving from punk HS kid to college, then somewhat of a responsible adult, ....and I continued to shoot off my mouth.....I thought it only fair to give some disctinction to WHICH awood I was to save him the recoil from remarks that I made.  So I am awood1, most of you who read this and "think" you know who I am probably are thinking of awood2, and if you know awood2, you have probably shared a few cocktails with awood3 at some point.

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no in all serious ness its cause i LOVE this guy


He has coached me for the last 7-8 years and i know i would be no where with out him helping me all those years so yes you can all know Fabio jr. is because Fabian Chavez is like my second Dad


I knew that...and I knew the guy in the photo when he was your age...at the risk of being a dope, I have the Lion King "Circle of Life" ringing in my head! HAHA ;D  He is a good guy, despite his mothers name selection (and I still think he got a better choice then his brother!)

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