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Characteristics of a great Wrestler


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Broad Shoulders, big fore-arms, huge lats, a grip like a pitbulls bite, the urge to throw somebody on their face when they give you a hug (sorry g-ma), strong will, a splash of arogance, a ton of sportsmanship, wrap that all up in a thick leather bag and you got a pretty good wrestler...haha

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JTM2004 has it correct.  I would also add the following (some of my points have already been made):

1.  Humility

2.  The ability to turn it on and off depending on your competition (not cool embarrassing kids if you are the superior athlete)

3.  The ability to choke down steamed, broiled or any food not fried to make your parents happy during wrestling season.

4.  Eating a salad like it's your last meal.

5.  The maturity of knowing when not to run the Jap on your mother (in my experience that is about the age of 13).

6.  Getting up at 5 am to go work out before school and not complain.

7.  Spending time with the little kids in the wrestling programs...and understanding why it's important.

8.  Not complaining to the official during a match.

9.  Coming home from a match and actually understanding the rules and knowing the when/where and why they got screwed by the official, but the conversation is in your living room (see item #1 on humility as well as item #8) not on the mat or during the meet/match.

10.  Thinking cauliflower ear is cool and trying to convice parents that head gear isn't cool if not required in the tournament that they are participating in.  (OK, so that is just stupid.))

11.  Finally realizing that tribal tattoo's lack individuality, unless they are actually from a tribe.

12.  Appreciating GoldBond powder  (ok, so maybe that's more football)

13.  Understanding that the weakest wrestler on the team is still important and no matter what the score is, standing on the sidelines of the mat and cheering said weak wrestler on as if he can actually do it (and we have all seen those matches where the weaker wrestler has done it).

14.  Conditioning, conditioning, conditioning...both mentally and physically.

15.  Withstanding nose-tampons shoved into their nose in a crowded gym to stop bleeding only to get back on the mat to bleed more.

16.  Sportsmanship...

17.  Friendship with their opponents whether they win or lose.

18.  The skill to wrestle mad, but have sportsmanship while doing so.

19.  Making a point to read WIN magazine from front page to last page and having only great things to say about those Indiana boys noted in it (even if you have lost to them...see item #1 on humility).

20.  Knowing when they got their butt kicked and not making excuses for it...my favorite rule.


I could go on...but think I made my point

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Couple of Thoughts...


"The ability to turn it on and off depending on your competition " - I?m going to go ahead and disagree. A good wrestler will have it turned on all the time. It's the other guys job to keep from getting pinned quickly...not yours.


Johnny McEnroe might take exception to #8.


#11 is one of the better points posted on this board in years.




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And I thought the responses would be on the appreciation of GoldBond!


#21...knowing the competition through-out the season, wins/losses/placements and their weakness.  In my opinion, that is a great wrestler as it takes time and commitment as it is research and great wrestler's know their competition.


In regards to item #11...There will never be another tattoo like Sean M's...he set the stage with that one and there are many, many kids who want a tattoo unique to them on their thigh...mine included (but at least he isn't looking for a long-lost tribe).  I hate to say it as a parent, but Sean's tat is pretty cool and took some balls.  So with this being said, here is #21.A...


21.A :  Understanding that tattoo's mark you forever and you better be able to back up what you advertise. 


#22:  Grades, nothing is more dissapointing to a team, coach or parent to see a key wrestler flunk off the team.  In regards to elementary, middle-school and high school wrestlers, this probably should have been #1 on my list.


#23:  Appreciating a great coaching staff and that includes the managers, the assistants, the head coaches and the custodians who clean their mats.  Who hasn't watched a match only to see the young manager signal the coach with a point dispute only to be right?


If I had to vote on the best quality of a wrestler it would be several that have been mentioned but I hate to say it, the comment on a vice grip like a pit-bull really says it all (along with humility).

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